PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 21, 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS q3ERVI ~ CES ARICLE] ARICLES OFI PACE ANED M-EDTO FO AEFOR SALE FOR RT 4f% niJ DUSTY DOLLIES Quallty Cleaning WIth A Difference Cail 686-3888I RUG CLEANING SPECIAL Have ,Vour Llvlng-Room, Dinlng-Room And Hfalway 0f Any Sîze Cieaned For 8.40.00. Ail Work la Guarantaed. For Appoîntment Cal: ' MUSIC LESSONS for violin and gultar. By Professionai Inetruc- tor. 668-3741. LICENSED PAINTER and paperhanger $10 per hour f irm, ehop aI home service, written guarantea, discount on paint, references avallabla, f ree astimate or advlca. Caîl Ron 728- 7430. PRIVATrE X.C SKI LESSONS 0f. fered from axparlenced Nordlc skier. Any aga beginnar 10 advan- ced. Cali anytime. Doug 725-6704. Pray for snow. AEONcEMENTS OPEN HOUSE Mary Kay Cosmetice. Thureday, Dacamber 22. 7:00 p.m. Special Christmas Savînga. 3042 Ebony St., Ajax. CONGRATruLAriTIS on your forthcomlng marriage. Please vew our samples of, angraved waddlng Invitations ai your lai- sure ln our Aax Plaza store. Dick- son Prlntlng & Office Supplies 683-1968. ANTIQUES We poulah bolIers, ketties, oil lampa, etc. Mînor repaira, brase laquering, also moat makes of cookware repaired and refnshed. Caîl683- 1180. LICENSED PLUMBER wlth years of experlence plus weli developed akilia ln ail the Con- struction Trades. $16lhour. Cali John 686-1452. RAT HOME IMPROVEMENTS, renovations 10 ail roome. Drywall, textured spraying, drop cellinga, f ree estimates. 728-2974. EAVESTROUGH CLEANING ser- vice and repaire, Iandacaping, fali dlean up work. Cali Paul 579- 7492, eveninge. FREE needie craft kits and ac- ceseorles, when you hoat a creative circle party. Cali Linda 683-8719. FREE: Drop Int the Dickson Prlntlng & Office Supply store ln the Ajax Plaza and pick up a free copy of thelr 1983 Metric Calen. dar. PrInted ln two colours, il makes for handy reference. 683- 1968. PETS& SUPPLIES FREE kttena. Phone 6558807 af- ter 6 p.m. EDUCATIONAL EDUEAiIONA' SERVICES SERVICES The "Dawn" Christadeiphians Invite you to study the Bible via, asystematlc organlzed Correspondence Course. .Enrole now. Write for; The "Dawn" ChrIstadelphian CorrespondenCe Course, To: The Dawn ChrIstadoîphlans, P.O. Box 393 Ajax, Ontario, LiS 3C5 "1GRAMMAR for people who hata grammar" la the ideai pockat reference book for business people'. $3.95 par copy and avait- able aI Dlckson Printing & Off Ice Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Dealer anquirias InvIted 683-1968. TYPEWRITER rentai, manymakes and modela, by the weekand, week or month. Discounts aval- able. Dickaon PrInting & Office Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Cait us for buaines4 machine repaire 683-1968. CALL 668-111 to place your ar- ticle for sale. ARTICLES FOR SALE] SALT COD for sale from Maritimes. Inquire at 728-U696. CHESTERFIELD suites, lova- seats, sactionais, leas than 'h prîce. Large selection. McKeen Furniture. 524 Slmcoe St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. JEWELLERY, engagement rings, GM rings bought and sold. All repaira and wil trade. 728-0906. MATTRESSES and box apringseat haif prîce. McKeen Furnitura, 524 Slmcoa Street South, Oshawa. 725-5181. FOR SALE up.right organ. Good condition. Phone 668-1607. PRINTING PRESS Muiti 1250, single lever, wlth chaîn delivery and spray unit and NuArc Flip top piatemaker. Beat reasonable of- fer. Caii Mîke at 666-6372 days. VISIT our used furnIture ware- house by appointment. Big savinga on deaka, chairs, fiiing cabinets, etc. Cail Dickson PrInt- Ing & Office Supplies 10 arrange an appolntment to vlew. 683- 1968. KINECTICO - World's fîneat water softener and filtera, uses very 11111e sait and no electrIcity. Gary Young Plumbing, 655-4936. GEOTYPE press-on lettering now ln stock at Dlckson Prlnting & 0f- f ice Supplies ln the Ajax Shop- ping Plaza. Large salection of styles and sizes. Why pay more for a amaller sheet of ietterlng? 683-1968. bo Ip- ------- eoqf 7UTMOBILES FOR SALE 1981 COUGAR SEDAN 6 auto, power steering and brakes, air, stereo and more. $6100 or best of fer. 655-3174. 1977 HONDA CIVIC rebuilt engine, 5 speed transmission. Extra engine, transmission and more parts. $1,200. 661038. 1973 ASTRA 4 cylinder, 4 speed, new brakes, clutch and battery, Sony AMIFM cassette. Needa minor body work. Muat be seen. $450. Cati Ron 683-7956. AUVOTIVE U RIIP IPARIRPARTS] TWO SNOW TIRES F78x14 and 5.60x15 VW snow tires. Two ER78xl4 summers. AIso 1973 Charger Special Addition for par- ta. 6554786. M.B.M. Pubilshlng 131 Brock St. N. Whitby 668-6111 FOR SALE dry mixed hardwood. 