Whitby Free Press, 18 Apr 1984, p. 37

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 18. 1984. PAGE',1 Whltby's ost WideIy Read CASIF1 DADSi.L ff'cE:Vq3 ECSRIES CARfl ENING e GAqNlNG MARKET SRIE N UPIS - AND SUPPLIES SEAT THE HICH COST of biko- repaîr. Ail makes of bicycles. Phono 668.0911. OSHAWA REFINISHING Antique and modem wood furnlture. Hand atrlpped end profesalonaiiy finished. Free estîmates, free pick-up and daiivery. 585 Wen- tworth St. E., No. 34. Open 95 723-7479 or 728-8071. N-HOME CARPET CLEANING Sprlng clsanlng apacial. Free deodorizar. Living room, dlnlng room, hall, $41.95. Bedrooma, $10. Satisfaction guaranteed. Anytime 576-6350. ANTIQUES. We poua1h boliers, kettie8, 011 lampa, 'etc. Mînor repaira, braesa acquerlng, aiso moat makea of cookwaro rePaired and rafinished. Cail 683. 1180. PSYCHIC MEDIUM la availabie for private readinga and a180 numorology charte. For infor- mation and appolntment cali 579- 6523. EXPERT TREE REMOVAL tres' core, landscaping and hedges, sprlng clean-up, tree aurgsry and shrub cars, fully lnsured. 571- 1445. DELLARIES LANDSCAPING AND GENERAL CONTRACTINO Man with truck wiliing la do odd Jobs, landacaping, fertillzing, garbage removal and snowpiowing. 839-7979. COMPLETE SPAINO CLEANINO WaiipaperIng, palnting, etc. No job tôoo maili, 20 per cent discount for seniors. Please phone 723-1303,579-5897. LIGHT MOVINO JOBS clean back yards, celiars, etc. For beat ser- vice cali Joe anyime, 723-2368. ARE YOU LOOKINO FOR Home Day Care? Durham Professionai Home Day Cars has supervised homes ready to take chIldran from 6 weeks to achool age. Why not give us a cail, we havesa home suitable for your chiid. 286-1207 or 4n32515. BUTTERFLY Daycare Centre No. 2 open 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Quallfied Staff Hot Meals Age From 6Weeks HSECEANN bHOSECLIEANING 309 Bosch St. ERVIsCES SERVICES IWhîtby ____________________________ 668-8927 OR 571-0031 Quality CenniWt A Difference _a ORIDAAUO BIE SPETS& 'VACATION ,~ATMBLS ~ANNOUNCEMENTSI SUIJPIESPLIES RENFORSAIFR SLE GOOD COMPANIONS CLUB draw of Aprii 14 winners: Afghan.- Kay Hutchings, Paddington Bear - Fred Squire, CeramIc set - Trudy Hache, Luncheon cloth' - O. Weatheroii, AfrIcan Violet - A.M.' Bell, Crochet handbag - Margaret Shophard, Ceramic set - Trudy Hache, Plllow cases - Bannie Duggan. DACHSHUND puppies for saie. Phone 688-8842. ACýCOMMIIORDATýION WORKING WOMAN ln 20's wan. ted ta share apartment ln Whitby wlth samo, June let. 666-2320. JUNA LE H U 9 to12 every .1HUSS *SatJrday mornngl R FOR SAE I20Albert Streetl 1723-3626 PRIVATE AJAX 5 year aid, 2 -- storoy home on large lot. 1 Va baths. flnishe , m CONGRATULATIONS i on your forthcomIng marrnage. Plias fîreplace, woodstova, dlsh- waahor, large L-shaped dock, ai- RELIABLE BABYSITTING In my home. Any age. Please cail 668- 4598, BABYSITTING IN MY HOME at goad hourly ratas. Have several years experlence deallng wlth chlldren of ail ages. Phono 668- Qia1976 CAPRIS ESTATE station 7047. ___________ ~* FLOuIuDA wagon. Air condltloning, good Ciearwater - Three bedromn condition. $2,500. Phono 728- DAVOARE AVAILABLE ln my mobile homes. Heated pools, 3155. home, any ago, reasonabie rates. tennis, close ta beaches and ____________- SlmcoelGlbb ares. 579-1784. major attractions, children w lc me. $225.00 U S. weekiy (loua than moteli AUTMTIVEI 0M.683-5824 UL REPAIR/PARTSIATCE oom).FOR SALE COTUTAGES <FORSALESALE_ FOR SALE COTTAGE, Township af Scugog, Wiiamms Paint Road, Williams Paint. Plan 137, lot 124 ta 126, .46 acres, 135 ft. frontage. Phone 416-335-7022 or Edria Dawson, R.R6, Milton, Ontario, L9T 2Y1. most modela, $85.001 Cali Bob 683-0811. CAR REPAIRS bodywark, tune- upa, paint job, etc. Reasonable rates. 