PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY APRIL 18, 1984, WH ITBY FR EE PRESS, HOME IMPROVEMENT SECTI ON Kitchen space has a place fo r everything -A place for everything and everything in ils place,".used 10 be the sim- ple answer 10 the question of kitchen clutter. But, is there enough space for everylhing in t0- day's .kitchens? Wilh escalating encrgy, construction and mà terial costs, homes and apart- ments now are much smaller and often present new space challenges. However, there can be a place-fvrreverything in the kitchen - for ail the food staples and the various ap- pliances and cookware most people want on hand. A key to finding space is carefully evaluating what, you have 10 work with. Ex- amine drawer, cabinet and counter space, and donît overîook an inch of walI or even ceiîing space - all are polential storage arcas. Here are some lips 10 help conserve and also cre- ate kitchen space: 0 A variety of hooks and grids, available at hard- ware stores, can add wall space for hanging ulensils and pots and pans. A sim- ple lwo-tiered sheif with brackets aîso can hold cookbooks and lelephone books. 0 Use ceiling racks, available aI many spccialty stores, the way manypro- fessional chefs do - 10 hang cookware. Tiered mesh baskets also can be hung from ceiîings 10 hold everyîhing from gadgets 10 fresh fruit. 0 One leading appliance manufacturer has designed small electrics 10 conserve space in the-kitchen. The General Elecîric Com- pany's Spacemaker line of appliances offers three drip coffeemakers and an elec- tric can opener which can be mounîed easily under a kitchen cabinet, or an eîec- tric knife and electric can opener Ihat mount wiîhin easy rcach on the waIl. 0 Look inside drawers and on shelves and put aside things that do not-be- lo)ng in the kitchen or are SPACE SAVERS - The General Electric Spacemaker line of appliances off ers convenience and adds counter space so important in today's smaller kitchens. Spacemaker appliances include (from Ieft) an electric knife which mounts on the wall, a drip coffeemaker which mounts under the kitchen cabinet and an electric can opener which mounts on the waII. t seldom used. Storing these items elsewhere frees valu- able space. 0 If you are thinking about re modeling, be sure to design areas with space- -OUALITY & VALUE- CUSTOM DESIGN, MANUFACTURE, INSTALLATION AND SERVICE ALL BY DESIGNKRAFT EXTENSIVE SELECTION 0F MODERN & FUROPEAN KITCHEN & BATHROOM CABINETRY NO CHARGE, PLANNING, ESTIMATING & IN-HOME CONSULTATION VISITOUR eOWROe saving in mind. A kitchen designer can help you cre- ate features 10 gel the most out of your work space. Wiîh jusî a bit of brows- in tro1hth osewael l sections of hardware and deparîment stores, and- some imagination, you can make your kitchen work for you. There can be a BROOKLIN NURSERIES 11/2 m. West of Brookîîn on Hwy. 7. 655«3671 SPRING ANNIVERSARY SALE 20% OFF OUR OWN FIELD GROWN NURSERY STOCK GOOD SELECTION 0F: *EVERGREEN UPRIGHTS *SPREADERS *SHADETREES *BLUE SPRUCE *AUSTRIAN PINES -ROSES *SCHRUBS -FRUIT TREES *PERENIALS STARLING POOLSTD). 1645 Dundas St. W., Whitby' Serving The Durham Region for il Vears. Of fers For 1984 Trade-in Allowance For OId Solar Blankets and Filters. CALL NOW! ÃI ~".111 iF "ASK ABOUT OUR 16x32 FIACPLN lnground Pool $8B5,oo Permth. 668743 or 66m283 B00K NOW POOL OPENINGS -ALSO ABOVE GROUND POOLS PROPANE FILI 11.OOOffI '-f ~ HHSAD Hwy. 2&Harwood»Rd. *BULK SEEDS, SOIL ETC. 'PATIO SLABS, BIRID BATHS, INTERLOCk BRICK *HALF-OAK BARRELS, PEAT MOSS, DECORATIVE STONE *EVERGREENS, FLOWERING, sHRuB8, TREES, ROSES AND MUCH MORE Try Our Landscape J iwy. 2 Design Service Todqy!! -x«X ib Ajax ~ Whit 1 1 1 WITH