Whitby Free Press, 1 Feb 1984, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1,e1984,WHTYFEPRS Br~k1in Byines by BETTY-JEAN BLYTH (~ Caflt&%-379 wth Items for this columu. Today is Groundhog Day! Today ia the day that we're supposed to find out just how long our winter will last this year. There are some thinga about this whole deal that.have had me puzzled for years. For instance, which groundhog la it that volunteers to brave the icy winds to do the forecasting for us? And who finda out whlch one it ia and where it'il emerge? I can neyer seem to remember whether it wil be a late spring or an early spring- if it sees its shadow. And ia it six weeks or ten weeks or how many weeks la it anyway? And do we- reaily want to know how much longer we'l byve to suffer anyway? I suppose as a would-be journalist I reaily should get the whole story for my readers 80 - Mr. (or la it Mrs.) Groundhog, if you read this, please give me a eau and f111 me in on ail the detaiia. ANNUAL MEETING, Burns Preabyterian Church in Ashburn is holding *aTHE CORPORATION OF ~»'THE TOWN OF WH TBY NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Monday, March 5,1984, 8:00 p.m. Meeting Hall, Whitby Municipal Building, Whltby, Ontario. A Public Meeting wiii be held by the Ad- ministrative Commttee of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby to consider a proposed zoning by- ,aw amendment. The zoning by-iaw amendment will effect those properties that are presently zoned Ri, R2, R3,- R4 and R5 under Restricted Area By-law 2585 and those properties that are presently zoned Ri, R2, R3 and Agricultural under Restricted Area By-law 1784. The purpose of the proposed zoning by-iaw amen- dment for Zoning By-law 2585 la to remove the home occupation use from the R1 to R5 residen- tial zones and to rernove the home occupation definition. The purpose ofthe proposed zoning by-law amen- dment for Zoning By-law 1784 la to remove the homeoccupation use from the Ri to R3 residen- tial zones and to remove the home occupation use for a physician, dentist or drugiessa practitioner from the Agriculturai Zone, however, the off ice, of a veterinarian'as a home occupation will be per- mrIttýed In an Agtril^tuoral Zone.ý its annual meeting on Feb. 3. Prior to the meeting, a congregational supper will be helci with the Kirk Guild supplylng the main course. The ladies are requested to brlng the dessert. PUBLIC SKATING Ice skating timea at Luther Viponci Memorlal Arena are as follows: Wednesdays 3:30 to 4:45 p.m. for everyone. Parents and tots on Mondays 10 to il a.m. and12 to 3p.m. .MEADOWCREST SCHOOL Recently the students of Meadowcrest were visited by a representative of Sports Traveicade, a program run by the Ontario Ministry of Tourism and Recreation. Classes from grade four to eight were given the benefit of instructor Dan Richard's expertise. The junior grades learned the basies of gymnasties whlle the upper grades got some tips on basketbail. CORRECTION I attributed the vice-presidency and sharing of the Iron Man Award of Oshawa Vikings Rugby team to the wrong Bill. 1t should have read Bill Vipond. Af- ter ail these years you'd think I'd be able to tel them apart, goocinesa knows they don't, look anything alikel Ail I can do la apologize and hope they'il forgive me - put it down to senility if you like. REMINDERS Feb. 7, Ashburn Kirk Guild meeting showing, a film fromý the Heart Foundation to which the men are invited. Feb. 14, Myrtle UCW meeting at home of Rita Wade. Feb. 15ý, Brooklin Womena Institute meeting at the Community Centre at 1':30 p.m. To volunteer for the Heart Fund canvass, cal Verna Shepherd 655-3675 or Carolyn Gilbert 655- 4855.' REGISTER, CONTINUOUS, CARBONIZED & MISCU Thnere are too many already.... Garden centre olkay des pite Bro o kln bus ine s s'protest Whitby Town Council has endorsed plans for a new garden centre to, be developeci on Brock St. N. despite the objections of an, already establisheci local dealer. At iast week's meeting of the ad- ministrative commit- tee, councillors decided 'fo recommend to Durham Regional Counicil that the official plan be amended to ailow construction of the facility which is owned