Whitby Free Press, 18 Apr 1984, p. 23

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, HOME IMPROVEMENT SECTION, WEDNESDAY APRIL 18.,1984. PAGE il Renovate chain-Iikfec Wcather corrodes, Sait spray erodes. Chemical fumes have a caustic effect and timne takes its toîl on galvanized chain-Iink fences. Eventu- alIy, without care, thc gaI-, vanizing wears off and the exposed steel wire rusts. ks replacemnent the only option'? No, because even musted fences can bc reju- venated. According Io Heating and cooling ac- counts for haîf the energy t. used in the average home. If your windows have onîy a single layer of glass, ex- pensive heat may be seep- ing out of your home. One' way to retain your expen- sive heat is to instaîl alumi- num stormn windows. Energy gets through a window in one of two ways: infiltration (leaking through cracks) and con- duction (heat or cold trav- els through solid objects such as a pane of glass or a window frame). A storm k. window provides a second barrier, raising the resist- ance to conduction and re- ducing infiltration. The two panes of glass also trap a layer of air between them k which acts as a good insu- James O'Connor. director of technical services fiir Rust-Oleum Corporation. pros use an easy. three-step "P" system: prepping. priming and pam.ting. 'Anvone can use the sainie methods and miaterials to .save countless dollars and achieve long-lasting re- suhts." he notes. I. Prepping'. Cut downi weeds and long .grasses lator. Compement Home Aîuminum storm win- dows are made to comple- ment the exterior of your home. Aluminum storm windows are available in clearýano4ized natutal alu- minum finish, white and bronze and some, special cofors are available fromn certain manufacturers. When combined with alu- minum siding, soffits, fas- cias or, gutters, aluminumn storm windows can pro- vi*de a smart and economi- cal finishing touch to your home. Aluminum storm win- dows come in a var iety of styles and are custoPm made to fit ail types of aîong the fencing, you have to bc able to get Io the fence before you can treat it! Fences that have heen exposed to sait spray, chemnical fumnes. soot and other contamination should be hosed down weII and aîlowed to dry. A vi- gorous brushing with a stilT fiber broom remioves loose rust and rust scale. posts and horizontal sup- ports should hc hrushed windows. The most popu- lar type of stormn windows are multiple track Iunits. They are installed on the outside of your prime win- dows and the frame ini- cludes a separate track for each of the sashes and a self-stoning sereen. Aluminum storm win- dows can be installed year round, but it is best to or- der your new windows in the spring or summer s0 you will be prepared for cold weather. To further in- crease your savings, storm windows are eligible for a 15 percent federal incomne tax credit up to the first $300 because storm win- dows are considered an en- ergy-saving home im- provement. with a wirc hrush to pre- pare the surface for paint. 2. Priming. Rusted lences can he restored to their prime with a base coat of* Rust-Oleulin's 7769 Rusty Metal Prime 'r. spe- ciaîly lorniulated to pene- trate rust down to hare nuetal and prevent turther corrosion. For maximum, long -terni protection on new. unrusted or previous- ly unpainted f'ences. O'Connor recommcnds us- îng a topcoat, without a pri muer. 3. Painting. While an aluminumi-colored finish remains the mosi popular. why not try hunter green. gloss hlack. even. royal hlue'?,Fencing can bc col- or-coordinated Io a house. paintcd to blend into the landscape or stand oui against the t*olage. TIo spray paint. brush on o)r rol? The roller miethod is the niost effective l'or RUSTED CHAIN-LINK FENCES can be rejuvenated. A vigorous brushing with a stiff fiber broom removes dirt and rust. and painting provides the finishing touch. painting chain ink I'enc- ing. If reduces the need to hrush over and over again. plus it cuts down on paint losses from splashing or over-spraying. O'Connor recommends an extra-long nap -- one and a haîf inches --- lamib*s wool f ence rouler which reaches around wiring and coats 70) percent of* the total surf*ace in îust a single pass. Experienced prof'ession- aIs 'recommnend stretching the roI 1er advantage by working in twos: one per- *HONDA POWER EQUIPMENT SALES& RENTALS -Rota tillers -Lawnmowers -Post hale augers *Aerators *Lawn thatches -Ride on tractors Brooklin Rentais 53 Baldwin St. 6530 IBrooklln6%530 I 5% off wlth this ad until June 3Oth. LM m-mm--ss mm-mman-mu-me-onmo-so-ml- mJ son on each side ol' the fèence. The firsi coats the f ence Iiberally. rolling at a 45-degree angle with the chain weave: the second keeps the roller moist by picking up excess painti de- posited on the opposite side. so alI wire strands arc covered comipletely. Hori- zontal supports and l'ence pcists shouîd bc painted with a brush. "This method. adopted -t'rom protessiorial paint- ers.- O'Connor says. saves both man-hours and materi.als. ln most in- stances. only a gallon of' finish coating is needed to cover a 50-f*ootstretch of a six-foot-high lfence.~ BRITSKEY" ROOFIN'G AND PAINTING SPECIALIZING IN REROOFING STRIPS & REPAIRS ALL WORK GUARANTEED, FREE ESTI MATES CALL ANYTIME 683*8237 HEATING AND COOLINO accounts for hait the energy used in the average home. Aluminum storm windows retain expensive, heat inside your home as weII as complement your home exterior. Decorating with paint "It's amazing what a littie paint cao -do!" kIt's true ... nothing can effect a change so quickly and inexpensively as a fresh coat of paint. So, if You like to redecorate but are limited as to. funds, pick up your paint brush and give your home a new look. The trick to redecorat- ing with paint, say experts, is the creative use of colors. Don't paint that tired-looking breakfast nook in the same neutral shade it is 00w-a bright, sunny color can do wonders to liven it Up. Don't be afraiçi to use different colors than you've been accustomed to-if you're unsure as to which colors harmonize with others, get a color wheel from your local art supplies store for guidance. Colors cao bc divided into two groups, warm tones and cool ones. Colors containing red are warmn ones, whilc colors, with blue are cool. The judicious use of colors can create the desired effeet for any room. 21WEDO THE BEST CARPET CLEANING IN TOWN... 2.BUT OUR CUSTOMERS DON'T CALL US AS OFTÎEN NOW..'. NOT SINCE WE BEGAN TREATING THE TRAFFIC AREAS 0F ALL CLEANEËD RUGS WITH STAIN-RESISTANT SOI L RETARDANT FREE. VOUR CARPETS WILL STAY CLEAN& FRESH LONGER& WE HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO GET THEM REALLY CLEAN ... TRUCK.MOUNTED POWER! -LIVING, DINING, ADJ HALL 54.00 BEDROOMS-WITH ABOVE SPECIAL 15.00 ENTIRE HOUSEm'axi1000sq. ft.« 119.00 3 SEATER SOFA & CHAIR 59.00 CaI 686-4341 for- VIA The cars & protection your carpets nesd. OFFER EXPIRES APRIL 30184 BUILDIN(:' RUSSO SUPPLIES *ROOFING & INSULATION* BRICK & STONE * PLUMBING *MASONRY PLASTERING SUPPLIES * PARA PAINT *ELECTRICAL * HARDWARE imFei" 25%ioFF IPara During April& May 1984 ~ 864 Taunton Rd. W. - Oshawa 579-9230 Ajax. >686-3410 < Aluminum storm win.dows con reduce energy Ioss DON'T REPLACE IT REPAIR IT POOL LIN ERS PATIO FURNITURE GUARANTEED LEAK STOPPAGE MOBILE HOME SERVICE A UTOMOBILE INTERIORS 7 DAYS AWEEK 683-0146 #- 1 683M8237 683-01461

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