WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1984, PAGE 23 ACYI holding festival WDTO ED' ACTINS] ACNS ~RENLJ T O2BJ WANTE -. 'e.ppli.ice -B. * jorn t okig We Recnditio * B y e l 131.awo d v . Ne-a CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN SAT., FEB. 25> 11:00 AM Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay ]Little Britain Road. 2- door mahogany china cabinet, Victrola, parlour chairs, Duncan Fyfe drop-leaf table, 5 piece modemn bedroom suite-, modemn brown chester- field and chair, walnut fern stand, brown Viking 2-door ref ridgerator, walnut dining table, Console colour TV, hanging lamp, Farmers air-tlght stove, metal filling cabinet and office desk, cook stove, 5 h.p. M.T.D.' roto-tliler, 10 h.p. Canadiana riding lawn mower, 36" cut and 36" snow thrower, 1976 Chrysier New Port (cer- tified>, quantity -0f small kitchen appliances, tools, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN I705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE SAT., FEB. 25 11:00 AM Claremont Community Hall. Furniture, antiques, collectables, dishes and glass. Cherry wood dining room table, chim- ney cupboard, pressback rocking chairs, washstands, fancy dishes, cups and saucers, avon botties, many more articles. Terms cash. EARL GAUSLIN AUCTIONEER 640-3079 SNTICF NOIE , THE REGIONAL MUNICIpALITy 0F DURHAM DURHAM NOTICE WEIG HT -RESTRICTION REGULATIONS ",Weight Restriction Reguations wilI be in force on roads under the jurisdiction of the Regional Municipality of Durham. Effective March lst ta April 3Oth in- clusive, vehicle loiads are restricted ta 5 TONNES per axie in 'accordance with Durham Region By-Law Number 142-82. Signs will be erected on ail Regional Roads ta which these Weight Restric.- tions apply." W.A. Twelvetrees, P. Eng. Commissioner of Works Regional Municlpality of Durham SIMPLE i The simple solution to cieaning storage probiems in the attic and garage is a Ciassified Ad. WHITBY FREE PRESS--------------...668-6111 WE BUY end SELL USED APPLIANCES WE RUECONO<TOON ANC GIARANdTE CASH FOR jeweiiery, fumiture, coins,.antiques, one Item or a houseful, or aven the house.-728- 4455. WANTED scraped, or used cars. Cali 433-2040. WANTED ON CONSIGNIVENT bicycies, ln good condition and golf equipment. Aul other sports equipment accepted. 58 Baldwin, Brookiin, 655-8079. CARS WANTED for scrap, top price. Cali 578-9644. IP HELP WANTED STHE CORPORATIONOP' THETOWNOFWHITBY TOWN OF WHITBY REQUIRES A' TAX COLLECTOR Applications are lnlvted for, the position of- Tax Colector of the Town 0f Wh ltby. The successful applicant should possess 5 years' experlence ln a computerized municipal financial envlronment, accounting traling to an Inter- mediate level, a speclfic knowledge of property assessment and the municipal taxation structure, and knowiedge and experience ln municipal tax collection procedures. Compietion of the traling course sponsored by the Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers will be considered an asset. Sai 'ary la commensurate with qualifications and experlence. An employee fringe benefit package ls Ineffeot. Resumes, including full details of qualifications and expérience should be forwarded to the under- signed not later than February 24th, 1984. W.H. Wallace, Administrator Town of Whitby, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario Li N 2M8 WORD PROCESSINO & Micro Computer introductory courses. Three weeic speciai, $95. Longer courses availabie with certificats and job placement. 683-7767. MALIE, 20, seeka someone to start hlm on an apprenticeship ln mechanica and auto body, 2 years experience ln each, or wiii take warehouse work or any other laborer job. fui or part-tlime, 683- 9554. TEN DERS Ontario Bids are invited by the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital for the provision of Vendlng Services for the period April lst, 1984 to March 319t, 1987 Inclusive. Tender documents may be obtained by contactlng the Pur- chasing Office, WhIt- by Psychlatric Hospital. This Tender will close Wednesday, February 29th, 1984 at 12:00 Noon. By K.DOBRANOWSKI Anderson C.V.I. During these days, whilst many of us seem to be suffering from