668-7820 anytime. vew our samples of engraved tacn-u araeaa n vu wedding Invitations at -your loi- f lrm. 686-1071. OFC PC sure ln aur Ajax Plaza store. Dlck-~F R E T son PrlntIng& Office Supplies 683-968.~'i' D H îI WHITY OFFICE SPACE for rent -FOFO RNV NT on prfsslna floorWould be I~ E D E EIetc. Rent Includes ail utîlities and NEED A RENTAL? Cail the Exper- la negatiabia for an appropriate tsi W. carry housses, ten ant. For- furthor Information FREL, Dop Into the DIckson Prlnting & Office Supply store In the Ajax Plaza and pick up a f reis copy of their 1984 Metrlc Calen- dar. Printed In two colours. it makes for handy reforence. 683. 1968.INA SERVICES "GRAMMAR for people who hate grammar"' le the ideai pocket roference book for business people. $3.95 per capy and avail- able ai Dlckson PrIntIng & Office Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Dealer enquirios invited683-1968. M.B.M. Publshîng 131 Brook St. N. Whtt>y 668-611il townhouses, duplexes,. apar. tments, fiatsl Ail areas, .size, prîcesi 5794500 Homelacators, feo. cail 668472 between 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Manday ta FrIday. ~VctoPro grties ~ N 1~~OA For Sales1 ATTRAC~TfIE LAKESHfOE lots on Cmrers Lake near Bancroft.* THlE* $1,000 down. $100 a manth. 12% ** simple Intereat. Open mtg. Ken - R SO~NAL TOUCH~ l Matthews 725-7740.rEAL u n * *Discrets, personal Introductions* FOR RENT *Your complets adult * * entertalnment centre. ,YERTRrentai, many makes * That perfect som ene waItIngi: and modela, by the weekend, woek orjnonth. , Discounts availi: * able. Dlckson Prlnting & Office * A Supplies ln the Ajax Pîaza. Caili*65~3u442LI~9 us for business machine repaira 683-1968. FOR SALE custom made drapes. 3 separate panais. Each 6 foot %vide. Belge colaur. $250 cam- plate. 434-5491. FOR SALE Cornelius 18 foot aboya graund pool. 4" top rail. Jacuzzl pump and mator, %a h.p. Used ana seasan. Many ac- cessorios, Includlng: ladder, aiar blanket, winter caver, vacuum head and hase, etc. $1,000 or beat offer. 571-3270. 14x20 iNO ROUND pool kit. New inor and wails, slnd fliter. Com- plate $2,100. Cail 723-0345, ovenings 576-2287. MATTRESSES and box springs at haif prie. McKeen Furnituro, 524 Slmcoe Street South, Oshawa. 725-5181. 'HEROES af the Bible" colouring baok avallable et Dlckson Print. lng & Office Suppiy, Ajax Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer inquiries in- vited. FIREWOOD Harwood 161 iengths, cut and Split, $l2SIcard. Deiiverod - minimum 4 cordorder. Phone 985-7986. 350 ROOKET MOTOR for sale. Aia 1974 Baitacco. Asklng $200. Phone 576-5710. CHESTERFIELD suites, love- soats, sactionals, ioss than 'A price. Large solection. Mci<een Fumniture. 524 Simca. St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. MISTER TRIM LAWN à GARDEN SERVICE. Free iawn fortlîzation with spring dlean-up. Free woed contrai with woekiy grass cut. 579«671.- GARDIENIER CLEARING OUT some extra trees and plants'at vory reasonabie prose. Cedars, Spruco, Mapie, Oak,- Pins, Lilac, Forsythea, Aaparogus, Rhubarb, Horseradish, , Strswberrios, Raspberrlos, Iris, Poonîs. Orders ______________________ ,en,, r UWarI, MPPle, rear ~ ARTILES J trees. More Information 655-4525. CHESTERFIELD à CHAIR, brown A FRSLES plaid. Viking vacuum dleaner. FRS L EntLdghrnm ianvuyihili nr good condition. 