Whitby Free Press, 4 Apr 1984, p. 18

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M PAGE 18, WEDNESDA Y, APRIL 4, 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS Whitby's Most WideIy Read CLASSIFIFDADS_ I 9 HELP WANTEO SALES MANAGER required. Mc- cleave Insulation Services Ltd. PART.TIME AT HOME. If you en. 852.5051. loy talking on the telephone, have ______________________ a piessant teisphone manner and want to eam excellent money DENTAL HYGIENIST fuli-tirne, 4 promotlflg a nationwide retail days a week, 1 evening, 3 p.m. to department store service. Cali 8 p.m. Pickering on Hwy. 401. 1- D.M.S. 668-M6. 537-7442. WORD PROCESSINO & Micro SALES PERSONS. *Experienced computer introductory courses. preferred. Mccieave insulation Three week speciai, $95. Longer Services Ltd. 852-5051. courses avaliable with certif icate _______________________ and job placement. 683-7767. BAKING ASSISTANT WANTED Responabie maie needed for a ______________ Bakery In Whitby. Car essentiel. A M D Phone 666-1177 between 2 to 6 rLV L E p.m., daiiy. V VjMIALN SERVICES IC DENTAL ASSISTANT WANTED. NSRA' Part-time. From April 10 to AprilRNSRAS 16. 66&.1555. Cali between 8:30 & NURSE AIOS a.m.to 5.30 p.m. to work ln various set- tings. Part-time work. Whitby - Ajax - Pickering Johnny had a job. area. Institution/Private Joh7 y Idn't want to homes. Cali for an ap- work. Johnny lost hîs poiniment Monday to job. Do you want Frlday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Johnny's job? Cail 433-1494. 723-3412 PARTUCIPATE IN THE P.A.T. PROJECT Want to be one of six familles who aire Partners Accommodatlng Teens? Approved familles ln this new Pilot Project will recelve -$20.oo per day plus retaîner fee training, support and relief tîme Training sessions commence mid-April. For more Information cail Susan Price Scott Durham Family à Children's Services 433-1551 . THE CORPORATION 0F TH ETOWN OFWH ITBY TOWN OF WHITBY requIres RECORDS CLERK Applications are lnvited for the position of Recor- ds Cierk In the Public Works Department. Ap- plicants must have grade 12 education and a minimum 3 years off ice experience. Under the direction of the Deputy Director, duties wli Include assistance ln preparation of annual budget, subsidy by-laws and returna, assist ln the preparation of tender documents for varlous public works projects and keep records on payment certIficate, municipal consents ln land separations. Salary to be in the range of $15,451.00 to $17,558.00 per annum with excellent fnringe benef its. Applications shouid reach the undersIgned no later than April 2th, 1984. Only those applicants successfui ln obtaining an Interview will be acknowledged. Wm. H. Wallace, A-M.C.T.,C.M.C., Admînistrator, Corporation of the Town of Whitby, 575 Rossland Rd. E., Whitby, Ontario Li N 2M8 Telephone: 416-668-5803 " OUTB1Y 4 WALABLOJ uUj ONS I ACINS TEJERe] HUNDREDS 0F HELPERSI LIve- ln girls from Quebec, satisfaction or refund guarenteed. MOTHERs SUMMER HELPERS (418) 282- 2478. EMOLYMEN1 UNEMPLOYED HELP CENTRE: Probiemes with t.I.C., Workers Comp., Empioyment Stds., Resume Preparation. Cen we heip? 579-1821. MAKE MORE MON EV WORKING OVERSEAS IN COUNTRIES LIKE U.S.A., KUWAIT, SAUDI ARABIA. ETC. ALSO ALASKA AND N.W.T. PERMANENT 1 TEMPORARY WORKERS NEEDED ARE TRADESPEOPLE, LABOURERS, PROFESSIONALS, ETC. FOR PULL INFO, SEND YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS TO: BOX 727, STATION --F", TORONTO, ON- TARIO, M4Y 2N6. FREELANCE draftsperson lookIng for work. Knowîedge of architectural and civil drewIngs. Cali Dwayne 623-7423. 