every physical and mental malady known to man, Anderson has devised a way to conquer the February blahs. Several students have collaborated their ideas and are presenting an event that will give the members of our ýcom- mumity an evening of entertainment and en- joyment, and the oppor- tunity to help someohq, in need. It's called the "Festival de Mode"~; a fashion extravaganza exhibiting the latest trends in clothing that merchants in our area have to offer.' The newest co-ordinates for spring and summer will be modelled to the latest rhythmic tunes. The production will take place on Feb. 24,- at 7:30 p.m. and tickets are available at the Bay, Woolco, Tbrifty's and Anderson. This undertaking is particularly outstan- ding since ail proceeds will be contributed to help Barbara Turnbull, the Toronto-area student who is suffering paralysis due to a gun- shot wound. Undoub- tedly, the "Festival de Mode" promises to be an exciting and worth- while event. See you therel The annual Anderson Winter Carnival, held yesterday, featured egg throwing, jello eating, teacher-student volley- bail and broombal games and many other fun-filled events both indoors and outside. AUCTION SALE SAT., FEB. 25 6:00OPM At Pearce Auction Cen- tre on Shirley Road. Four miles south of Port Perry. Partial estate, tools and added con- signment. 1975 Hornet stationwagon, alr-tight stove, antique ref rldgerator, mantel dlock, washer and dryer, china cupboard, table and chairs, Engilsh Sad- die, oak single bed, dressers, dishwasher, gun rack, dishes, iight fixtures, hydrauiic jacks, grlnd stone, tool sets, wrenches, axes, drills, 1e)" chain saw, new boots and clothing, new toys, dog house and much more. We take Visa and Maâter Card. PEARCE AUCTIQIN SERVICES 985-7492 NEIL WOODROW AUCTIONEER * Livestock * Household e Farm*Antiques" a Etc. Phone 655-8985 FAMILY ATTEND ONE THIS WEEKEND r/yDopp isksby' 5-"OISKETTES N91803 P it-fii, 1 lot AIES Piii Alisý plsIý 5.65 c-i -70 _____ tej AIlili-Il 1 ~s& 3 4.70 ea N9787b fi) 6.50 ea. 8- DISKETTES N97525 lus IBM Svst-it 32 4.85 ea - N97523 fi Wa <inSvsl#el N97593 lue Xt',tt 850 &86o5.95 ea N97840 lu, AES9O&100 6.95ca' N97838 litt AS C20 Moîti Plis% 6.95 ea. In the meantime, the A.C.V.I. Band spon- sored the successful Valentine's Dance on Feb. 10 and the boys' basketball teams have begun their playoffs, and the girls' volleyball teams are preparing for playoff tournaments. News fro m DO'C -It has been a mixed- activity week witbin the environs of Denis O'Connor. We have seen the hearts of students uplifted by the sight of the simple carnation, the goodies of a bake sale help the Share Life program, and the beat of music reverberate within the walls of our modeat gym. Flower Day was a success. There were more sales than ever before and the Year book Club may now ac'd aproximately $300 to its coffers. They stil have to corne up with a strategy to cover fur- ther financial expenses. Hopefully eureka will strike and ail wiil be well. Normally, this is done through adver- tisements fro m the local business people 'within the. community. If anyone out there wishes to advertise within tihe pages of' Our "DO'CUMENT," please phone M6-8721. Your support would be greatly appreciated. The Share Life, bake sale, sponsored by our own student council, was held last FrYiday. The raising of funda for Our own Catholic Charities is an annual event here at DO'C. A big thank-you to ail those who baked, bought and ate! Your par- ticipation is what makes it happen. The final event of the week was the Valentine Dance that was aIso, held on Friday eveming. There was a record turn-out and by the sounds of it ail, the crowd- enjoyed the celebration. Thanka to Roberts Coilegiate. Good luek to our studen- ts in their performance Of "The Hero". Break a leg, folks! Help keep Red Cross AVAL EONRIN US0$l DISKETTES FOR OTH4EF SYS'TLMS -f dy STORMV WINDOWS & DOORS RADIANT - RELIABLE, - RUGGED ENAMELLED IN ANVOF 12 ATTRACTIVE COLOURS Manuaclued by Free Estimale*u eey & Installation 728-1633 FAC TORY & SHOWROOOM -845 FAREWELL ST. OSHAW ALUMINUM LIMIRED PNlASUUWFI - I -j -t NEW & U»I CAR BUTS MEAD ... DUY... SEUL JUSI CALL 68-6111 1 TENDERS