Whitby Free Press, 4 Apr 1984, p. 15

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Mi... [!i PEU.. J Emporium Ads wiII only be acceptedi subject to the following conditions. KIMBAIL ORGAN, $80. Cot tes table and 2 end tables, $200. Living raam chair, $50 Phoneo 668 4760. FOR SALE living raom suite, Roxton, earth-tone caloura, year and a hait aid. Asklng $2500. 2King sizé bed, $3M. Combination dining room ktchen suite, $250. Muet b. seen ta be appreciated. Phono 8860926 atter 4:30 p.m. FOR SALE 'windsurter, new. Asking $500. Phono 6686592. ONYX CHESS SETS, Aztec style, aàsarted colore, $55 each. Frigidaire automatlc drier $100. Record collection, 500 albums, $20.New 8 man tent $160. Bally raceway pinball machine, needs some wark, $350. Phono 985-9258. PEREGO PRAM - white body, mest velour cordoury hood with snap- on eysiet. Corne wth matching snap-on carrying ..purs.and grocery basket. Beautîful pram, $250 irm. Baby scale, welghs In pounde, $15. Dorel Safe-T-Rydor car seat wlth brown glngham qulited caver, $35. Phono 723- 3710. FOR SALE 5 plece dînette suite. Set includes: 4 chaire and table with W' thlck smoked giases top. Lîke new. Aeklng $300. Phono 66868f. TRAIN SM FOR SALE 8x4 outlay, 12 Atlas ewitchee, remote con- trai. PrIce $300. Phono 571-2212. BEAUTIFUL LIGHT PURPLE tut- ted headboard with salid wainut trame for King sîze bed or twin bede together, wlth matching bedspread and drapes. Al In very' good condition. $225. New ver- tical blinde, belge, l6ft wido x 45" long 'and 51/aft wide x 45", long. Coat $875. Soli $275. Phono 655- 8764. FOR SALE Atari Videa game. In- cludes 12 cassettes. $15W. Phone 668-8271.' TABLE à CHAIRS 42" round glass top with brame colour legs and tour dark brown uphalstored chairs. Like new. Paid ovor $600. Asking $400. Please cmii 668-8178 anytime. WOODEN KiTCHEN TABLE with two beaves, seats six, $95. Dun- can Fyto type table with two beaves, $75. End table, aid, $60. Occassionai chair, $25., Typewritor, manuai, Smith Corons, $45. Phono 683-663. FOR SALE Exetron Stringy Flop- py Drives 0 & 1 for TRS80 model. Plus 33 waere, data 110, ESF monitor, Edtasm RIS patch, elec- tric spread shoot. Smmii bus. bookkeeph4. Asking $275. Bruce 668-1965. .TWO BATHROOM medicine cabinets, $15 each. One Pot Pourri, $25. One Coca-Goa por- table cooler, $20. One 7" Jackson Oscilloscope, $75. One Heath Kit oscilloscope, $35. One Parsolin bathroom sink, $25. One La Fran- ce toamite copper f iro ex. tinguisher, $30. Solid oek childe echool desk, $45. Phono 668- 4098. FOR SALE Colonial style, maple, 7 pce. dining suite, Includes 47" table with 12" beat, 4 chaire, 43" buffet and hutch, $725. Colonial style mapie captaîns bed, 3 drawere and 4 book shelves. In- cludes posture board, $190. Cmli 668-1565. 100 BAILS of good etraw. $1 e bai l. Phonoeftor 6 p.m., 655-4794. HARDWOOD CRIB meple finish, $150. Mattrese, $25. Comforter, $10. Bumper pade, $15. Harwoad dressing table, maple tinish, $65. 655-4271. -PLEASE READ - When the advertised Item le eold, dIsposod of, or unavailabie ftir whatever reasont, the Item wlili b. deemed ta have been eoid and a commission wIii be chargod bmsed on THE ADVERTISED PRICE ms Illustratod beiow, ragardiess If price ls stted with "beet offer'. If theu Item la NOT SOLD, or dIsposed of, the md wiii b. run tor 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $6.00 wiii appiy payable ln advance of publication of the tiret md. Otherwise a $7.50 charge will ap- piy If biiled whIch muet be paid upon receipt of bill. The above minimum charges wiii be appiied ta the final commission due but ln mny case