Whitby Free Press, 18 Jan 1984, p. 22

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PAG E 22, WýEPNESDAY JAN fARY 18, 19ý84, WH ITBY F REE PRESS Whltby's Most WIdeIy Read CLSSIFE 2RCMEAL COMECAL " .SERRICSPRPERTYI PROPERTY VI EFOR SAtURENT FOR SALE/RENT RUG CLEANING -SPECIAL H-ave Your Living-Room, Dining-Room And Hailway 0f HAny SIze ceaned For $40.00. Bedmrom Are $10.00 Extra. Ail Work la Guaranteed. For AppointmnentCOei.: 668-1465 RENOVATIONSI Fences, decks, roofing, basements, windows, doors, painting. and drywaii. Workmanship guaranteed. Cali LICIENSIED PLUMBER with years of experlence plus weii deveioped skille ln ail the con- struction trades. Caeil John 66-' 1452. SEAMSTRESS wIll do sewing ln my home. Phone 668-1228. E à M RENOVATIONS Doors, windows, siding, handy work. Phone Bob 668-76W9. ATTENTION: Landiords, Loase HIolders Or Real Estate Agents We are local franchise holders for Mary Browns Fried Chicken. We are looking for a promnInent location ln downtown Whitby preferably on Brock or Dundas Streets. We require 1500 to 1800 square feet with ample easy access parking., We of fer a long termn lease f rom a triple A tenant or we will purchase existing location. Please Caîl R.W. Bllsky At 725-2744. i Q%.LL Oit 65&. SARTICLES ~~~<FOR SALEARILSVGIE gJW ERICESON IFOR SALE U ',REPARIPAHTSI SEVCS GE TALISMEN ROYAL ezeffide.3-oo. lkI .a "GRAMMAR for people who hate grammar" la the Ideai pooket reference book for business People. $395 Per copy and avil- able et Dickson Printing & Office Supplies In the Ajax Plaza. Dealer enquirles lnvîfsd 883.1668. chrome trim, 6 months ýoid. Original coat $1,450. Asking $750. Hotpoint washIng machine, 6 months oid. Asking $30. 655- 888. "HEROES 0f the Bible"~ coiouring book availabie at Dicksonn Print- Ing &'Office SuppIy,ý Ajax Plaza 683-1968. Dealer inquiries ln-. ,NUNCEMEITS vtd A MEMORIAL SERVICE fore theORS L lite Paul and CaMeron Bulter Mr Maple Sharrock wiil be hsid et Saint Weil Seasoned Marks United Church, 201 C en- 15 Months Old tre St. S., Whltby, on Siturday, January,21 et 11:00 a.m. In lieu of Drywood fIowers, If 50 desired, donations < $45 a single cord may be Made, to the* Canadian (705)454-8260 Nature Fed eration or Canadien Wlldlife Feortion GIANT RUMMAGE SALE The Saivation Army, 122 Ke nt Sftreet. January 20, 7 to 9 p.m., Set., Jan. 21, 10 f0 2 p.m. Ail weicome. CONGRATULATIONS' on your forthcomirig Marriage. Pissas view Our simples of engraved wsdding Invitations et your lei- sure ln our Aax Plaza store. Dick- son PrlntIrig & Office Supplies FREL- Drop Into the Dickson Prinfing & Office Supply store In the-Ajax Plaza and pick up a free copy of their 1983 Metrno Cilen- der. Printed ln f wo colours, if mekes for handy refsrence. 6M3. ARTICES1 FOR RENT TYPEWRITER rentai, menymakes and models, by the weekend, wesk or month. , Discounts avili- ibis. 'Dlckson Printlng & Office Supplies In the Ajax Plaz& a.i us for business machine repaire 83.1968. QEOTYPE Press-on lettering now ln stock et Dlckson Printing & Of- fice Supplies ln the Ajax Shop- ping Plaza. Large selection, 0f styles and sizes. Why pay More for a smaller sheet of iefterlng? 68n'1988. WANTED FOR consignment sais, snowmnobiies, ln running order, fast turnover, customers waling. Ciii 725-8898,6 a m.-7:30 p.m. 7 days weekiy. BRONICA two and a quarter square, camera. $60. Phone 668. 5752. VISIT Our used lurnifurs ware- house by appoint ment. Big savIngs on desks, chairs, fiinç cabinets, etc. Oeil DIckson Prînt- Ing & Office Supplies f0 arrange an appointment f0 view. 683 1968. 24" STOVE $75. Antique Victrola With records, $100. Cherru tWood FOR SALE glass fier chandelier, 8x12 new beige carpet. CB radio and seriai, AMIFM radio and tape deck, kitchen nook. 666-1392. CHESTERFIELD suites,' love- seafs, éectionals, iess than ½h price.,Large selection. McKeen Fumniture.' 524 Simcoe St., S., Oshawa. 7255181. Snowblower, Now On ALL STAR MOWER ~T~lE 1015 Kig SALE *REBUILT TRANSMISSIONS, most models, $185.001 Cali Bob 683-0811. ONE NEW engine holat, oône and a haîf ton ram, boom extenda, cen be dîsmanteiied..$800 f irm. Phone'Bob 723-6624 or Rob 668- 0336. FOR SALE f wo beited'snowf ires H78-15. One summe r belted tires L78-15. Cal68W-6«126.' We need S a few good S boys and g>irîsi Become a carrer today. Learn to be a business person with responsibiiity 'whiie earning money., Become the outstand-, ing carrier Of the month and becomre a winneri Taik to our Circulation Manager. Cal 668-6111 Todayl WVHITBY L FlREEPýRESSý ALDS OPEN HOUSE SUN DAY Bth, l5th, 22nd & 29th Jainuary, from 1:00 ta 4:00 pm at, the north-east corner of Ritson and Tau nton SNew 3 & 4 Bedroom Townhouses E ORMOND WOODS CO-OP ..TomorroW's Lifestyle Today. Featurlng: --1Sundeck 1,1or, French *BaconyPatio*Waik-out ,,BasementoEat-in Kit- chen and Dining Room@,ablee Range & FridgeoGarageoLaundlry Faciities*Playground and Commbunity Cent re.1IMM EDIATE OCCUPAN- CY $525 to $570 per month plus utîlities. For In- formation caîl 686.4787.between 9& 5 Monday to :Friday. SPACIOUS ONE 13EDFROOM for rent in hearf of Whitby. South. faclng- windows. Quiet neigh- borhood. Cali 683-430 between 9 TO Y B UBI Y MTENT 571-2400 1284473 T MATrRESSES and box springs et haif price. MoKeen Fumiture, 524 Simoos Sftreet South, Oshawa. 