WHITBY RREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 28, 1983, PAGE 7. '83 IN REVIEW ment ally Handicapped meets opposition _ Two wmnnswered let- ters to Bill Davis and a message that the Pre- mier is too busy to meet with themn haven't stop- ped a group of parents from. fighting the dlo- sure of six institutions for the mèntally retard- ed in Ontario. The group, which is seeking a moratorium on the government's plan to close the institu- tions, met at Queen's Park last Thursday to ' give BW Davis a mes- ,sage. But, as with the unan- swered letters, they met only with a closed door and a message the Pre- mier can't talk to themn until some time after April 5. "I don't think wit.h an issue like this that is so important tW 50 many people that they can't find one person to attend our meetings," said Bhapatrai (Bob) Bhuta, who heads the Ad Hoc Committee Mffected By the Five-Vear Plan. He also represents parents with children in Durham Centre in Whitby. The ýgroup, which dlaims to represent par- ents across the province who fear.,for the future of their -children, has representatives from each of. the six institu- tions slated to close by 1987. And they want the government to freeze its plan to close the facili- ties' until parents and government .officiais have a chance to ex- plore ail the alterna- tives to closure., "We want to make sure. the plan is going to benefit our children," Bhuta told a presscon- ference at Queen's Park. "If necessary, some modifications (should be made) te, en- sure al parents are satisfied." Bhuta is a Pickering resident whose 13-year- old son lives at Durham Centre for the Develop- ment.ally Handicapped, which is scbeduled to close in 1987. Parents' fears about the plan-, which will re- located about 1,000 men- tally retarded residents into community group homes or larger institu- tions, have been kindled by the silence of the On- tario governinent since under the government's plan. Although the govern- ment -says closure will A group of determined parents travelled to Queen's Park last Thursday to protest the closing of six in-1 stitutions for the mentally retarded. Above Phyllis Stewart (left), Bob Bhuta and Bill Noiles talk to reporters about the closings. result in more residents moving into community group homes, parents fear their children will be s'huttled to large,- im- personal institutions such as Smith Falls. The parents say the government b as made no move to set up group homes, a process -tbey say takes a- long time andcoôuld mfeet with op- po6ition from residents of the community. Social Services Minis- ter Frank Drea stated that no residents will be moved-until the proper facilities are provided. in group homes, but with D'Arcy Place scheduled to close this year ,parents -are wonderîng when the government is going to set up the pro- mised group homes. The parents view smaller institutions as a kind of "'bridge" be- tween large facilities and community life. They maintain that less- than one-third 'of the deveiopmentally handi- capped residents cur-, rently in smaller institui- tions are capable of living in the community. "Group homes are not the answer for every- one," said Bill Noiles, a representative 6f tDur- ham parents. "Even if they were, there are 500 people who have been waiting for as long as 12 years to get into group homes in Toronto." Bhuta said bis com- mittee bas faith in government, and will try to use the demo- cratic process- to alter the government's cour- se. But he made veiled threat.s of more serious action if the government is unresponsive. .'il can tell you with DINING GUIDE GOLDEN GATE 107 Brock St. S. Whitby 668-8321 This popular Chînese Restaurant is introducl'ng the SZECHUAN CUISINE for ail of you gour- mets who like spicy hot dîshes. The Golden Gale also offers a wlde selecîlon of Canadian dîshes from roast beef 10 veal cutiets and park chops. The Bo-Bo platter and the delicious chicken fingers are two dishes worth trylngl! Perfect for lunch or dinneri Open untîl 2 a.m. dally.. Frlday and Saturday until 3 a.m. Sunday il a.m. tb il p.m. FuIly licensed and fast home deiivery. 1 New Years Eve Dala Dance At The Knights Of Columbus Hall 133 Brock St. N.,, Whitby Saturday, *Dec. 31lst, 1983 8:00Op.m.to 1:00aQ Spot Pr c #.' Per Couple 68-6757 For Tickets or 668-8661 grea t cert.ainty this government will have to listen, " Bhuta told - Free Press Staff Photo reporters. "We have many, many things on our mind. " PRO DODGE Your Local > ,Chrysler-Dodge, Sales and Service YouJ Dernier Parts& Service - Thursdays tîli 9 p.m. WHITBY 209 D)undas st. w. 666-3000 SKATE ~ECHANGE NEW & USED SKATES SKATE 13LADE REPAIRS DONE ON PREMISES C.C.M.-BAUER- HOURS: Large Selectioný LANGE-MICRONMo-F10 Bay Sorts Z_ EquipmentPLd. 839-5610 ç -[ JOVS E 98U Brock Rd. S. PlCkerlng. 1W BRING YOUR HOLIDAY FILMS to -PHOTO K-MART PLAZA 1801 DUN DAS ST. E., WH ITBY 725-1500 EN LARGEMENTS REPRINTS & ONE HOUR QUALITY SERVICE ON DEVELOPING & PROCESSINO I I THECORPORATION 0F TH ElTOWN OF WH ITBY IN THE MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S'.O., 1980,0C.337' AND IN THE MATTER 0F THE LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO NOTICE 0F INTENT TO DESIGNATE TAKE NOT ICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whîtby Intends to desîgnate the property, lncîudîng lands and buildings ai the foîlowlng municipal address as property of ar- chitectural value or Interest under Part 4 of the Ontario Herîtage Act, R.S.O., 1980, c. 337. Ashburn Sohool House (now Ashburn Comfmunlty Centre) Ashburn, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIG NATION 0F THE ASHBURN SCHOOL.HOUSE Hîstorîcal The Ashburn Sohool House was bulît between 1861 and 1880 for the Trustee's of Sohool Section No. 7 by William ýPearson as a test plece to show off hîs workmanship. Consequentîy each wal exhibits a dîfferent form of stone work. The sohool was f inaiiy closed in 1966 and converted Into a communîty centre for the Ashburn area by the Town of Whitby. Architectural The Ashburn Sohool House is an exceptionally fine exampie of the one room schoolhouse type. It is weil crafted and unique in that each facade presents a different type of stone work while maintaininga pleasin g overali design. Any person may, before January 27,1984, send by regîstered mail or deliver 10 the Clerk of the Town of Whitby notice of his or her objection to the proposed designation together wif h a statement of reasons for the objection and ail relevant facts. If such notice of objection is received, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whltby shahl refer the malter to the Conservation Review Board for a heari ng. ,DATED at the Town of Whitby this 2lst day of December, 1983. Donald G. McKay Town Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario Li N 2M8 1I 77 mmmèi ý A au ý lýwmmmwqmmmý m