the higher amount wiii be chrged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-paid; $7.50 bIlied. Maximum commission: $100.00. Al edvertieements muet be piaced on an ex. clusive basie with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atiemet one month If not soid. RATES (It article lasald): 5% of dvertisd price Up ta $40.00 2% ot balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertised tor $12000. Commission due $6.00(minimum charge la $6.00). Privae advertieing oniyi Ploase notify 1he Whitby Free Prose immedieteiy whon Item le soid Bo Ihat we mmy delete it tram the foiiowing Issue. Alil ade not fitting the Emporium guidelines wiii be treaed and cherged per week as regular cleesifiod ade on a pre-paid basie such as: services, hoip wanted, ciothing, rosi estete, and personel message type ade, or ade not quotig price or quentity. Privete cliaeeitied ads may eppeer ln the Emporium section under appropriaeo headinge. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whltby, Li N 551 It ln doubt oeil: 668-6111 OR DELIVER-TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whltby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIGOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON.. FOR SALE Hoover spin washor/dryer. Sevon montha aid. Stili like now, has warrenty. Asking $300. Phonoe683-4104. FOR SALE MottaI Fiesta stove. Oven abovo, drawer elemente, Lazy Suzan ýbelow, good con- dition. Asklng $25. Phono 668- 421OaftorO6 p.m. MOFFAT DîSHWASHER ^white, bulit-in, like new, $255. Phono 668-1770. RARE 14FT Richardson coder strip boat. Upholsterod tront and rear gsats, electric start, 35 h.p., Johnston motor, Wetcat trailer. Asking $26800. Phono 723-8228. 1One ad ln the Whitby Free Prose Empori- um Section WINll l almast ,anythIng. Cmii 668111 ta place yourmd. 1TDm St. John Ambulance has been inviled la be a part cf Iheir noxt hundred years. Give lhem a oeil. Leain how la help. St. John Ambulance THINK MONEY - Thlnk the WhI.- by Fr.. Prose Emporium Section. One emali advertisemenf leailit I tekee. Place your article tor sale In the Whitby Free Prose and gel Immodiate resuits. . Tffé Fre Prose. le road by over 70,000 potentiel buyers each week. Think about what wo cen do for yau ... then celi us. Whltby Free Press 668-6111. MU1WAt '@INSTRUMNTS FOR SALE LOWERY ORGAN "Debut" with "Magic Genie", double koybaard, full rhythm sec- tion, bench and books. Very goad condition, Asking $1,200. Phono 655-4995. LADO GUITAR 4 monthe aId, minI condition, shadow pick-upe, cames with case. $850 or beet of- fer. 668-2736 atter 5 p.m., aek for Peter. ANTIQUE PUMP ORGAN Goad warking condition, $325. Phono' 68-0245. AUVOMOTIE 5~EARIPARIRPARTS] CORBEAU RACING STYLE bucket seat hîgh bmck f ixed position with built In headreet tiniehed ln black nylon wlth von- tiiating hales. Adjustable track. Very nice condition. $175. Celi Chuck 282-8760. PICK-UP TRUCK Tonneau covore ta f it Deteun, Fard Caurior and Mazda Trucks up ta 1979 with a 6' box. $25. Phono 282-8760. i AUTOMOBIILES SSALE ~.TRAILERJ 1978 OLDS ROYAL P.W., P.B., P.S., veor seats, 4 dooir, tilt wheel, AMIFM sterea, electrIc trunk, new tiros-- radiai, tinted windows, rear defogger, 400 km per tank. $3,700. Phone 668-1232. 1976 FORD ELITE $500 as ls or good for parts. Phono 655-4407. 1974 SCAMP mechanicmiiy good but body ls poor. 60,000 original miles. Any remeonable offer. Would iike $300. Phone 668-1760. 1974 MAVERICK 8 cyi., -auto, good mechanlically. Asking $200 or beat ottar., 1971 Toyota Corons - gaod mechanlcaily. Asking $250 or beet 0f fer. Cal 6689335. 