Whitby Free Press, 14 Mar 1984, p. 33

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WFDNESDAY, MARCH 14- 1984. PAGE 17 Whltby's Most WideIy Read CLASSIjFIEýD ALS C IRVIES CIL CAR IARTICLES < > 7 TCLES' EV~IES. EVCS EVCSSERVICES' S~3~cES e3~OESSERVICES FOR SALE FRSL DELLARIE'S LANDSCAPING AND GENERAL CONTRACTINO Man wlth truck willing ta do odd, Jobs, iandscapîng, fertlîîzind, garbage remnoval and snowplowlng. 839-7979. ASTRO-TAROT READING$ PrlvtsoOr groupa. Oeil 831-4549 between 6 and 8 p.m. for appaîn- lment. FACTORY PRICES Vanitios and marbie tope, any size or colour, Installed at IOW prices. Free estimates. GoWomn Plumblng 725-1044 CONGRATULATIONS on your forthcoming _marriage. Psese vîew aur samples of engrsved wedding Initations et yaur loi- sure ln aur Ajax Plaza store. DIck- son Prilnrg& Office Supplies 683-1968. ZYHAR, Mary and Oryst are hep- py ta announce the bîrth of their deughtar, Katherine Anne Zyher, weighing libs. iloz., on March 4, 1984 et 6:34 a.m. Very happy sa brother Michael. Proud gran- dparents are Osyp and Anna Zyhar and Marfa Pohlid. Very proud are great-grendmother Sofia Baryschpoisc, iJncIe Walter Zyhar, Uncie Paul, Aunt Dottie and cousin Julie Pohlid. Many thanks ta the staff et Ajaxc- Pickering Generel Hospital and especilly Doctors Sliwowicz and Easton. WAYNE'S PAINTING, interior, exterlor. No Job toc small, guarantead. Besement floars, cellîngs, gat reedy for spring. 578-7422 anytime. OSHAWA REFINISHINC Antique and- modem wood furniture. Hand strlpped and prafessionally finished. Free estimetes, free pick-up and deiivery. 585 Won- tworth St. E., No. X4. Open 9-5. 723-7479 or 728-6071. WILL DO sewlng ln my home. Phone 668-1228. CAR POOL Iesving Oshawa-Ajax ares going ta York Mils - Les Mille arse, 910o 5. Oelil after 6 p.m., 728- 5000,6U3-5892. EXPERIENCED Carpet Installer. Gaod workmenshlp, low rates, also repaire.COeil John efler 5 p.m., 668-1518. HANDYMAN - PaInter, Paperhsnger, ShIngling, Drywall, Oeramlc Tules. Ail home im- provemenîs. 30 yesrs experlence, Engilsh trained, references. Free estimates. Oeil Oharles Newsham 576-0688. PSYCHIC MEDIUM le eveliabie for privete readingsaend aiso numeroiogy cherts. For Infor- mation and eppaintment ceil 579- 6523. SECCL ANING b HOUSECSENING f MTMîNS, WSoERVICES rEsSERVICES -Icmuanm NT L DUSTY DOLLIES IQuality Cleaning With A Difference I Çaii 686-3888 FORUNRENT TYPEWRITER rentai, manymakes and modeis, by the weekegnd, week or month. Discounts aveul- able. DIckson Prlnting & Office Supplies In the Ajax Plaza. Oel us for business machine Mepgirs 683-1968. LOST Goid Chain and Modeilion ln 'downtown Whitby- ares. Reward. Phono 723-8385 or 668- 5685. CAMnS LIVTCK *'OUT CLUB MEMBERSHIPS avellable. Stocked ponds, Chalet for 1984, secluded, private. Write Trout Club, Box 206, Wh itby, Li N 5SS, Whitby Free Prosse. WU VACATION RENRNTLSALS MUST SELL Arabian Mare (Gaeiic-Nariissa> $1,000 or best offer. OeIl Oshawa 576-294. 1980 FISH & CHIP- TRUCK Operated ln 1983. Phone 2944248 or 433-8844. EDUCATIONAL aFLORIDA CTAE learwater - Three bedroam SERVICES mobile homes. Heated pools,FO ff tennis, close ta beaches and 4ORAMMAR for people who hate major attractions, chlldren, grammar" sa the ideai pocket weicome. $M2.00 U.s THREE BEDROOM *Indoor pium- reference book for business weekly (es than motel bing, privato watorfront, sandy people. $395 per copy and avili- M)' 683-5503 * beach. Phone 686-4895. able et Dlakeon Printina & Office enquiries lnvted 683-1968. FREE >FOR RENT ( D - WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for rent FREE-.Drop into the Dlckson Prlntlng & Office Suppiy store ln the Ajax Plaza and pick up a frec COPY Of their 1983 Metrlc Oeien. dar. Printed ln two coloure, it makes for handy reference. 