15",. Delivered. 66&.5735. JEWELRY FOR SALE lnciudlng exqulslte three strand neokiace. 150 rubies, 150 dlamonds. Ap- praised $7,500, seli for $3,000. 668-1832. 'HEROES of the Bible" colourlng book avallable ai Dlckson PrInt- Ing & Office Suppiy, Ajax Plaza. 683-1968. Deaier Inquiries ln. vited. FIREWOOD Top Quality HARDWOOD, MAPLE AND BEECH Seasoned, Ready To Bum, Cut& Spli Dellvery Avalable ½ cord (4'x8'x16ll'>$60 One Cord $165 985-8284 or 985-8036 Port Perry 25% OFF ail SELKIRK lnsulated chlmney producte. Similar discounts on woodstovea and fireplace Inserts. Whlle Supplies Last. 576-2255. FOR SALE office desk and chair with two filing drawers. Phone 655-3932 aflter 6 p.m. FOR SALE Hard Maple WeII Seasoned 15 Months Oid Drywood $45 a sIngle cord (705>454-8260 WHITDY OFFICE SPACE for rent on professîonal floor. Wouîd b. suitabie for iawyer, accountant, etc. Rantiincludes ail utilittes and la negotiable for an appropriate tenant. For further Information cail 668-6372 between. 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday 10 FrIday. (EARTNTS/ CcNSORRN T FR RENT ONE 13EDROOM apartment ln email Port Whltby building. Adulte only. $350 per month In- cludes frldge, stove, hydro and parking. Cable TV and laundry facilîties available. Phono 668- 6372 betwean 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. PICKERING VILLAGE dlean fur- nlehed rooma for rent. Phone 6W3- 7875. LARGE TWO BEDROOM Whitby trl-piex. Broadioomed, bÃaicony, quiet building, suite mature adulte. 0475 monthly. Avalable January or February. 689655. SERVICES BUTTERFLY Daycare Centre No. 2 Open 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Qualfled Staff Hot Meals Age From 6 Weeks To 6 Vears OId 309 Beech St. Whltby 668-8927 OR, 571-0031 DAY CARE availabie ln my home. Thornton No. 2 area. Tetephone 576-8650. RELIABLE MOTHER wishes 10 do day care ln my home. Ages 2 and up, part or full lime. Hot lun- ches, daiiy outinga, large play area and yard. Thornton and King. 579-9968. WANT UsedAppiane - -I. CINR 131 Hrw dAve. NeA B s. 3359 **n63'83 WE BUY COINS Collections, accumulations, old gold and sterling, paper money, stamps. BEN'S COIN & STAMP SHOP McLAUGHLIN SQUARE ,0 Richmond St. E., Oshawa 579«2622 Open Tues.-Sat. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. WE BUY and SELL USED APPLIANCES WE RECONDITION AND GUARANTEE f iS AUCTION SALE BOXING DAY MON. DEC. 26 11:00 AM Brookîin Community Centre for the estate of the late Miss Phoebe Foster. Hundreds of an- tiques and CoîleCtîbles. Another super, holiday auction. EARL DAVIS AUCTIONEER 728-4455 CASH FOR jeweîlery, furnîture, coins, antiques, one Item or a houseful, or even the house. 728- 4455. CARS WANTED for scrap, top price. Cali 576-9644. THE CLASSI FIEDSI oà C)w WHITBY FREE PRESS 668.6111 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be hiable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publica- tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to cîassify or reject ail advertise- ments. Ads must appear in the paper one day before they can be changed or Cancelled. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words; 1ic each addition. aI word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Ple'ase have your Visa card ready when caliing. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irsi 100- words; 124; each additionai word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 words; 12oeeach additional word. AUCTION SALES - 34e per line. (No word ads allowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additional cbarge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make every en- deavour to forwara replies to box numbers, however, we ac- cept no liabiiity regarding loss or damage alieged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding such replies. We wili flot be responsible for box number replies not calied for within 30 days. DEADLINF.S: Monday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Cîassified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 CHECK OUR LOW EVERYDAY PRICES On new chesterfields, bedroom sets, colonial dining mont.s, and kitchen suites, beds, etc. ELMER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor St. E. (At Riteon> Oshawa >7286347 - Hardwood" SPIIT KINDLING . 20 IL.$ bundie$45 A winter supply $-1 200 of 3 bundis m& Mukes fire starig S0 EASY Ken Spratley Apple Baskets ---Kinsale 655-4547 , rý D ORT AUTO GLASS IERRY & TRIM >139 Water St. MOBILE SERVICE 985-8507 Windshields, Vinyl Convertible Tops and Complete Interiors, Boat Tops & Seats, Sn Roofs, Pin Stripes & Mouldings