09 UCIOS SPECIAL AUCTION SUN., APRIL 8 1:00 P.M. At Pearce Auction Cen- tre on Shirley Rd. 4 miles south of Port Penny. Con- tents of CREATIONS GALORE store f rom Whitby. With large amount of new wicker items, collectables, ceramic supplies, etc. Wicker funnitune, large and small shelving,» bassinet, baskets, decorations, f lower arrangements, brass and copper pieces, peanut jars, cenamic pieces, glazes, stains, decais, party accessories, f iiing cabinet, desk and many other items. We take Visa and Master Card. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 985-7492 CORNIEILS AUCTION BARN FR1., APRIL 6 6:30 P.M. Thnee miles east of Little Bitain or7 miles west of Lndsay on the Lin- dsay/Little Bitain Road. Oak china cabinet (glass, 3-sides), washstands, walnut van ity dresser, walnut buffets, McClarey 24" stove (1 year oid), an- tique dressers, 12 cublo foot Woods Finley nef ridgerator, wainut dinlng apartment size washer and Breslin 8-day wooden nocking f reezer, 2-door violin, table, Hoover dryer, dlock, chairs, 1976 Vega - certified, 1975 Chev Station- wagon, (not certif ied), two 2 wheel-box trailers, quantity of tools and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 SATURDAY, APRIL 7184 SALE TIME 10:00 A.M. BROOKLIN TOOL COMPANY LTD.. Hwy. No. 7,4 miles sasi of Brock Rd, Pickering 5 h.p. air compressor, hydrau lic press, car stands, mechanlcs tool chest, engine cranes, motor stan- ds, 1OW30 motor o11, WD o11, transmission oi1, 5 gai. gas cans, vises, brooms, bench grinders, cabie pullers, kerosene heaters, booster cables, drill presses, air tools, electric motors, electrlc drlils, carpentry tools, weldlng torches, air hose, air shears, body shop tools, tool boxes, spray paint guns, electronic Instruments, extension corda, trouble lIghts, bearing presses, tran- smission jacks, f loor jacks, sand blasters, power equipment, truck mirrors, truck accessories, compressor blocks, compressor tanks, aluminum ladders, electrIc fans, air tanks, propane torches, wrench sets, socket sets, bathroom scales, dlock radios, porta powers, f ire extînguishers, bar. beques, office equlpment, car mats, welders gloves, bottie jacks, plumbers tools, adding machines, shoveis, rakes, forks, wheel barrows, garden tools, garden hose, galvanîzed palis, stacking trays, sheiving, ceiling fans, electnical wirIng, baseboard heaters, breaker panels, hood fans, gas barbeques, extension ladders, hacksaws, axes, work gloves, pentratlng oil, truck equîpment, calculators, dlocks, electric heaters, camping equlpment, tents, paint rollers, paint brushes, paint tremclad, saws, vacuum cleaners, electric staplers, uphoistery equipment, spray paint, spot lights, portable toilets, filing cabinets, arc welders, mlg welders, battery chargers, pum- ps, parts cleaners, tool boxes, electronic bug killers, portable phone, batteries, oi1 cans,ý water palis, parts storage cabinets, hand trucks, wet dry vacuum cleaner, tune-up equipment, cattie water troughs, cases pop, cases 1OW30 motor o11. NO RESERVES. TERMS CASH. WOODROW BROS. AUCTIONEERS CANADA'S NO. 1 AUCTIONEEERS 655-8875 655-8985 Owner Moved AUCTION SALE CONTENTS 0F WELDING & FISHING TACKLE SHOPS The Property 0f ALLAN ASH, SAINTFIELD 5 miles South of Sunderland or 2 miles North of Greenbank on Hwy. 12. SATURDAY, APRIL 7TH - SALÉ TIME: 11:00 A.M. WELDING EQUIPMENT 295 Amp electric arc welder, 200'Amp portable gas driven welder, 200 Amp Hobart mlg welder (200 