WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEIJNESOAY DECEMBER 28,1 983, PAGE il '83IN RE-VIEW f 51 REGISTER9 CONTINUOUS, CARBONIZED & MUISCR A COMPLETE PRUNTING SERVICE - 218 Harwood Ave,.SS, Ajax Shopping Plaza, Ajax Telephone 416-683-1968 and 416-683-1970 NewYear's Greetings ta ait of Our fine frie-nds and patrons. W. hope the next year wili bring you happiness and success. BETTY'S FASHIONS 112 Brock St. N. Whltby 668-4141 Durham Region bids for dome stadium Durham Region bas entered the biddlng for a dome st.adium with -a 12 page'report submitte8 to a provincial stadiuxn study committee. Durham is -proposinig a covered stadiumn be built on one of four sites- the Stevenson ndustrial Park (Oshawa) im- mediately west of Iroquois Park and south of the 401 (Whitby), irnmediately west of - Regional Road 23 and south of the 401 (Ajax) or north of, the, 3rd Con- cession and east- of Whites Road (Pickering). Regional Chairman Gary Herrema is main- taining a restrained op-_- timism 'that Durham's proposai will be accep- ted. "We know it's a' longshot but if we didn't take a- shot at it we'd neyer get it, " he said. " I would say we have about a 25 percent chan- ce of success. " The proposed sites have been selected after satisfying six requirements of locational criteria. A minimum of 300 acres is neressary to provide adequate parking for" the stadiumn facility with additional land avallabie for future ex- pansions or to ac- comodate reiated uses Excellent access to Highway 401 and Go Transit and future GO-ALRT transpor- tation corridor was a requirement. The sites ail involve predomninantly pubiicly- o-wýned lands which are available for a gover- nment project. First Whitby's Marigoid- Festival. has been rescued - thanks to a lit- tie assistance rom Town Council.. Council voted Monday night to not only buy back ail unsold Marigold passport coins at 75 cents each, they wili also forget about' a $1,307 charge for-rentai of Iroquois Park during the festival. CouncilJor Marcel Brunelle warned the Marigold Festival ('ommittee t.his sort of Visiios May the joys of this festive season be yours.0 DENNIS CLEANERS 114 LUPIN DR. WHITBY 666-1312 Marig The sites ail exhibit a high degree of com- patibllty with adjacent land uses. The selected sites would not threaten the current enironment. Ail sites can be provided with municipal water and sewer ser- vices . and sufficient plant capacity' is availabie to service the proposed ',covered st.adium and related development. Herrema said available space, for imrking and.new roads ,""iuld he major advani- ,.ages of the stadium !%e.tng Tlocated i n ;old Festivi practice would likely only be acceptable in the festlval's inaugurai yea r. ',If WC have,- a situation like this next year, M'I have a great deal of difficul1ty agreeing with this sort of thing, " he said. Howard Smith, chairman of, the Marigold Committee, conceded there were difficulties with this year's festival butý thought the probiems could be ironed out. "I don't want to corne back next year and ask for nioney,"lie said. 1"I think we've Jathered enough information we can do the job. It warrants another 'crack at it." A report <rom Whitby treasurer AI Claringboid said the p rz- En d5 np r I * IlC D)urham. 'There's only one way -ut of Toronto (Exhibition Stadlum) tight now an~d that's why there are major traffic tie-upo, " he saiçi. Other municipalities which have conffrmed they wili enter into the stadium biddlng' war are Toronto, Markham and Halton Region. Herrema dismisses the bid by Halton as not serious.* "The only reason they wnuld be considered is they wouid service both Hamilton and Toronto," he said. "We're dloser to the major Metro market and we've got 300,00 people in this are&. 1983 coins could be of- fered for reale at the 1984"festival, providing purchasers with a keep- sake <rom the first Marigold Festival. ."In order to 'replace the revenue whlch was anticipated <rom the coliectors, the town couid take these coins into its' inventory at a value of<75 cents each," said, Ciaringboid in the report. "In .1984, when the coins, are es1old, to festival- participants, an amount of $1.50 per coin could be returned to the town by the Festival Committee. It would further be expected that a portion of the net proceeds "of the 1984 festivai mnay be required to remove the balance of unsoid coins <rom the inventory. " "By , altering or eiiminating some of the events with significant costs and littie or- no financial ' return, the Festival Committee has been able' to 'project a smail operating sur- plus," he added. 1