683. 1968. on professional floor. Wauid be suitable for iawyer, accountant, etc. Rent Includes aili utilities and le negotiable for an appropria. tenant. For further Information Cali 668-072 between 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday ta Frday. I w.. DSWORK NER R-WMT ls CALLNS4ill CLEAN 2 BEDROOM Thickson and Dundes. Weil kept low-rise, dishwasher, swImming pool, broadioomed, convenilent shop- ping and transportation. Subiet. 728-9998.1 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT In emeli Port Whitby buildi1ng. Adulte oniy. $371 per month ln- cludes fridge, stove, hydro and parking. Cabie TV and iaundry facilttes avaliabie. Phono 6U8 6372 between 9:30 a.m. and -5 p.m. CONDO - 2 bedroom, 1½ batha, fridge and etove. $475 monthiy, utilities ]ncluded.. Phono 66 1538.i JACK R. CAYNE, M.B.A. @ACCOUNTING *BOOKKEEPING eINCOME TÀX 9 Myors Lane North York, Ontario,, M2H 1 P7 493-1975 or 655-4859 H USESNUE CLOERTOTORONTO BATHURST-STEELES HOUSING CO-OP NEW Three Bodroom Townhouses Two appliances, energy-efflclent, $580-$630 plus utilities, Sprlng-Summer occupancy. A FRIENDLY member-controlled Communlty model homes. Sundays 2-4 p.m., 598-543 NEED A RENTAL? Oeil the Exper- ARTICLES tsi -W. carry houses, FOR SALE, townhouses, duplexes, apar- tmsnts, fiats! Ail areas, sizes, AUCTIONS, pricesi 579-4500 Homelocators, R EAL ESTATE fe.- AND MORE... PHOTOCOPIYING High quality photocopyîng while you walt. W-IITBY FREE PRESS 131 Brock Street North, Whltby USED STEEL AND WOOD fence poste. Large selectlon, reasonabîy prlced. Phono 655- 4786. GEOTYOE proe-on Iettering now ln stock at Dlaksan Prlnting & Of- fice Supplies ln the Aij'x So- ping Plaza. Large selection of styles and sizes. Why psy mare for a emaller sheet of Iettering? 68-1968. WEDDING INVITATIONS and Other Weddlng Aide Choose f rom our Wide Selection In the Comfort of Vour Own Home. PriCes to suit every budget. SWEET THOUGHTS LADY WISHES TO DABYSIT children any ages, deys, or evenings, ,my home, noar dawn- town WhItby. Oeil 668&3167. MOTHER 0F 16 MONTH OLD BOY wIll babysit In my home during deys. Hot lunches provlded. Rossland and Brock St. ares. $55 weekly. 666-3581. BUTTERFLY Daycare Centre No. 2 Open 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Qualified Staff Hot Meais Age From 6 Weeks' To 6 Years OId 309 Bsoch St. Whitby 668-8927 OR 571-0031. CALL 61>6111 to place your ar- ticle for sale. CCSMMDDTION WAWAd1DNTED LARGE 2 BEDROOM apartment for professional couple. No chlldren, no pets. Prefer aduit building, Whitby ares with parking for 2 cars. $450 ta $500 Inclusive with occupancy for May let or lSth. Cali Janice 683-8561 deys or 723-0149 evenings. WANTED - Professionai couple seeking emali house or farm to rent In the Oshawa-Whiîby ares. Prefer 10 take occupancy starting May 1, 1984 but willing to negotiate. Plesse cail coliect 70)5. 722-7914 after e p.m. YOUNG COUPLE seeking smal housesln Whitby ara - April let. 683-4-155, 9 to 5 p.m., ask for Lesley. 