WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAV DECMEBER 28, 1983, PAGE 15 Whitby's Most WIdeIly Read ~iE~c E FO SALE R SAEHELP WANTED RUG CLEANING SPECIAL Have Your Lvlng-Room, Dlning-Room And Hallway 0f Any Size Clsaned For $40-00. Bedrooma Arn $10.00 Extra. Ail Work la Guaranteed. For^ Appoîniment Cali: 668-1465 RAT HOME IMPROVEMENTS, renovailons to ail rooma. Drywall, textured spraylng, drop cellînga, free estimates. 728-2974., ANTIQUES W. polleh boiers, ietties, ail lampa, etc., Mînor repaira, brasa laquerlng, aiso most makos of cookwaro repaired and reflished. Caîl 683- 1180. LICENSED PAINTER and paperhanger $10 per hour f lrm, shop ai home servce, written guarantee, discount on 'paint, references avallable, f ree estîmata or advîce. Cali Ron 728- 7430. CENTRAL BAKERY & DELICATESSEN Spectialair.gwin LUROPEAN A CANADIAN BREADS, 1BUNS A ROLLS BAKED FRESH DAIL Y ON PREMISES ITALIAN CAKES CAKES FOR ALL. OCCASIONS F RESH DOUGHNUTS IMPORT ED DELICACIES TUES'- THURS. 9,- 6:3 0 FR 1"- SAT 9-6 SUN 9-5 WHITBY 668-620. 110 DUNLOP E :(2 BI.S. 0f Dundae) 25% OFF aIl SELKIRK lnsuîated chlmney producis. SîImilar discounts on woodsioves and fîreplace Inserta. While Supplies Lai. 576-2255. VISIT our used furnîturo waro-, house by appoîntimeni. Big savings on desica, chairs, fMling cabinets, etc. Cali Olckson Prini- Ing & Office Supplies to arrange an appoinimont bo view. 683-_ 1968. CHESTERFIELD suites, love- aseais, sectIonals, ýlesthon, Vh price. Large slcio.MoKeen Fumiture. 524 Sîmcoo Si. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. FIREWOOD Top Quality HARDWOOD, MAPLE AND BEECH Seasoned, Ready To Bum; Cut & Spli Deiivery Avallable 'A cord 4'x8'kl6"> 860 One Cord 8165 985-8284 or 985-8036 Port Perry "HEROES of the BibIe" colouring book available at Dlckson Print- Ing & Office Supply, Ajax Plaza, 683-1968E. Dealer Inqulries ln- vited. KINECTICO - World's finesi water softener and fillors, uses very -Utile sait, and no eiectrlcIty. Gary Young Plumbing, 655-4936. MATTRESSEi and box aprings ai hait prIce. MaKeen Fumniture, 524 Simcoo Street South, Oshawa. GEOTYPE press-on letierlng now In stock at Dlckson Prlnilng & Of-, fice Supplies ln the Ajax Shop-' ping Plaza. Large selection of styles and sizas. Why psy more for a 'amalier sheet of letterlng? 683-196. CHECK OUR LOW EVERYDAY PRICES On new chesterfieldls, bedroom sets, colonial dining roomi, and kitchen suites', beds, etc. ELMER'S FURNITURE 253'Bloor St. E. (At Rîlson> Oshawa M.B.M. Publshlng, AUMBILES 131 Brock St N. FOR SALE Wh ltby 668-6111 Sf~ EIÈS SERVIES The "Dawn" Christadelphians invite you to study the Bible via.,a systematic organized Correspondence Course. Enrole now. Write for; The "Dawn" Christadeiphian Correspondence Course, To: The Dawn Christadeiphians, P.O. Box 393 Ajax, Ontario, L-1S 3C5 "GRAMMAR for people who hate grammers" la the ideal pocicot reference book for business people. $3.95 per copy and avail- able at Dickson Prlntlng & Office Supplies un the Ajax Plaza. Dealer enquirios lnvltod 683-1968. TYPEWRITER rentai, manymakos and modela, by the weokend, week or monih. Discounts avail- able. Dlckaon Printlng & Office Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Cail us for business machine repaira 683-1968. CALL M68-111 to place your ar, tîcle for sale. ANNOUMENTS CONGRATULATIONS on your forthcoming marriage. Please vlow our samplea af engraved wedding Invtaions at your lei- sure ln our Ajax Plaza store. Dlck- son Printlng & Off ice Supplies FREE. Drop into the Dickson' Prlntlng & Office Suppiy store ln the Ajax Plaza and pick up a f ree copy of their 1983 Metric Caien- dar.. Printed ln two colours, II mag~es for handy roference. 683- 1968. 1981 COUGAR SEDAN 6 auto, power steering and brakes, air, sterea and more. $6,100 or bosi offer. 655-3174. 1973 ASTRA 4 cylinder, 4 speed, new bra kes, clutch and battery, Sony AM/FM cassette. Needs mînor body work. Muai be seen. $450. Cal I Ron 683-7956. * JWCICARE SRICEJ BUTTERFLY Daycare Centre No. 2 Open 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Qualified Staff Hot Meals Age From 6 Weeks To 6Years Old 309 Bosch St. Whltby 668-8927 OR 571-0031 REILIABLE MOTHER wishes la do day care ln my home. Ages 2 and up, part or full time. Mot lun- ches, dally outinge, large play ares and yard. Thornion and Kng. 579-9968. WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for reni on professlonal floor. Would b. suliablo for lawyer, accouniant, etc. Rani Includes aIl utilliles and la negoilable for an appropriai. tenant. For furiher Information oeal 668472 between 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday to, Frlday. (Z ARTNS/ (à CONDOSFOR RJENT ONE BEDROOM apartment In amail Port WhItby building. Adulte oniy. $350 p:er month In- cludes frIdge, stove, hydro and parkng. Cable TV and laundry facilities avallable. Phono 668- 6372 boiween 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. PICKCERING VILLAGE clean fur- nished rooms for reni. Phione 683- -7875. LARGE .TWO BEDROOM Whiiby i'ri-plex. 