725-5181. 1M5 CHRYSLER LE BARON Good condition, certf ied. $3,500. Phone83-4041 eveninge. SERVICES. BUTTERFLY Daycare Centre No. 2 Open 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Qualifiled Staff' ,Hot Meals Age From 6 Weeks To 6 Years Old FOR SALE ladies muskrat coat, 309 Bosch St. Biz 16 and swag lamp. Phone hlb - 668-8927 OR ____________571 -0031 ~~OPOflIINTII~DB WOMAN Mili babysif ln yu WANTED - lass purchese plan on vending machines. Locations coffoelsoft drink. 725-7418 affer 7 p.m. CHILDREN SHOP with new and consignment lunes. Esfabllshed location ln downtown Whltby. Reasonebiy priced. Oelil 666-1133, Monday f0 Saturdey, 10-5. different sizes. Phone 668-345. SOFFICE SPACE! FOR RENT NO_______MES HOUSES FRRN WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for rent FOR SALE on professionil floor. Wouid b. 9-. suifabie for lawYsr, accountant, etc. Rent Includes &il utlIties and la negoflabis for an appropilate tenant. For further Information cIi 668-672 between9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday f0 Fridiy. NEED A RENTAL? Oeil the Exýpor- tei Ws cen-y houss, townhouses, duplexes, apar- tmsnts, fiîtsl Ail arma, sizes, pricesi 579-4500 Homelocators, fo.- home or mine, live In or 'out. Telephone 571-0082. RELIABLE MOTHER wliling f0 of- fer day care ln my homne,- Rossland-Simcoe area. 433-2140. RELIABLE'MOTHER wlShes f0 do day care ln my home. Ages 2 and up, part or full time. Hoi lun- ches, deiiy ouf Inga, large play area and yard. Thornfon and King. 579-9968. FORIEtNT - AJAX - Brand new house. February 1sf. Three bedrooms and garage. $750 mon- thiy plus utîllies. -Flrst, lest and securlty deposît. References requIrsd. Ciii Gabe 686-2118 or 431-1750. WANTED ON CONSIGNMENT: downhIii and cross-country ski equipment and ouffîts. Ail other sport s equipment accepfed. 58 Baldwin, Brookiin. 655-8079. CASH FOR jeweliery, furniture, coins, antiques, one Iftem or e houseful, or aven fthe hous. 728- AUONOS AU3ONS GUN AUCTION Friday evenlng Jan. 20 7:00 p.m. D & MSALES BARN R.R.2, Lndsay (1 mile.west of Lndsay on Little Britain Road) BUY OR SALE For those wishing to consign to-our monthiy gun auction It 18 important to bring your guns ln eariy as we have an 80 gun limit. Shotguns & rifles oniy. For more details cail the Auction Barn 324-9560 or 324-2472. BUD McKEE, Auletioneer SIMPLE!m The simple solution to cleanlng storage problems in the attic and garage is a Ciassif led Ad. WANTED TO BUY antiques, Wood furnifure and old doils. Phone 655-3526. CARS WANTED for scrap, top price. Cali 576-9644. WANTED scraped or used cars. WHîTBY FREE PPESS.............668.6111 I Whltby 668-6111 -~ ~""'~DL~IWI U 5 I LICENSED ELECTRICIAN wiliing f0 do amali Jobs. Reasonabîs prices. OCl 576-4886. M.B.M. Pubilshlng. 131 Brock St. N. A« Please check your advertisement for errorson the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be hiable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publica- tion beyond the cost of the space occupled by the error u p to a maximum cost of the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or reject ail advertise- ments. Ads must appear in the paper one day before they can be changed or cancelled. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words; 1i U each addition- aI word If pre-paid. Youmay charge your Classified Ad to TTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSI-FIED ADVERTISERS your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa card ready when calling. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $700 for the f irsi 100 words; 12o each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the first 50 words; 12o each additional word. AUCTION SALES - 34o per lune. <No word ads allowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additional charge of $2.00. The Whitby-Freeë Press wili make everyen- deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac' cept no liability regarding Ioss or damage allegee1 to arise through failure or delay in forwarding such replies. We will not be responsible for box number replies flot called for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday nooln prior ta publication ta insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668.6111 * ~ --q~$~ .$ $J~1~, _______________ _____________ F CHECK OUR LOW EVERYAY PRICE On new cheisterfaelds, bedroom sets, colonial dining rooms, and kitchen suites, beds, etc. ELMER'S FURNITURE- 253 Bloor St. ~ (At Ritson) Oshawa 1 Il ix«)] 12 mpqpwu 1

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