Côrrido r Capers By MARY MCEACHERN (~ Cali 7258967 wIth tem. for dhis colmmn. HEART MONTH February i. Heart Month. Remember to give generously. when your volunteer canvasser cals. The heart you save, may be your own!1 WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH The regular meeting of the Board of Management la Tuesday, Feb. 21 at 8 p.m. Please note change of date.. SCOUT AND GUIDE MOVEMENT This Sunday, (Feb. 19) the Scout and Guide Movement will'be honored with a special service at Westminster United Church. Members of the congregation wlll be taking part and the Junior Choir il sing. Communion Service - The next communion Ser- vic~e will be Sunday, Feb. 26 at il a.m. CARD PARTY The U.C.W. will hold their card party in the chur- ch hall next Monday at 8 p.m. Prizes and refresh- ment.. For tickets cail Helen Joynt at 576-2615. ST. GEORGE'S MEMORIAL CHURCH This Sunday at the il a.m. service St. George'. Churcli congregation will honor Troop Scouter, Mr. Charles Collard who lias completed 50 years of ser- vice te the scouting movement. A photograph and plaque te be displayed in *the Parish Hall are presented te Mr. Colard by corporation and chair- man of the group committee. WHITBY WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The neit meeting of the Whitby Women's Institute will be held on Feb. 22 at the home of Mrs. Bessie Acton, 215 Reedaire Court at 1:30 p.m. Visitor. welcome. CORRIDOR AREA RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION The next executive meeting of the association will be held on Thursday, March 8 at 7:30 p.m., Whitby Municipal Building in Committee Room 2. CAPERS BALL The, Sprlng Capers Bail will be held at the Masonic Hall on Saturday, April 28 from 8:30 p.m. te 1 a.m. icket. wlll be $12 a couple and may be reseved by calling any member of the executive or 725-896. Remember, this is a smaller hall and ticket. will be lited, so call early to avoid disap- pointment. COFFEE POT The 100 cup coffee perk ha. been in demand lately. It i. already booked for March 30, but is available riglit now. Please cail if you require a large coffee perk. Have a good week. Cail 725-8967 with news items for the column. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1984, PAGE 9" Brunelle wants fine boxes'for downtown If Centre Ward Coun- cillor Marcel Brunelle ha. hi. way, padlocked metal mail-typa boxes wll sprout up ail over downtown Whltby, enabllng parking offen- ders te qulckly and con- veniently pay their fines. Brunelle first say the boxes in -Fredericton,' New Brunswick last summer and ukider- stands that they are' also in use in Lindsay, On- tario. The boxes, which would be padlocked and emptied every day by the bylaw enforcemnt officer, would be placed along downtown streets. Brunielle wants the idea studied because he feels it is too costly for the town to chase parking offenders through the courts. If someone does flot pay a parking-ticket, a summons is issued requiring the offender to appaar in court te pay even higlier fine.' "'There are an awful lot of ticket. that are not being paid," Brunelle says, "The idea Is to save money."1 Thç councillor also belleves that it cost. the town too much money to prosecute offenders. "It is costing too much tecollect the fines, and it shouldn't cost the taxpayers to colleet them, "* he says addlng that mucli valuable staff time ip taken upin the. process. And every cent saved, is another cent the tewn can use to improve fadiities in the down- town core. "Every nickel we save is another nickel in the town's pocket that we can use to develop parking in the down- town, " Brunelle says. The ides would also mean tliat the type of ticket the town issues would have to be changed. Brunelle says tliat the town would have to issue a ticket printed on an envelopa into which Taxes topic of meeting "Planning to Reduce Personal In- corne Tax" i. the topic at the ' February meeting of the Whitby Chamber of Commerce. Advice on how to keep the tax man from taking more than lie needs will be offered by John Pat- te, manager of taxation for Deloitte ,Haskins and Seils, a firm of char- tered accountants in Oshawa. The meeting will be held Feb. 22 at the Earl of -Durham Dining Lounge, 227 Brock Street South. There will be a social haîf-hour starting at noon,, followed by luncheon at 12:30 p.m. Anyone wishing to at- tend this meeting is asked to reserve by calling the Chamber of- fice. at 668-4506 by Mon., Feb. 20 at the latest. "Now is the time to start planning to enable us to hang on to as mucli as we are legally ailowed, " said Chamber president Don Frise. "As they say, it's not how much you make; it's how much you get'to keep that's important. " ,people- could insert include nelghbouring cheques or cash te pay municipalities. their fines., Theft. would "lTry it out i Whltby, be mlnlmlzed, lie added, see how it works and if it by having the boxes Io successful maybo the emptied every day. reglon can pick it up," Because Whitby uses Brunelle says. the parking tickets The roèkle coundil issued by Durham member alsopoint. out Reglon, Brunelle hope. that the town's parking lis ides will expand te facilities are supposed to pay for thems4elves and perhaps Implemen- ting this suggestion will help meet the goal. Public works directer Dlck Kuwahara la studying the proposaI and la expected te bring forward a report to coundil sometime in the near future. EATERY YOUR HOST TONY POLERA IEGINNING TONIGHT & EVERY WEDNESDA Y NIGRT ROCKAMERICA V1DEO'S SHOWN ON GIANT SCREEN GREAT FOOD - GREAT ATMOSPHERE GREAT LIISTENING & DANCE MUSIC *SUNDAY NIGHT SKI PARTIES *MONDAY NIGHT WING DING *TUESDAY NIGHT I8 LADIES NIGHT -Speclal of fer for Sunday skier. -2 for 1 on chloken wlngs ail night *OLYMPIC HIGHL IGHtS WHEN AVAILABLE *WATCH YOUR FAVOURITE SOAP STARS ON OUR GIANT SCREEN BAYWEST PLAZA PICKERING (Westshore Blvd. & Bayiy St. W.) 839m-1625 De dkProdUi~) MARIGOLO LIN COIN MERCURY offers the best deals in town. There's neyer been-a better time to buy Over 80 new models in stock to choose from LYNX CAPRI GRAND MARQUIS BRONCO m FORD PICKUPS TOPAZ MARQUIS LINCOLN RANGER FORD VANS Corne ln and see' JACK COOK-TERRY PETERS DAVE SMITH' [_DRIVING IS BELIEVINGJ