WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1984, PAGE 19 *MISCELLANEOUS SERVI.CES * MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES WARD MALLETTE CHARTERED AcCOUNTANTS P.O. *Box 568, 110OAsh Street, V/hitby, OnaioLIN 5V3 (416)668-5447 Accounting, auditing, taxation, consulting'services. Inte'matioroJIy Binder Dijker Orre & Co. BUSINESS ' PEOPLE Receivables Increasing? -W e offer a compiete receivable recovery service on a regular part-time basis by professionai, tac- tfui, credit and collectio.ný staff. Your Office Or .Ours. Cali (416) 728-7445 Weekdays 9-12 Noon For More Information And UTo Two Weeks FREE SERVICE BÙYING AN ANNUITY? If you are and you wish ta secure a payout annuity from your RRSP, cali: *HERB TRAN. Oshawa 725-6564 Whitby 666-5968 *TOP FIVE QUOTES AVAl LABLE 'AA DETR TH,.E APY dl ** gC 21 eudsS.E 9 igS.W W h t b s h w m ml797 57-85 Oen. WekasIcuigSNAY -ETH -QIO -OMUTE POOL LINER REPAIRS GUARANTEED LEAK STOPPAGE MOBILE HOME SERVICE 7 DAYS A WEEK 683«0146 SINSURANCE SERVICES SENIOR CITIZENS SAVE MON EYON AUTO INSURANO El PINE RIIDGE INSURANCE ALLSTATE INSURANCE Randy Ferguson 683-1124 *LfeeAuto*Home *Mortgage Protectillone -632LJ *SPORTS EQUIPMENT *CATERING SERVICES Now la the time foryoo take action. Theme la a car..l for you. Contact... CARgER HAIRSTYLING ii92 Bond St. W. 576-3558, Injured goos e While this is flot the goose that laid the golden egg, it manage-to win a 'few hearts at Whitby's MacKay Animal Clinic last week. The goose was brought into the clinie last Thursday with nylon fishing linetightly wrapped around- its right leg. According to Dr. Paul Kidson (seen here with the goose), a veterinarian at the clinic, the ulne if flot removed would have eut off blood supply to the leg, rendering it useless. Kidson believes that the leg bas been saved although the final decision will be made in about two weeks by experts at the Kartwright Waterfowl Sanctuary in Guelph. The 13-pound cross between a White and Snow goose was captured by Ontario Humane Society officiaIs at the Lynde Shores Conservation Area after a nearby resident noticed. that the bird was favoring one leg. Kidson, said that it took two weeks of trying to capture the bird. The veterinarian added that the sanctuary specializes ini rehabilitation and that the goose wiil eventually be returned to the wild where she belongs. While at the clinic, the goose did lay an egg, however, it will flot produce a gosling because its sheil was broken. Free Press Staff Photo David and Randy Henry Niagara Manufacturing Now that suimner is not toQ far away, many homeowners start thinking about putting a swiznming pool i their backyard. For the last 24 years, David Henry and Niagara Manufacturing have been making and instailing swimmmng pools as weil as whir1pools, enclosures and trailers and solar heating units., Niagara manufac- tures the majority of swimmmng pools it seils and bas exported them to places as far away as Iceland and Australia. During the prime part of the season their staff grows Wo 25 people al able Wo instail and ser- vice Niagara's produe- ta. Anyone wanting more information about the products and services provided by Niagara Manufacturing should give them a cail at 723- 0345 or visît their office at 306 Kitchener St., Oshawa between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. 2