WHITBY FREE PRESS. WFDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22. 1984, PAGE 15 Ott awa Hiloghlights By MARY-ANN'HUBERS Free Press Staff With the Prime Minister away in Moscow meeting with the new Soviet leader Konstantin Chernenko, Finanoe Minister Marc Lalonde brought down his budget last Wednesday.' It has been described varlously as a "non-event", a "house cleaning budget" and a "Ibargain basement budget". It cer- tainly wasn't an elec tion budget - no election goodies were promised. Those wil probably corne in a later fail budget. This one was designed to give the Liberals some time - time to recoup, time for their leader to decide on his future, time to prepare their election strategy. Consequently, it was a budget that provoked neither controversy nor celebration. It introduced no new taxes - those were introduced in the April, 1963 budget and will take effect soon. It scratched the surface of problems that needed to be'ad.. dressed. Pension reforma were introduced to satisfy professionals, self-employed Canadians and poor single pensioners, a mortgage insurance acheme was promlsed to protect home owners against sud-' den increases i interest rates. A profit sharing 1program for workers was propoeed and changes were made te the tax system i response te the recent criticisms heaped on the revenue minlstry, especiaily by smail businessmen. Lalonde reaffirmed bis intention to reduce the deficit, but very graduaily. He earmarked only $150 million for new job creation programs, a huge dlsappointment for Canada's- unemployed. Em- ployment stimulation, Lalonde emphasized, would have te corne from the private sector. 1If the budget didn't provoke many angry respon- ses from outside of Parliament, it did from wlthin. The Tories' main criticism was that it didn't deal toughly enough with the deficit. Without drastically reducing the deficit,. Tory leader Brian Mulroney said, the Government can't possible inspire the con- fidence necessary to attract investment capital. New Democratic Party leader Ed Broadbent critlclzed the government for giving tax' beniefits to upper incoe Canadians at the expenoe of lower in- corne earners. For a recovery te take root, Broad- bent insisted, the average consumer bas to have an The sed dsmednyth te budget was brougbt down, the House found itself embroiled in yet another controversy. A story in the Glove and Mail that the Prime Minister's office had compiled a secret file on Opposition Lâeader Brian Mulroney angered the Conservative members of Parliament wbo accused the Prime Minister. 0f using gover- nment funds te undertake a "Isleazy, covert operation"l with one objective - that of destroying the reputation 0f the Opposition Leader. External Affairs Minister Ailan MacEachen, responding i Trudeau's absence, countered that it was a "'normal operation" for the P.M.O., which is a political office, te prepare the Prime Minister for' Question Period by advising hlm on the stand of public figures on -public issues. Teh files were opened to the press, and were found te contain publicly obtainable information. Upon bis return, Trudeau accused the Toriesof being hypocrites for Mulroney, he said, had a file on hlm. Mulroney acknowledged that he did indeed have a file on Trudeau but refused te open it te the press unlesa an lnqulry was cailed. The file was ev- entuaily released, without the promise of an iqulry, and agai the information consisted mainly of press releases, newspaper clippings and the writings of the Prime Minister. iQ AIY I .CT R tR M u5OOFFî i WITH THIS ADi * Over 500 popular f rame styles, i * Custom 'framling i * Needîspoînt stretching I * Matboard, Glass-- I * Prompt, frlendly servIce SAVE TODAY I 668,4521 sun art 82 FROST DRIVE, WHITBY . Murder on their rninds> Mudris on the minds of a few people in Henry Street High School's production of "Summer People" that will be presented on Mar. 1 with "Paul's Case." Set in cottage country " Summer People" is the story of an elderly couple who stay on at their summer home past the Labor Day weekend. They are slowly cut off and finally murdered by the locals. Debbie Taggart and Chris Kalakonis (sitting, front) play the unfortunate couple. Committing the most unspeakable crime are (from left to right in the back row): Margaret Corinda, Dave Gailagher, Leanne Hancock and Chris Docbuk. Tickets are $2 and will be sold at the door. Free Press Staff Photo Lawyer to head TORONTO - Windsor lawyer Charles Clark has been named to head a review of electrocon- vulsive tberapy (ECT) in Ontario, Healtb Minister Keitb Norton announced Friday. The review will investigate the current use of ECT and recommend guidelines for its use. Clark bas extensive experience in bealtb- care planning, serving as chairman of the Toronto East General Hospital review com- mittee in 1980-81 ,and chairman of the Essex District Health Council frorn 1976 to 1979. Further details on the review's terms-, 0f réference and procedures to be followed will be worked out in discussions bet- ween the chairinan and' the ministry. ru ci proi A, spokesman for the ri Ministry of Health said that no decisions have been made as to when or if the review committee will corne to Wbitby to study the ECT practices at the Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital. An announcement should be made in the near future. The review will take about six months, and its final report wil be fi be ade public, Standard 'Trust RRSP, No motte r which Standard Trust RRSP you choose, thoreoare absalutely no focs. " INSTANT TAX RECEIPT " APPLY BY PHONE 0 SAVINOS OR G...PLAN Up I "rates sublect ta change (-yeor GI1 C compoundedaonnually> SSTA NDA RD teTRUST 165 Qu», Street, PO. Box 1318 Port Penly, Ontaria LOB INO Telophane: 985-8435 Open: Mon. ta Tiwurs. Fri 9-5 9.6 Membar of Canada Dpanit Inarance Cororatio In Whitby througli FENNELI INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. 185 Brock St. N. Suite 214, Whitby 666-2400 i THE CORPORATION 0F g TH ETOWN OF WK-ITBY PLANNING ... .. DEPARTMVENT NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING ASHBURN Hamlet Deveîoomant Plan Wednesday, March 7,1984 7:30 P. M. ASHBURN COMMUNITY CENTRE The thîrd' pub lic meeting of the Administrative Committee In the study process for the Hamiet Development Plan for Ashburn will be held at the tîme and place noted above. At thîs meeting the Stage Ill: Draft Development Plan Report.will be presented. All Interested per- sons are, lnvited to attend and, to submit any writ- ten comments by March 30, 1984. Further Information on the above study miay be obtained by caiiing Larry Cavanagh or Bryce'Jor- dan of Planning Department at (416) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT Dîrector of Planning Corporation of the Town of Whitby PLUS/MANY MORE UNADVERTISED SPECIALS AT SAVINOS UP TO 75% AND MORE ý 17 ll"i nr