1973 DODGE DUSTER for parts. No motor or transmission. Body ln good shape, $100. Phono 579- 7673. 1973 GRAND TORîNO DELUX P.S.,, P.B., no body halos or damage, oengine A-icondition, new battery, snows and summers on rim, tintod glss, etc. Roceipte for ail new parts. Besutitul dlean car. $1 ,500 or beet. Ater 5:30 p.m. cail 576-6372. FOR SALE 1972 Cheveile. 6 cyiinder, automnatic. $400 as le. Phono 668-1130. 1972 OLDSMOBIL E CUTLASS $300. Body has been dono. Noode engins. Phono 665-4407. 1972 PONTIAC LEMANS 2-doar, $550. Cail 728-3608. 1971 VW KARMEN GHIA Reetoioabie condition, hard-top. Asking $800. Phono 668-3052. 35FT TRAîLER, Corfair. Two tip- outs, 3 plae bath, broadioom throughout, fuily furnished, patio moors with 10x16 coder dock. $12,000. Phono 655-8885. FOR SALE a box trglier; 4x' $325. Cmii 579-4212. S FORIEOR SALE TWO 1982 HONDA CR 80 Mint condition, aniy usod one season. $650 each. Phono 655-3977.' 1980 KAWASAKI KX 80 Exce llent condition. Asking $850. Phono 668-9426. FOR SALE 1979 Honda 550 Four K. Excellent condition. Asklng $1,200. Phono 683-8552. 1977 KAWASAKI KZ 650 ex- cellent condition, a good fast bikeî, 28,000 kma., oxtras avaliablo. $1.150. Phono 668. 9394, ovenInge. IT 175 VAMAHA Asklng $1,500. Phone 668-6592. PHOTOCOPYING High quality photocopying while you wait. WHITBY FREE PRESSJ 131 Brock Street North, Whîtby Don't~ pu of dets nte CN FU S ED? Dont pt ff dvetiingin heWhitby Free Press Emporium simi- tions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear û p many of your ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't questions - if not, do eall 668-6111 and we'11 be pleased to explain the miss out on our Iow advertising rates just because you have ques- Emporium Section to you personally. If you: " are a private advertiser; " have an article to sel; and, " have a specifiled asking price for your article then you can* advertlsie under the Emporium sec- tion (see guldelines above for more details). Your ad wlll run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months). A minimum chargeapplies to each Emporium ad: $6.00 If paid before the *f rst insertion of your ad; $7.50 If you are billied after your ad has appeared once. If your article does NOT sel within three montfls, you pay onIy the minimum charge. It is unfortu- nate that no newspaper can guarantee your article wIIl self, but, where else could you get three mon- ths advertising for oniy $6.00? When your article sells, a commission Is charged, based on the advertised price. Commission Is: 5% Up to $40; 2% of the balance over $0;LEUS the minimum charge described above. I e'i 7have read the Emporium guldelines above and wlsh to have the foliow- I ng advertlsement placed under this section of the Whitby.Free Press. Below are some examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months. Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE Advertlsed .Prîce (dont forget ta include your ohone numbor) El 1 enclose , $6.OO to cover the minimum charge. El Charge $6.00 to my Visa account. E:1 Bill me for $7.50 after flrst publication of my ad. Card No. Exp. Date Nom@ please print) Addresa City POtuI Code MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PREc P.O. Box 206 13,1 BroCkSt.tè Whîtby Li N 5S iUp to $120 $ 150 $ 200 $ 300 I $ 400 -;,$ 500 $ 600 $ 700 I $ 800 $900, SS $2.000 $5,000 and Up n Total Amount Payable $ 6.00 7.50 10.00 15.00 20.00 22.00 24.00 26.00 28.00 30.00 32.00 52.00 72.00 92.00 100.001 ,ARTILWI ~ ES i ~FORSCALE Q FOMSLE I lUi. WITBY FREE -PRESS; WEDNESDAýY, APRIL 4; 1984, PAGE 15, Zý% 1

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