t match. EASIER: You'll breeze thru house cleaning. There's no heavy eqtuipment to lug, tug, push or puill. There's no cord to twist or tangle. Ali you do is plug a featherweight hose into a convenient automatic inlet and whoos *h, you're cleaning. lt's almost like having your own built-in maid. QUICKER: You'll whisk from room to room, up and down stairs and around corners in minutes. Al without unplugging the hose. Ask any built-in vacuum owner, they'll tell you that their bulît- in vacuum has cut their cleaning time by as much as haîf. CLEANER: With more cleaning power than ordinary -vacuums, .your commercial sized built-in cleans more thoroughly. You'll vacuum less often. You'll whisk away "deep-down" dirt. and grime and, yes, even cobwebs, from places regular 'vacuums are unable to reach. HEALTHIER: Your home will actually be a healthier place to live with a built-in vacuum system. Because the dirt collection unit is located away from your living area, ail collected dirt is completeëly removed from the air you breath( There's no ýrecirculation of dirt or germs caused by the'exhaust from portable vacuum motors. QUIETER: Because the heavy-duty power unit is located away from the living areas, you'll enjo3 whisper-quiet vacuuming. So quiet it neyer disturbs a sleeping child. You'll hear the doorbeli or telephone thefirst time it rings. CLEANS ANY SURFACE: Solve ail your cleaning problems once and for ail. Your built-in vacuu 'm system makes owning a broom, brush, dust-pan and regular vacuum unnecessary and obsolete. With the attachments provided you'il ldean every part of your home... floors, walls, ceilings, furnishings, basements, workshops, patios, garages, even the familv car. It's easy to instail and costs Iess than you'd tbink. Whether your home 15 rnany years old or in the process of being buiît we can do it for you (or you can do it yourself) in just a few e. hours. NO FUSS, NO DAMAGE!- NO MESS! Even if your home is a two story! If you can use a hand-sawv, dril! and a screwdriver, you can do it yourself! You can run the plastic ducting (2" O. D. PVC y Tubing) from the remotely located (gar- age.or basement) power unit to thé inlet valves, along cold air ducts; acroýs the attic and down into the ivall; through the backs of closes, or even in the laundry chute. Inlets can even be placed in the floor. Average home only needs a 3 inlet kit (see~ (liagrami above) that Coilies 1-re-i«ackagiýed complete with ste;' Li ste;î installation THE $399010 Vacuum I Miraclie PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY APRIL 18,1984, WHITBY FR EE PRESS, HOME IMPROVEMENT SECTION Th emo'd 'em way to dlean, really dlean your homie One or more conveniently Iocated vacuum inlets are connected by a concealed plastic pipeline to a powerful vacuum and collection unit in your basement, utility rooni or garage. An ultra-]ligh tweight hose, plugged into the inlet, automatically activates this powerful vacuum circuit, to provide you with cleaning power, ease and convenience no portable can Compoete Landscaping Service Residential & Commercial NOW OPEN Plant Sho p - Garden Centre Open 6 daysa week -.9 a.m.-9 p.m. 44II 7257442 Taunton Jusi east. Nursery & Landscaplng of Thickson . .... .... .. ...OUR BUSINESS IS TO BEAUTIFY THE ENVIRONMENT~ GMNTEED SAVINOS ~ Big savings on your energy costs are now guaranteed! Convert from oil to gas, and if after one year of operation you haven't saved on energy costs*, l'I replace your natural gas system with a new oil furnace, plus a new oil tank ... at no cost! There's neyer been a guarantee like it! You can also save right fromn the start! The Canada 011 Substitution Program provides homeowners a taxable grant of 500/ of total conversion costs - up to a maximum of $800.00. Give me a caîl! l'Il be glad to __ give you a free home heatn ana i-and show you how to heat for less. *Assumes equal quantitis nt heat tlelivered th le hous. and tli t hep a js Itaritilc operates a? the same eftcency as lie oid oi t rateL JOE THE PLUMBER INO. PLUMBING & HEATING 668-4247 WHITBY Authorized Consumer'ls Gas Dealer SPECIAL 2 0% )oOFF ALL *SIDING *SOFFIT * FASCIA *EAVESTROUGHING 5" coftIfluou8 Iength * ROOFING *WINDOWS *DOORS Also Repairs to Glass &Windows - Metro Lic. B2445 EXPERT, LAN DSCAPE SERVIC E LIMITED TIME OFFER Beam proves a built-i~ is easier. and costs less than a lug-around! Don't Iug a vacuum, plug it ln and do the job in hall the time! Whether your home is 20 days or20 years old, with or without stairs, Beam gives you a litetime of cleaning ease. onfly *399 3-iniet Kit Complete with a 2 regular and 1 utility inlet a handy attachment 0 30 ft. tangle-proof. storage box crushproof hose e Beam's 1 -year money-back *8-pce. attachment set for satisfaction guarante. rugs, floors. uphoistery and a plus a 3 year warranty on furniture parts and labour *hase rack *Easy do it yourself installation CALL NOW FOR VOUR IN HOME, NO COST, NO OBLIGATION ESTIMATE Vour Authorized Beam Dealer ALL-CANADA VAC SUPPLIES EST. 1960 899 NELSON STREET OSHAWA 579-9412 North America's best-selling buit-in Visît our booth nt theo Oshawa Home Show