WH ITB Y FR EE PRESS, HOME IMPROVEMENT SECTI ON, WEDNESDAY APRIL 18, 1984, PAGE 15 Windows deserve fuli treatment Windows have corne a long way. From the slit in the castle wall w glass houses where the waîls have disappeared altogeth- er, windows have always been an integral part of our shelter. As our source of daylight indoors, and our view of'the world out- doors, windows are key elemnents in our"homes and the way we decorate them. Or should be. They re- tumn the attention they get in the multiple ways they add to the appeal and com- fort of any room, particu- larly if they have the softer look of the latest window treatrnents. Because a softly draped fabric imparts an air of' re- laxed comfort and luxury. today's trends in draperies show the use of extra full- ness in the pleats and gath- ers, often with ruffled edges and other nostalgic details. Pre Packaged lt's a traditional look, Nature's gift keeps on giving but the dit ference is one at- tuned tw modemn lifestyles: it ail cornes pre-packaged. At Burlington House Draperies. new product manager Barbara Koller sees an ever-growing de- mand frorn consumers for a dressy look at windows, but one that is easy to achieve., So. she is adding what were once custom- only details to the ready- rnade collections. There are richer. more formai fabrics in the new styles as wel l as valances and comices. Ail are pack- aged, and easily installed with standard hardware. And they ail fit beautitùlly with the more classical styles of furniture. that* are returning to popularity. "Energy-saving properties are a consideration, also. The layered look is very popular, not only for its ap- pearance but for its practi- calîty since the pleats and layers entrap warm air. Therrno-suede backings also provide energy con- servation assets,'" Koller adds. It couldn't be easier with new ready-made draperies: Pick them out and put them up at the windows to em- -bellish the wbole room. t- THE IMPORTANT ORAPERY TREATMENT is the focal point 0f this'dining room off an open kitchen. Ver full pleating lends a luxurlous air to the easy-care readymades, "Amerîcana" f rom Burlington House Draperies, and *a deep ruff led valance emphasizes the treatment. The energy-conservatîon properties of the draperies are enhanced by their thermo-suede backing, an asset at such a large window. Try these crafty decoroting ideas: 0 If you're tired of the usual wall-to-wall carpet- ing, here's a unique, way to cover the floor: with paint! Paintan overaîl color first. then stencil or freehand de- signs in contrasting or complementary colors., *Don't throw out those frayed woven garments. cut them up and use themý to create 'eye-catching pif- lows for the den or' living roorn. @For unique chest "or dresser, glue fabric patches onto drawer fronits.. For hutèhes, also apply fabric inside openareas. eDecoupage sorne plain storage cubes for decorative end tables that can also hold books or rec- ords. eFashion velour towels into luxurious-looking covers for pillows, seat cushions and daybed mat- tresses. *A tîred-looking linge- rie chest can be brightened up by covering it with.pret- ty fabric to co mplement your bedroom decor. (Add a clear finish to protect the fabric.) *You can rnake decora- tive cache pots out of ordi- nary cardboard paint buck- ets. Glue cotton cording to the buckets in an attractive design, then spray w.ith enamel paint. .*An old wood en salad bowl can become the per- fect setting for a cactus garden; make aý net of~ ma-, crm rsatin' cord to turit-" it into a hanging plant. eGive your walls that Spanish or Mediterranean look with putty knives! Apply latex texture finish to your walls with a wide knife, then use 11/4 knife to create a stucco effect. *Spray an alurninumn vegetable basket to. hold a pretty new plantfor the kitchen or bath. 1 Make a mu ral for the youngsters' roorn with' sponges cut into shapes of flowers or toys. then dipped into paint and pressed against the wall. eFrarne a collection of old keys and padlocks to create a rustic wall hang- ing. @Cover up an old lamp- shade with fabric. shirred on elastic. eMetal card files. cov- ered with self-adhesive pa- per. make decorative draw- ers for holding jewelry or toiletry items. Although many home- owners recognize wood's home-heating value, they may flot be aware that na- ture's gift continues togive once the iast ember has died in -a wood stove or fireplace. After generating warmth .to your home, wood is transformed into a valuable substance- for your garden-ash. Pure wood ash, typ icai- ly considered a disposable waste, contains aikaline minerais that can sweeten too-acid garden soil. Ash makes an excellent plant food containing potassi- umn carbonate and phos- phorous that build strong plant stems and healthy Moots.< Hot ashes applied to garden "soul in the early spring can- also help dis- courage weed growth. Dry ash.sprinkled around plants alter the heavy spring rains in early July can be an effective barrier to root-attacking garden pests. FiriaIly, a layer of ash placed around trees- flot only deters burrowing insçcts, it can keep unwanted. sod from growing up tree trunks. t G REEN TH U MB SPECIALS AT 41 COOPERaSMITH flFOR YOUR MOST SUCCESSFUL GARDEN MAKE US, YOUR IST STOP. Wespeciallie ln BULK GARDEN, SEED allowlng you to buy as littie or as much as you need 50 .you savermoney..ý> Expert advlc e from'our seed counter staff wilI ensuresa gooci return for your effort. C APRIL CRA GRAM SPECIAL 2Okg.Bag' OnIy at: Cooper-Sm'ith 16 Celina st. Oshawa, 571-1541- YOUR YARD AND GARDEN, EXPERTS HOME IMPROVEMENT SPECJIL 30x32 x73 white & colour Now WE U CANSHOW YHW CO*ORDING A OU COPEEOPSTLLATON TIfmil; il -I-E-'- ~1~1~1~ HW2 I l ASTý. PWN 91"ïSTBY C)gL -E -4 o z 3 1~ I I PATIODOO-Rh 72112x84. 85x84 ~11595 SELECTED 1 239 SPRING FEATURES', APRI L24 -MAY 12 WALLPAPER ROLLSHADES UP 50% TO OFF 40% OFF I 25 0 ALL MATEPJAL IVORY OR$70O SHEERINENCHAMPAGNE ..PERVOD. FREE IN HOME ESTI MATES McMARR INTERIORS* 1397 HARWOOD N. AJAX 686-4500. BESIDE DX SERVICE STATION r' CANADIAN MADE ONE PIECE FIBERGLASS SHOWER STALL 1r 1540 DUNDAS ST. WH'ITBY,'ONTARIO 5796852 ýmmmw -dw*6- -11- -116- -ýwdkl- -r 'f'- -Y- -T- -T- -7T- 'If- -T- -T- - -T-F -T- - -T- -T- -T- -T- -1 m VnA