PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY JANUARY 18, 1984, WH ITBY FR EE PRESS ski clg. .a 2 FOR 1 Buy two fuli nlght llft tickets for the prîce of one. 1 2Sth only CaliI649-2002 HONAUOREPAR ERVICE « WOLKINC DOCAWOSH aA JOSPHA72&7268 POP IJa.f. 23rd. QUALITY ' CUSTOM PMADE THERMALLY INSULATED, WlINDOWS S ENAMEL FINISH IN ANY 0F 12 COLOURS Mr.M&câl-,bdby ~,Fr'eeEsIimales.Ouick DIivefy à InstallationI [11111i728-1631 I~P FCTORY &SHOWROOM45FAREWLL STOSHAWA ALUMItNtJmM 11E.F à SPECIALS. I Mondays Perme ½/ Price Wecfnosdayi, Cuts ½ 2Price (Theso of fors apply to Su«an only.) Cail now for your appolntmorit LA CONTESSA[ HAI'R -SALON I., TYPESETT]ING lISES PHOTO\*j* - A X A.' £A 4 Tel. 683.196s. 0 mi eWetmeisker" Volkswagen TheRabitDieelis the worlId's The R bbit ieselargest manufac- is the most fueltueoflg- efficient car intueofIg- Canada for the y weight diesel sevenhstrightengines. yeaetsracordîn ta Transport ~~ Canada Fuel. . Consumption Guides. * Bsed on manufactureris suggested retail price for Rabblt L Diesel 2-door with 4-speed manual transmission. Options __________freight Pre-delivery inspection extra Dealer May s9ii for lsas 1425 DUDAS ST. E. GWASCO VL8AE T. WHUTBY, 658,m9383 TorotsLIne 361-1128 T ON THE PREN COMPUTERUZED& Bet we en You and Me F ByRUTHCOLES A proverb Is a short sentence based on long experlence. Miguel de Cervantes. We can say we are into the New Year, two weeks of it. Has anything reaily changed? Are things any different? Not really, just a progression of days and weeks. As for New Year's resolutions, they should be forgotten during the holiday celebrations. Can you think of anything more ridiculous than this on the first day of the New Year? Sounds logical, but flot practical. Family get togethers, dinner parties and entertaining friends or being entertained, a duplication of Christmas day. How about Jan. 15 as a starter and by this time you should have yourself well in hand. A slowdown of ail the festivities and tume to devote to your aspirations. What glorious winter weather we are- having a blanket of snow to keep ail the growing things warm, sunny days and blue skies. Talking of growlng things, we bave two small ferns which stay green ail wlnter and often they can be seen poking through the snowl Until very recently our forget- me-nots have been green and thrlving. We have so many of theni as they seed and reseed so it is hard to miss them when everytâh,ýng else dies off. Today I wiil check them and see if they survived the bitter cold of this week. Ten or more years ago we had 20 or 22 pheasants who used to feed under the bird feeders every day. They are very timid and if there was the slightest sound or movement froni within the house they would fly away and very cautiously return after some tume had passed. Unhpiy a dog started chasing the female pheasats anýd kiiling them off. This is why they took off neyer to return until the last three or four weeks. Now we have one who cornes to visit but flot to linger. Have you ever seen a pheasant run? Funny, fun- ny 1 They are awkward and quite ungainly. You have to Iaugh if you are lucky enough to see one sprinting along. Picture this: Sami our tiny, two or three pound Chihauhau runnrng at full speed down the road after a pheasant (not aggressively as he makes friends with ail the animaIs) but happily hoping to play. The pheasants legs so long and thin, his body moving froni side to side while gaining speed, and our "littie lion" with legs only a few in- ches long running so fast he almost turns somer- saults as he somnetimes does. The movie camera, unloaded of course and a mistake when you live in the country. If the bird had stopped, Sam no doubt would have slid into him and then sat down to fraternize for a time. Sani and the rabbits like each other enough to sit and look at each other. Once long ago we had three dogs, a large Ridgeback and two small gray poodiles. Eleven cats (due to large numbers of kit- tens being born at the sanie time), a pet racoon, and what else I can't remember. They ate together in the garden out of the sanie large dish, content and happy as they shared. The racoon at a certain age left and went into the woods to make a life for himself. This was 'as it should be and it didn't break my' heart. At times he was a pain in the neck. He loved to go for a drive as the car was bis special place to be. unfortunately, we had a convertable so he would climb up on the roof, tear the zipper apart and clumb in*. What a costlyý business this was and it happened twice. He liked nothing better than going on a shopping trip on my daughter's shoulder. I couldn't stand it and wandered off as people would gather to look at hlm and ask questions. Going up and dôwn on the escalator was terrible! People gathered to watch and I just looked the other way pretending I did not know these people, my family not at ail. He was a good coon, pleasant and dlean when he was in the house but naughty about ash trays. wbich. he simple overturnied ýand dumiped'on'the carpets. He always took the cradie off the phone and threw it to the floor. Now about Tom Doucette of Whitby and his letters to the Free Prc-ss. I know Tom well and have the greatest respect for him. He is exceptionaily bright Between You and Me cont'd on page 10 Os haw a To astm asters in Cobourg for contest The Oshawa Toast- masters were on the road this week at the Diamond Triangle Club in Cobourg for the Area Impromptu Speech- Contest. Avril Burns was the representative froni the Oshawa Club and was the runner up. Egon Pedersen acted as grammarian and Katie Cornwall Taylor was the general evaluator for the meeting. Other- meni- bers attending in sup- port of Avril were: Joe Christl, Bernice Chani- bers, Neil Taylor, Dave Chilvers, Nick Lusito, Wendy Craig, Joan Win- ter, Christine Cameron, Henry Dykstra, Mary Cathrine Smith, Steve Reilly, Peter Bird,,Bob Porter, Linda Jagges, Yoko Barber, Mike Allen, Irene Kon- zlmann, John Campbell, and Gus Gordon. Both' John Campbell and Gus Gordon, are involved in starting up a new club in the Ajax area. Robbie Burns' Night is Jan. 25 and there wil be a few surprises in store. If you are. interested in public speaking or If you want to improve your communicating skills then please corne along to our meetings. The Oshawa Toastmasters meet at 7 p.m. on, Wed;- nesdays at the YWCA, Simcoe Street South. For further. infor- mation please eall president Joan Winter at 728-3594, or ad- ministrative vice- president Peter Bird at 668-1290. 1 Uk il -Il j