'Broadloomed, baicony, quiet building, 'suite mature adulte. 1475 monihly. Available January or February. 668-9655. -FORS SAELE NEED A RENTAL? Cal! the Expor- tai We carry houïsos,, townhýouses, duplexes, apar- iMente, fistal Ailareas, sizos,- priceai 579-4500Homelocators,' fee. WORD PAOCESSING & Micro Computer lntroductory courses. Three week spociai, $95. Longer courses avallable wllh certificate and job placement. 683-7767. You nover have to feel'sione. Shop the ada in the Whitby FreePresa for news of com- mnun Ity happenings, enter- lainment and social evonts In your areal WHITBY FREE PRESS WANTEDLJ WAN LJ-T WE BUY and SELL USED APPLIANCES WE RECONDITION AN9 GUARANTEE MiE BfÉEAK- THEOUGH IN CARS WANTED for scrap, top price. Cati 576-9644. CASH FOR jeweliery, furnîture, coins, antiques, one Item or a -houseful, or aven the house. 728- 4455. NEW &USED CAR OUYS READ ... DUY ... SEU JUST CALL AWAV IN 668-6111 A"= =.1 m 7 3.3je31 'WANT ABS CALLU-11 AUDNOS AUCTION SALE THURS. EVENING JANUARY 5 6:00 P.M. Auction Sale of furniture and antiques. The property of PNELSON ASHTON, Ashburn.' SelIing at the Wilson Sales Arena, two miles north of Uxbridge. In- cluding Kenrnore por- table . dryer, Kenmore washer and spin dry. Finley 'elect»ric stove, chesterfileld, - china cabinet,, dishes, cook- ware, Singer sewing machine,- round. table, bianket ,box, set of Ben- twood chairs, antique washstand, antique dressers, antique- chest- of-drawers, small tables, bedding,, plus many other items. Owner giving up home. Sa le managed and sold by LLOYD WILSON AUCTIONS UXBRIDGE (416) 852-3524 c3DERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS Relocate Heat Detec- tors and Ductwork at the Jali .in WHITBY, Ont. Tender No. GB-, 83-238 Seaied Tenders wil be received until 2:00 p.m. Iocal time on - FRIDAY, JANUARY 13,1984. Tender Documents may be obtained f rom the Ontario Ministry of Govérnment Ser- vices, Orlilia District Office, 24 James St. E., Box 790, Orillia, Ont. Note: For further In- formation regarding the tenders,' please cali the Tenders Of- fice at thieabove ad- dress, telephone (705) 325-7403. The lowest« or any Tender flot necessarily accepted. DMinisry of < )Governrhient Servces Ontario r'FÃ"ppy .Disks by Ntoa 1v7Iwncw 5'4-DISKETTE S N97803P 5.65 ~ ea. &-R iclcSt k TRS80 N9l7875 i 6.50 ea. 8" DISKETTES N97525 lui18IMS ým32 4.85 ea j N97523 toi WaliiSýst-n 25 &30 5.85 ea N97593 lu x<g, 850 &8615 95 ea N97840 tS1&106 95 ea N97838 jiAES C20 ~ MtifPlL 6.95 eé. ÃŽ- SOLO ONLY IN PKGS 0F 10 LISKETTES F-OR OTHER SYSTEMS AVAI LABLE ON RE OUEST *4 PHOTOCOP YING High quality photocopying while you wait. WHITBY FREE PRESS 131 Brock Street North, Whitby Please check your advertisement for errors on the f irst day- of publication. The Whitby Free Press wîll not be liable for failure to pubilsh an ad, or for typographic errors inpublica- tion beyond the cost 0f the space occupied by the errorup to a maximum à ost of the f îrst insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to clâssify or reject ail advertise- ments. Ads must appear in the paper one day before tfIey can be changed or canceiied. CLASSIFIED RATES: $350 for 20 words; lieç each addition- ai word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified Ad to ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTUSERS you Chargex or Visa account. Please have, your Visa card, ready when calling. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 12o each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 words; 12seach additional word. AUCTION SALES - 34o per line. (No word ads ailowed.) ÇJOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make every en- deavour to forward replies to box numbers, howeve 'r, we ac- cept no liability regarding Ioss or damage alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwardinïg such replies. We wil not be responsible for box number replies flot called for within 30 days, DEADLINES: Mondav noon prior <o publication <o insert or cancel Ciassified Ads. Friday noon prior <o publication to, insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 1 CIRCULATION MANAGER Mature, rlal person with good driving record. Must be bondabie and able <o work weiI with children. Variety of duties, Saiary to commen- surate with experience. Part-time, Apply in person- 131, Brock St. N. Whitby, Ont. Hardwood SPLIT KINDLING 20 lb. bundie $4-50 A wiiiteî supply $120 of 3 bundles 120 Makes fire starttng S0 EASY Ken Spratly Apple Baskets Kir.sale 655-4541 ----------- I 1.1 9 9 Of