668-9017. VISIT our usod furnîture ware- houso by appolntmont. Big savînga on deaka, chairs, fling cabinets, etc. CalilDIckson Print- lng & Office Supplies ta arrange an' appointment ta vlaw. 883. 1968. SPECIAL EASTER WEEKEND TRUCK LOAD SALE 0F NO. 1 Selllng Coleman Camper Trailers. Gaod Frlday, Satur- dlay.& Easter Manday. $300 OFF Every newly arrIved 1984 madol. FREE refrîgerator.- Ses us nawi Don't miss outi Wo are 'Rent-A -Camper Specialîsta. SUNWAY SALES 2069 Sîmcoe St. N. Oshawa Acrosa from Durham Collage 571-2210 or 985-2910 GARDENUNG AND SUPPLIES 18x4 NEW ABOVE GROUND pool kit wlth sand flîter, akimmer. Complote $1,275. Cali 723-0345, evenînga 576-2287. ORDER A MOVIE, video movios for salie VHS end BETA. Cal us firat for the bout prices. Specilas every manth.* Cali 576-808, ail movios guarsntood. GCEOTYPIE press-on itiering now ln stock at Dlckson Prlnting & 0f- f ice Supplies In the Ajax Shon%- plng Plaza. Large soiectlon styles and sizos. Why pay mare for a amalior shoot of ietterlng? 683-1968. Become a carrier today. Loarn to bo a business persan with. rospanslbility -whilo earnlng monay. Bacome the autstand- ing carrier of tho manth and become a wlnneri Taik to our Circ ulation Managor. Caîl 668-6111 Todmayl WHITBY FREE PRESS AI Please check your advertisement for e.-rors on the filrst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wili flot be liable for faîlure to pubîish an ad, or for typographic errors in publica- tion beyond the cost of the space OCCUpied by the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or rejeot ail advertise- ments. Ads must appear in the oaper one day before they can be changed or cancelled. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words; 11es each addition- ai word If pre-paid. You may charge your Ciassified Ad to ,TENTION DISPLAY &CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS your Chargex or Visa accourit. Please have your Visa card ready when callIng. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the firsi 100 words; 12e each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the f irst 50 words; 12g: eaCh additional word. AUCTION SALES - 34; per Une. (No word ads allowed.) BOX NUM BERS: Box' numbers are available at an additionai charge of $2.00. The Whltby Free Press will make every en- deavour to forward replies to box numbers, howevtsr, we au- cept no iability regarding loss or damage aileged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding such replies. We will flot be responsibie for box number replies not Caiied for within 30 days. DEADLIN ES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Classified -Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 I j x I. jh~ JACK R.CAYNE, M.B.A. *ACCOUNTING *BOOKKEEPING *INCOMETAX 9 Myors Lins North York, Ontario, M2H 1 P7 493-1975 or 655-4859 MARKET Lndsay beside auc- tion barn. Open every Sat. 9 to 5. Farm produce, new and used Items,' del meats, buns, good food. Free draw, per- manent Inside or out- side vendors wanted. Speclal monthly rates Information 324-2783 SEE YOU SAT AT THE MARKETr BANKRUPTCYSALE STYLE-LITE FOOTWEAR 109.BROOK ST. S., WHITBY Men's and womnen's shoes, boots, hand baga & aCCessorIes. Up To 75% OFF EVerythIng Must Gol Hoursl10a.m. to 6 p.m. F. Alan Lawson, C.A.' Trustes & Bankruptcy CHECK OUR LOW EVERYDAY PRICES On new chesterfields, bedroom sets, colonial dinin~g moins, anud kitchen suites, beda, etc. ELMER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor Stè E. (At Rltson) Oshawa m 1

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