WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY,.,FEBRUARY 29e,11984, PAGE 21 OVENTJTO BUY 2IE HELP WANTED IEL WANTED USED APPLlANCÊS <Worklng or Not) WE BUY, SELL &RECONDITION Service for ail major appliances 131 erwo . 68-5. j SECURE PARKING for two 1-ton trucks. Whltby area. Cmli 00& 7355. CARS WANTED for scrap, top price. Cmli 576-9644. WE BUY and SELL USED APPLIANCES WE RECONOITION AND OUARANTEE WANTED ON CONSIGNMENT bicycles, In good condition and' golf equipment. Ail other sports equipment accepted. 58 Baldwin, Brooklin, 6558079. WANTED scraped or used1 caès. Cmii 433-2040. CASH. FOR Ieweilery, fumiture, coins, antiques, ons -Item or a houseful, or even the hous. 728- 4455. F PHOTOCOPYING High quaiity photocopying whiie you watt. WHITBY FREEPRESS 131 Brock Street North, Whitby THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM WRHAMNOTICE « WEIGHT RESTRICTION REGULATIONS "Welght Restriction Regulations will be In force on roads under the jurisdictlon of the*Regional Munlclpality.of Durham. Effective March lst to April 3Oth in- clusive, vehicle Ioads are restricted to 5 TONNES per axie ln accordance with Durham Region By-Law Number 142-82. Slgns wIll be erected on al Regional Roads to whlch these Weight Restric-? tions appiy." W.A. Twelvetrees, P. Eng. Commissioner of Works Regional Munlclpality of Durham AUONS ONS UC3ONS AUCTION SALE' SAT., MARCH 3 6:00 P.M. At Pearce Auction Cen- tre on Shirley Road.ý Four miîles south of Port Perry. With 1974 Ford haîf-ton, 1976 Dodge 1- ton truck, modern 8 piece dlning room suite, Frigidaire spln/washer, cedar' chest, «eiectric snowblower, dryer, Rangette, Kenmore sewing machine, dressers, good bicycles, desk, linens, waii mirrors. New Items In- clude: chalnsaws, Kerosun heaters, tooi cabinets, puiters, boots, tools, brooms, toys, etc. Managed and soid by. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 985-7492 AUCTION SALE WED., MARCH 7 6:30 P.M. Brooklin community Centre, cassels Road East, Hwy. 7 and 12. We are sellng the contents of a local Pîne Shop plus antique consigniments. The sale Includes gran- dfather dlocks, oak dressers, Vîctorian set-- tee, rockers, washstan- ds, parlour tables, Cane bottom chairs, wIcker dressers and other wicker wear, decoys, crocks, crystal and glass, china, sorted gîf- tware, etc. In pine we have Harvest table, round dinîng table, hut- ches and buffets, glass- top table, Gunstock, Hi- back and pressback chairs, waiI sconces, corner sheives, mirrors, etc. Also we have our usualy selection of an- tique guns and swords. Paillai listing oniy. Preview 4:30 p.m. Terms cash, Visa or approved cheque. AUCTIONEER EARL MACKINNON 655-3526 AUCTION L SUN., MARCH 4 1:0 PM. Loation: ftwo miles nor th of B roincil on Hwy Park Rdbestant.Aie seovectinlfban*mdnerr îtoois,one drl prsuitoes watseidn, bttng, trchg set 12tacks,lavssortd ocairtivcs, toetsur fgalines, casPick-U trk, Gete o boatrds tbang itos, tand gmch monre Hoehditems freezers, us tovme- iamcoffe ale tr2caiVtotsri t.f r s ble c sor own0 iewn ay. Stad NEiL WOODROW AU CTIONEERL SUN5,-8985 NEIL WOODROW AUCTIONEER * Llvestock * Household e FarmeAntiques eEtc. Phone 655-8985 TENDERS the Jail ln WHITBY, Ont. Tender No. GB8-83-277 MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Supply and Instaîl Economizer on Bolier No. 3 ln the Power House at the Psychiatric Hospital ln WHITIBY, Ont. Tender No. GB8-83-273 Seaied Tenders will be recelved until 2:00 p.m. local time on - FR1 DAY MARCH 161984. Com~bined Tenders will not be accepted. Tender Documents may be obtained f rom the On- tario MinIstry of Government Services, Orillia District Office, 24 James St. E., Box 790, Orillia, Ont. Note: For further Information regarding the ten- ders, please cati tha Tenders Office at the above address, Telephone (705) 325-7403. The iowest or any ted. Tender not necessarily accep- Ministry of Government Services R. gel NOS The Growth Thot Ruilds Succs Regai Greetings & Gifts' rapid growth coninues with a new retail outiet ln Whitby. For ambitious, enthusiastîc people, this means new opportunities In the foiiowIng areas: BACKUP MANAGER If retail management is your career goal, we have the path to reach ItL This fuli-time position requires a personabie, aggressive InjdIvidual with at least 2 years' related experience, who seeks the rewards -of increased respon- slbility and who has the desire for steady prof esdional development. STOCK PERSON Vour enthusîasm and keen desire to iearn ail aspects of a business f rom top to bottorn means high potent lIin this permanent'part-time position. STORE CLERKS Outgoing, energetic individuals seeklng ground 'fioor opportunIties are sought for these permanent part-time positions. Good organization and communication skilis are musts, and some reiated experience is preferred. As one of Canada's moat successfui merchandising companies, Regalof- fers competitive salaries together with the advancement options only found with a progressive company. Investigate your possibilities by appiying In person at: 1450'Hopklns Street,,Unit 5, Whltby February 28th through March 2nd WORD PROCESSINO & Micro Computer Introductory courses. Three week speciai, $95. Longér courses avaliabie with certificate and job placement. 683.7767. TELEPHONE SOLICITORS, Drivsrs-Sprayers for Wood Con- trol arid Trie Spraying Company. Phono 668-7355. THE NEW & ISID CAR EUYS ~~ JUST CALL 668-6111 ~ ~ tE/j OFog ppy Disks by Ntoa k5V." DISKETTES - - I 8" DISKETTES ýN97525 for,1IBM Sysêé-r 32 4.85 ea. N97523 -for Wanq Systern 25 &30 585 ea N97593 fo, Xerox 850 &'8605.95 ea. N97840-for AES90& 100 695ea. N97838 - for AES C20 Muin-Plus 6.95 ea. PHNE68-16 Ofic-Sppie LOOKING FOR A CAREER IN ADVERTISING? Downtown business requîmes that person who: *Possess good com- munication skiîîs; *Has ambition and self confidence; @ls eager to Iearn; sis capable of earning an above average ln- corme; @And le not af raid to work for ItL If you possess these qualîties drop ln and ses us. Experience not necessary. Start imnmediately. corne ln to our office anytime Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 131 Brock St. N., Whitby. ARE YOU BRIGH-T, AMBTIUSAND BORED? You oweit to yourself to learn how our people en- joy an interesting and challenging career offering beneficial protection services for motorists. The Incomne s very good. You earn while you learn and recelve a substantiai TRAINING ALLOWANCE plus commission each week. Fuil-time and Part- time positions open now. You must be legai age, have a good car, and at least 15 hours each week. Appiy to: Mr. Coughtrsy, ln persan ai the Holiday Inn, Oshawa on Monday, March l9th at 2 p.m. or 7 p.m. sharp.