by Brooknorth Holdings Ine. and Aies Invest- ment Limiteci. Marc Thiebaud, president of the Oshawa Garden Service, told the committee in a letter that there were 15 established garden cen- tres between West Hill and Bowmanville and ail were competing in the same market. "We firmly believe that by allowing further landis to be useci for garden centre mer-, chandise you would be diluting the availabie customer market even further, " he wrote. Thiebauci pointeci out that the induatry has expanciec rapidly over the past few years anci that bas "made it very difficuit for a firm such as ours to, compete for our market share. " If the development ia ailowed to proceeci, it woulci make the local garden centre industry less viable by further diluting the current market, he claimeci. "We, believe that there is hardly enough present population to support the firrns that exist now,"I Thiebauci acideci. However, neither the town's planning staff nor committee mem- bers seemeci swayed by these arguements. in hia report, planning director Bob Short saici the committee's task is to determine whether or not the proposal meets the standards requireci by the officiai plan. "The purpose of the officiai plan amen- ciment is to consider the development of the sub- ject property on pivate services not for the pur- pose 0f permitting limiteci retail uses," he saici. While the Oshawa Garden Service's objec- tions shoulci be con- siciereci the committee shoulci aiso take into ac- count continued- growth in the market place. Short also saici that his department. cannot "baseci on the infor- mation presenteci, assess the market im- plications that may be causeci" by this proposai. "There is not suf- ficient reason to refuse the officiai plan amen- ciment or the rezoning application for reasons of market conditions," he concluded. While the official plan amenciment and sub- sequent rezoning ap- plication are being processeci, Brooknorth andi town staff wil at- temp t to reach a site plan agreement for council's consideration once ail the approvais have been given. The new garden cen- tre wil be locateci on Brock St. N. , north of Rossland Rd. YMCýA spring o utinhg s The Durham Iýgion Family YMCA will be holding a trip to out-of- town places in the near future. On Feb. 18 the 'Y' wiil sponsor a shopping trip to Kitchener andi Elmira featuring a stop at the Mennonite Market foilowed by a, smorgasbord at the Berkly Tavern andi Smorgasbord. The trip, wil also, feature a stop' at Brox's Olde Town Village in Elmira. The bus wiil1 leave the 'Y' centre at 7 a.m. an d return to Whitby by 6 p.m. the cost is $22 for seniors andi $27 for aduits andi inclucies the bus ride and meals. Deadiine for registration is Feb. 16 at 5 p.m. On Mar. 7 the tour wiill heaci for the Shaw Festival Theatre to take in a screening of the old classie , "Easter Parade." Aiso inclucieci is lunch at The Prince of Wales Hotel in Niagara- on-the-lake andi a tour of Ancires Winery ini Winona. The bus willleave the. 'Y' centre at 10 a.m. and return by 7 p.m:- The cost for the -trip is $32 for seniors andi $35 for aduits. For more information cail the YMCA office at 668-M86. Roman Catholic Churches 903 Giffard St., Whltby Baldwin St. N., Brooklln 91 Ribbiesdlale Drive -U-8.376I 668-3676 (at Manning Road) MASES 576-2098I Saturday, 7 p.m. MASSESi MASSESk Sunday, 9 a.m., 10:30 a.mn., Saturday,*5 p.m. Saturday, 5 p.m. 12:15 p.m., 8 p.m. Sunday, 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m. Sunday, 9 a.m., Ilnwta mwt q.la.;Yet hedo in. at2'2 w THE CORPORATION 0F ,. THETOWNOFWHITBY CONTRACT W84-14, LEASED VEHICLES- PAK AND RECREATION DEPARTM ENT Tenders wili be received by the under.signed un- tii 2:00 p.m., Tuesday Februeay 21, 1984 for nine leased .vhié or the Paris and Recreat-ion Departrnent. Specifications and tender forma are aval lable at the Town of Whitby Treasury Department, 575 Rossiand Road East, Whitby, Ontario. Telephone (416> 668-5803, extension 54. Lowest or any tender not necessarlly accepted. MRS. GAIL GOSLEIGH, PURHASING AGET DIrector of PlanningI Corporation of the Town of Whitby WHITBY FREE ý PRESS

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