Whitby Free Press, 2 May 1984, p. 21

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1984, PAGR 21 w YOUR% DINýING PLEASURE Unique A unique dining ex- perience for Whitby and area residents is available at the Silverý Lantern i the do"n- town core. The Silver Lantern, owned by Phee Cheah and managed by Dan Estruch, is the only restaurant in Durham Region that' serves dishes from such coun- tries- as Malaysia, Ini- donesia, Thailand, China and, of course, Canada. Their menu features such items as Penang Gado Gado, which is a salad wlth peanut sauce and Rendand Daging, which is a dry béef curry. The Silver Lantern also features a complete line of the more familiar Chinese food dishes such as Moo Goo Guy Pan, chow meins, fried rice and the traditional Canadian favorite, sweet and sour chicken restaurant offers an equally unique disco soun halls L. v -- However, Cheach and Estruch suggest that The Len, which fMatures a 600-watt total Sound system is the which will play the latest works of such well known performers as Dan E8truch of The Den diners arrive before 9 p.m. because it is then that The Den, Whitby's newest disco gets un- derway. Kartways robbed A n alarm caîl at Family Kartways last Thursday night has led to the arrest of an Oshawa man. According to a spokesman for ýthe Durham Regional Police Force, the alarm was tripped- when someone forced open a window on the south side of the building giving him access to the restaurant area of the H1ighway 12 go-kart faiity. Police said that about $75 was taken and that the suspect was arrested near the scene while walking in the east side of the highway. Charged with break, enter and theft is Randy William Lupel, 24, of Oshawa Blvd. S., Oshawa. TYPISTIRECEPTION IST WANTED IMMEDUATELY For varlous duties with local newspaper. must have good typing skiiis (minimum 60-70 wpm), b seif-motivated, and enjoy interacting with th general public. Apply ln person to: Whltby Free Press 131 Brock St. North Whltby, Ontario. THE DE 14DUNDAS ST. W., WHITBY 14 SPECIAL THIS WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY- HAPPY HOURS 9 P.M.-11 A.M. GREAT MUSIC FOR DANCING 50 MUCH FOR SO LITTLE - $63,900. Little Britain - 4 bedroom, 2 storey, has main floor famniiy room wlth firepiace and walkout and a 200' lot. Seo It with Merv Parchmnt2171 or 433-8688.I home of the newest European record. releases, most of which are not yet available in Canada. Cheah and Estruch are currently in the process of putting in a very large dance floor as weIl as a high-tech video 10-foot screen. ABILITY FUND WORKING WITH PHYSICALLV DISABLED ADULTS DININO GUIDE GOLDEN.GATE 107 Brock St. S. Whltby 668-8321 This popuiar Chinese Restaurant, s introducing the SZECHUAN CUISINE for ail of you gour- mets who Iike spicy hot dishes. The- Golden Gate also offers a wide selection of Canadian dîshes from roast beef to veal cutiets and pork chops. The Bo-Bo piatter and the deliclous chlcken f ingers are two dishes worth tryingil Perfect for lunch or dinner! WE DELI VER Chinese Food Luncheon SPECUAL 12,75_adup Tiroler «faus Lcensed under LL.B.O. 120 Brock Street North, Whitby 666«3005 Michael Jackson. Estruch says that The Den is now offering, a new specialty nights such as an all-night happy hour on Wed- nesdays and Thursdays. On Saturdays, patrons wil get an order of chieken wings with their first bar order. And beginning this Saturday, The Den will have "Youth Day" from 1 to 5 p.m. Kids of al ages will be able to dan- ce the afternoon away for only $3. During this time, Estruch says that no alcoholic beverages wilI be sold. The Den is also in the process of establishing a dart league and Estruch says that new members are welcome. For a unique dining -'.F'. MESH ER JEWELLER ~15% off' J with this coupon j 668-2872 i 109 Dundas St.W. Whitby LIVE ENTERTAINiîi I.ST U LUNCH EON SPECIAL EVERYTHING ON THE MENU @CHICKEN *SPAGHETTI *LASAGNA *VEAL PARMESAN -4 MORE HAPPY HUS 2M.-P.M. STEAK HOUSE& TAVERN' SPECIALIZING IN CHARBROULED STEAKS & SEAFOOD *@Superbiy Prepared a*Business Luncheons 668-2751 939 Dundas St. W.9 Hwy. 2, Whitby Per pErn and entertainent ex- perience, the Silver ElanenadTeDno amtay0 PJs I FORMERLY THE RJN RESTAURANT IS NO OE UN DER N EW MANAGEMENTi rnI4~ - ANYTHING ON OUR MENU]Ij j15UIo OFF WITH THISADj OPEN 7 DYS AWE III FULLY LIC., L.L.B.O. 7:30 .M. O 9:3 P.M 7:3 FR I. & S A T . j 7 : 3 0 A . . T 9 : 0 P M .7 : 3 A . M . T O 2 A . M . 1 [315 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY (DOMINION PLAZ)[ IS YOUR INCOME SMALLER THAN YOUR POTENTIAL? Ilyou're brtght. ambittous and have a strong drive to succeed, our CENTURY 21 office has career opportunites to prove your worth. Asa CENTURY 21 sales assoctate. you cari earn up Io On~~jpyour maxîmnut potentdal Wel give you the train- i ng you«d expect from Number 1in North Areca, the financial tools and top management support. ~1ÈLJ. lI~U Cal] us, todavi GOLD JACKET REALTY LTD. 6862 824 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 6862 CANAD&S J.AGEST REAL ESTATE NETORK ENUY 1 RACE! OFICE IS IH~ND5NDNTLY OWNUO A» OMUZTED. Rlght Acrou. Prm The wurfing Rink" Dundas St. W. in the downtown core is worth *lExcsllent Wine List e Major Credît Cards Dally From 11:30 a.m.-10 pa. Fri. to il p.m. Sat. 4:30 p.m.- 11 p.m. Whltby's Flrst German Canadian Restaurant -.wJ -VR USDA-IG 1J~

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