voit single phase with alumlnumn and spot welder attachments), 1 H.P. single vertical compressor (2 stage), 2 H. P. compressor, 4 ton Hein-Warner floor jack, Floor model drill press 518 chuck, 112 H.P. bench grinder, Makita off-cut saw, 2 sets torches and gauges, Portable engine ilft, Pressure washer, Battery charger,.6 ln. bench vise, Qty. air and elec- tric tools, Tool box and hand tools, Qty. scrap steel. VEH 1ICLES AND MISCELLANEOUS 1976' Ford cube van - air condition & lnsulated (cen- tified>, 1974 Datsun pick-up (certif led), 14 ft. axIe equipment tralier, Box trailer, gasoline drIven wood splitter, Gasoline driven portable lawn sprayer, Automotive parts washer, Portable engine lift, 10 H.P. Canadian nîding lawn mower, Large commercial- self-propelled lawn mower, Chain saws, 3 mini bikes, Heavy duty electric fan, 5 alrtight wood stoves (CSA approved), 5 glass door fîIrepiace Inserts (CSA approved), 4 x 8 lighted sign unît (on wheeis), Flling cabinets, Office desk & chairs, Display cabinets, dressers, Kitchen table & chairs, Qty. chimney caps, Chimney cleaning - c-> 4 uz~ fl mi m ai i- Cr AUCTION SALE THURS., APRIL 5 6:30 P.M. - Brooklln Community Centre, Cassels Rd. E., Hwy 7 and 12. This sale lncludes antiques, primatîves, folk art and collectables such as oak hallstands, walnut bedroom suite, several blanket boxes, Shlp's secretary, pine jam cup- board, Winsor rocker, large blanket chest, Hoosier cupboard, press-top oak dresser, wlcker rocker, dining table and 4 chairs, set of 4 press-back chairs, parlour tables, hall tree, Mason decoys, Canada goose, Sea duck, and other decoys, large pîne carv[ngs, Art Gallant car- vings, folk art dog, car- ved child's horse, Whlrl- A.Glg, wood propellor, Captain's spy glass, splnnlng wheels, wool winders, Aladdin's lamp and other o11 lamps, brasq hanging lamps, ln- dian baskets, wlcker doîl carniage, selection of dolîs, hi-chair, butter mold, crocks, brass pieces, Waterbury dlock, time dlock, domestic oriental rug, 1878 bell, batter pifcher, glass, china, 1892 Winchester rifle, 1871 H & A revolver, 1880 Target pistol, plus other antique weapons. Note partial listing only. Prevlew 4:30 p.m. Terms cash, Visa or approved cheque. AUCTIONEER EARL MACKIN NON 65 5-3526 T ERESI JAN ITORIAL CONTRACTORS Provide' Janitor 1ial Services for a two year period at the Registry Office, 400 Centre St., WHITBY, Ont. Tender No. ORi- 84-002 Sealed Tenders will be received until 2:00 p.m. local time on - WEDNESDAY. APRIL 18,1984. Tender Documents may be o btai ned f rom the- On ario Mnist Onai e e .r! e T ne MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Install Steamn Control Valves and Provîde Plplng Alterations at the Powerhouse, Psychlatrlc Hospital, WHITBY, Ont. Tender No. ORIl-84-003 Sealed Tenders Ml be recelved until 2:00 p.m. local time on - TUESDAY, APRIL 24. 1984 Tender Documents may be obtained f rom the Ontario Mlnlstry of Government Ser- vices, Orillia District Office, 24 James St. E., Box 790, Orilla, Ont. Note: For.further In- formation regardlng the tenders, please caîl the Tenders 0f- f ice at the above ad- dress, Telephone (705) 325-7403. The' lowest or any Tender not necessarlly accepted. SMifistry of Governmt Ontario Ontario FJ 77><- I THE WORLD IS YOURS...IF YOU KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE... Whsrever you move tme Wel, corne Wagon hosta la the right person f0 heip you f md a place ln your new communîîy. Cali 6 68-8943

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