30" VIKING self-dlean stave, $200. Westinghouse frost-free refridgerstor, $M.,~ Simpiicity automatie waeher. '$150. De- Humidifier, $50. Phono 579-3353. MATTRESSES and box sprlngs et half pria.. McKeen Furniture, 524 silmcoe Street South, Oshawa. 725-5181. "HEROES of the Bibi." 'Pcolauring boak avellable et DIokeon Prînt- Ing & Office Supply,?Aýjax Plaza, 683-1968. Dealèr :nqules In- CHESTERFIELD olltes, love- béats, sectianals, :lésthan 14 price. Large aIect$i<in. MoKeen Fumîture. 524 pIhiç t. S.s., Oshawa. 725-5181. VISIT aur used himniture ware house by appol0tment. Big, savings on deaks,,éhairs, fMing, cabinets, etc. CaII'iôlkson PrInt- lng & ýOffice Suppliée ta arrange an eppoîntment ta. vlew. 683-, WINDSURFERS, Mistral, Weyier, Ton Cate, Hi Fiy. New and used, wet and dry suite, reiated ac- cessories,, seiling, upgrading, consignment boards bought and soid. 839-149. 19843 HONDA V45 MAGNA 750CC Liquid coalod, shaft drive, 6 speed, 6,000 kiiometres, balance of new fectory warranty, cortified $3.300. 686-4895. FOR SALE Travelux Tralier. Cenada's answer ta the air- Stream. Ali laumlnum, 5 good tires, new battery, 4 piece bath, propane, eiectric refridgerator, air conditioning, stove, furnace and hot weter heater. Broadioomed throughout, ioads of cupboard spaco. Oeil 261-9974 for appointment to inspect. AVUTîMVE U~fEAREA1SIRIPARTS REBUILT TRANSMISSIONS, Most modela, $185.001 Oeil Bob 683-0811. PARTS FOR SALE Hondas, GM trucks, motors, transmissions, tires. 576-9644.à HERE'S A DEALI 1975 Ford Win- dow Van. Fair shape, new tires, needs motor. Aiea enclosed ski- daa trailer. $700 bath. Ph-one 66&- 1845. 1974 OLDS VISTA CRUISER stationwagon. P.S., P.B., A-1, cor- Wlied, $1,600. Phone 666-2736. * f 'i Al Please check your adVertlsemnent for errors -on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will ot be hiable for failure to pubîish an ad, or for typographic errors in publica- tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. The Whitby Free 'Press reserves the right to classify or rejeot ail advertise- ments. Ads must appear in the paper one day before they can be changed or canceî led. CLASSIFIED RATES: $350 for 20 words; 1 1; each addition- ai Word If pre-paid. You may charge your Classified Ad to TTENTION DISPLAY &CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa card ready when calling. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 12Ç each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 Words; 12o each additional Word. AUCTION SALES - 34ç per Une. (No Word ads allowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additionaî charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press WiII make every en- deavour to forWard replies to box numbers, however, we a: cept no iability regarding Ioss or damage alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding such replies. We wili not be responsible for box number replies flot called for within 30 days. DEA DLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to Insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 6686111 CHECK OUR LOW EVERYDAY PRICES7 On new chesterfields, bedroom sets, colonial dining moins, and kitchen suites, beds, etc. EMERS FURNITURE 253 Bloor St. E. (At Ritsôr,) Oshawa SUPPIESFOR SALE THE WORLD IS YOURS ... IF YOU KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE... Wherever you move the Wei- coma Wagon hosteasila he rlght persan ta heip you f md a place In your new communiiy. Cali 668-8943

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