PAGE 24,'WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS M JACKSRA.LT , REBUILT RADIATORSDRECORING SPRING SPECIAL COOLING SYSTEM FLUSH & CHECK ÉEXCHANGE GAS TANKS AIR CON DITIONING RECHARGE PICK-UP-& DELI VER OR WHILE U WAIT 1010TOY RD.6302 PIC KERING 6'-62 Sae PR nDdec Your Loa Chyser Dode I Parts & Service T 1hursdays MI119 p.m. ;WH ITBY 209 Dundas St. W. 666-3000 ATTERSLEY TrIRE SERVICE PASSENGER & LIG HT TRUCKS GOODYEAR MICHELIN B.F. GOODRICH BRIDGESTONE 103 Dundas E. Whîtby 668-3356 162 King St. E. Oshawa 571-3400 JOSEPH A. WOOLLEY, PROP. HON DA AUTO REPAIR SERVICE. Operated by WOL-KAR mc. DOCTOR H 40 RUSSETT AVE:* U>NIT NO. 2 OSHAWA 728*-268 LooSe exhaust parts are triple Lhreat A Detroit police car's fiashing blue Iights sig- naled a car 10 the curb dur- ing a recent coid wave. The t'am.iiy of tour was hurried- ly pulled froni the vehicle as an officer announced: "You've got a bonfire un- der-the gias taiik!" The car's' danglirîg iuf- t'Icr, dragging* against the pavement, had created so miuch friction it was glow- ing' red and throwing sparks. Latcr thc alert. police- man drove the famiiy tb a relative's home rather than garnible, further withi the disabied car. Like so many other au- tomnotive troublés, this one is more prcvalent in coid wcather when condensa- tion and sait speed the rust- ing-and weakening of ex- haust systern parts, says Car Care Council. The danger of a gas tank fire is flot the oniy con- cern. Anyone who has run into a failen muffler at highway speeds knows' tlýis t100 is a very reai haz- ard . The imost comnmon threat comes from poison-. ous carbon monoxide fumies. which can enter a car fromn a Icaking exhaust syNtemi., Car Care Council urges imotorisîs to check their ve- hicie's exhaust systemis frequcntiy. The safcst way is with <an inspection Ironi undcrneath. Short of that, a good tug on the tait pipe can tel] you if you arc in danger of iosing your muf- fier. Heed Warnings Turning u.p your car ra- dio is no way to cure a ioud muffier. But lis tcning for unusual sounds coming fronm underneath your vehi- cie can heip prevent seri- ous and expenisive repairs. Rusty, corrodcd, inuffi1er connections usuaiIy start as smiaii perforations and de- veiop into iarger hoies until the connection simpiy breaks off. That moment is eas*iy identified when you hear a loud, roaring noise. Exhaust systemis aiso becomie clogged due to in- ternai parts in the miuffler breaking loose and restrici- ing the flow of' exhaust gases. A pinched or bent pipe can aiso cause restric- tions.which can lead to en- gine overheating and pow- er Ioss. Due 10 extremie heat, muffiers and tiipipes can deteriorate quickiy and are usuaily repiaced at the sanie lime by, repair shops. An efficient exhaust sys- tenm not oniy keeps y>ur car quiet, but is also saf*er and can save mioney in the long run. A resîricted ex- haust can cause poor per- formance and sacrifice fuel el'ficiency. A noisy exhaust system flot, only is a public nuisance but can allow poisonous fumes to sccp into your car. Listen !o your car's ex- lîi-usî mnay bc tryin- Io tell you somcethmng. 1016 Brock Rd. Pickering OP l 839-5711 - SAT John Tracey Startlng Problsms?? Rebuilders Ltd. AUTO ELECTRIC, ALTERNATORS STARTERS, GENERATORS DIESELS, MARINE, TRACTORS & IMPORTED CARS' 111 Coiborne St. W. Whitby 66o8-441 CONTINENTAL METALS CO. LTD4 BUYERS 0F ALL SCRAPMETALS COPPER-LEAD-ALUMINUM BRASS-RADIATORS-BATTER1 ES-SOLDER HIGHEST PRICES PAID Cash On Deîîvsry Or Pick Up 112 WARREN RD. 6623 WHITBY 6623 Ajax Transmission Service SPRING SPECIAL. TRANSMISSION CHECK ONLY $23.50 MOST SAME DAY SERVICE JOBS We Change Transmission Fluid & Check Bands 751 McKay Rd., Unit 5, Pickering, Ont. TOWING 6 301 GRANT MENZIES MOTORS» I DURHAM REGIONS ONLY IAMC.,QJEEP. RENAULT' PARTS & SERVICE ACCESSO RIES 200 DUINDAS ST. W.&6 1WHITBYM3 2 ---------------------------------------Niim KnoeIIuiUII 440 HOPKINS ST.. Liwbart (South of Dundas St. E.) APERAC POETINSRVCS WHITBY CAIL US FOR-DETAILS! 120 Iude;St.ElWh .by 68-84 ACCU-LUNE FRONT END SPECIALTIES APRIL SPECUAL From > ExpriApIll30 FRONT END AUGQMENT COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE WHEEL BALANCING REPAIRS& RECOLOURING TO VINYL & LEATHER DASHES*SEATSOTOPS CONSOLES*DOOR PANELS MOBILE HOME SERVICE 7 DAYS A WÉEK .683-0146 r jqM r--l DESALT ivoulm. Ca -N 'w ý2M