PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY JANUARY 4, 1984, WH ITBY FR EE PRESS, whitby w Voice of the County Town Michael Ian Burgess,1 I Pub' Publisher- Managing Ecitor Thse onay vvitby newspaper inaepenaenuly owned and operated by Whitby residents for Whitby residents. blished every Wednesday by M.B.NI. Publishing and Photography Inc. Phone 668-6111 The Free Press Building, 1:11 Brock Street North, P-0. B3ox 206, Whitby, Ont. ROY COOPER Communlty Editor DEBORAH GOSSET Advertlslng Manager Second Class Mail Registration No. 5351 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . *'... m m Edito's......... *.. % ... ... i wish you health enough to make l Ife a pleasure, Wealth enough to meet your needs, ..... . Courage enough to overcome dlf ficuity, Patience enough to toi l for harmony and peace. .*'...... Joy enough to make the depressed lghthearted, N............. Charity enough to help those Iess fortunate, *.. Love enough to forgîve. Hope enough to remove ail anxious fear, Faith enough to believe in a brlght future Where everyone shail let the other lîve. ................ May we alI have a happy 1984!1j Full employment by 1990? by W. ROGER WORTH In this decade of recession, economic experts armed with. doomn and gloom scenarios on Canada's future are more abundant than the anti- nuclear demonstrators who seemn to believe there are some Canadians who actually favor a nuclear war. Some noted economists argue that unem- pioyment*will remain at more than 100 percent for the next decade. Others contend that the standard of living for Canadians wili drop substantiaiiy, and a few are even forecasting we'll have the worst of two worids, wlth both unemployment and inflation at double-digit levels. In the midst of ail this negativism about Canadas future, the Canadian Federation of In- dependent Business recentiy made a startling presentation to the Macdonald Commission on the Economy that surely qualifies as an eariy Christmas gift to the Canadian public. The thrust of the presentation:-fuli employment, with ail Its benefits, can be a reality by 1990. "Sure we seem out of step with most of the country's leadi ng econom ic forecasters," says Federation President John Bulloch. "But we honestly believe, based on comprehensive economic studies, that full employment can be achieved." But, as might be expected, Bulioch's optimistic outlook wiil not become a reality uniess some fundamental changes are made. The Federation says a major redirection of resources is necessary: from consumption to deveiopment; from the public (government)-to the private sector; from traditionalIindustries like tex- tiles to knowiedge-intensive industries such as micro-electronlcs, lasers and biotechnologies. "Canadians must be assured there is a future, and that they wili have a part of it," says Builoch. The major difference between the Federation's outlook and other forecasts Is the emphasis the medium-sized Caniadian enterprises places on job creatlon among independent firms. "We've already proven that smail and medium- sized enterprises produced ail of Cpnada's net new jobs between 1975 and 1982, and that's something many of the experts have failed to realize," says Buiioch. "What's more,.all the net new job creation between now and 1990 wiil corne f rom smalier, Independent flrms." So there's littie wonder the Federation is upgrading its aiready significant efforts to lm- press governments, pol iticians and bureaucrats, as well as the public, that roadbiocks standing in the way 0f smaller firmnsmuet beremoved. "It may sound pompous, but nothing iess than a national consensus on the crucial need to support independent firms is required," says B ulloch. "Small businesses are the key to creating full em- ployment, and we now have the facts to back that claim."t LETTERS TO 111E EDITOR Councillors' sexist rernarks disgusting Dear Sir: Politics and politicans are often held in very low esteem by the general public. The reprehensible beha- viour of certain maie councillors at a recent Regional meeting en- tirely justffies this view and lias brought the whole of Regional Coun- cil in disrepute. The sexist remarks being bantered about an unknown woman clearly reflect a rarnpid maie chauvinisin of the worst tradition among our elected officials. Remarks such as 44chickie-boo" and other sexual innuendo were appalling and disgusting to witness from our "leaders". Women have fought long bard bitter batties to change these archaic attitudes. It is time that these maie councillors dropped the school-boy antics and woke up to the 2th century. The Social Planning Council of Oshawa- Whitby cails upon our Regional Chairman, Gary Herrema, to demand from his 'team' appropriate behaviour towards and respect for women in their deliberations. Only then will the image of their profession, namely politics, be enhanced. Sincerely,. Shirley Moore, MSW Executive Director Social Planning Council of Oshawa-Whitby Congratulations to Whitby Theatre Youth Group Dear Sir - My family and myself had the pleasure of at- tending last night the final show by the Whitby Theatre Youth Group. Our congratulations to ahl who worked on such a fine production. The star of the produc- tion was* Charlene Daigle who is a extreme talented lady, and I hope she will continue ber career in stage work. Her supporting cast was outstanding. Towards the end of this production, many of us were wiping away tears of sadness, (in the play) joy of seeing our children's talent right in front of you and a most beautiful evening well spent in wholesome family entertainment. For those who didn't see this play, you have missed one of the greatest. To ail of you at Whitby Theatre Youth Group, our sincere 'Tbank You' and have a Blessed and Happy 1984. Sincerely yours, Betty van Hezewyk, Whitby. Accident victim thanks kind and courageous rescuers Dear Sir: Being the driver of a red Toyota involved in an accident Dec. 21 on Highway 12, 1 wo uld like to thank the several young men who came to our rescue 80 promptly. You were al so kind to my sister, mother, and myself. Within a very short period 0f time, police and ambulance were on the scene in response to the quick action of the rescuers. Words cannot express our gratitude to you ail. Yes there are definitely kind and courageous people living in this world. I wish you a belated Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Jean Hynes Toronto Local jewellery store thanks Free Press- staff Dear Sir: We would like you'to know how much we ap- preciated the help given us by Theresa, of your staff, during the opening of our new store. Also to another girl, whose name we failed to get, for taking the pictures at the ribbon cutting. And to Roy Cooper who took the pictures and is writing a story regarding our opening draw last week. Thanks to ail of them. Wishing you the seasons' greeting and the best in 1984. Sincerely The McCullough's Gord Jones rvik- --§.. 121IL., à IL_ 1- -1 __ __ -2 --t - - . . . .-.. ...