WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9. 1984, PAGE 23 O FC SP C AUOMOTIVE GARN INW lRD NN FOR RENT * SRVIESREP0AIR/PARTS - AND SUPPLIES AD SUPPLIES COLONIAL CARPET Cieaning Speclal. Living roam , dining room end 2 bedrooms. Rogrdioss of sizes. lncludlng dooderlzing. For onîy $9900. 668-1415. PIANO LESSONS In your homo or mine. Phoneo 668.252. OBEDIENCE TRAINING. Basic 10 woek course, outdoors, starting May 22. Klaumar Konnois, Brooklln 655-4871. RUG CLEANING SPECIAL Living room, dlning room, heilway, ciesean d scotch guerdod for $50. Bedroom, $10. 6681465. EXPERT TREE REMOVAL Tro. cars, landsceping and hodges, spning dlean-up, troe surgery and shrub cire. FuiIy insured. 571- 1445. ALUMINUN AND VINYL SIDINO, eoctrlcaI contrecting, hoatlng, air condiloning. 855-8941. HATE HOUSEWORK? Why not givo us e ciii. Reasonablo rates. 723845 or 723-0138. FOR FINISHED BASEMENTS, recreation mrnm, bithrooms, shlngllng, etc. A iconsod cerpen- ter et your service. Caii Dan's Renovtlonsat 576-4296. *9tol.2 every* *Saturday mornngl I28Albrt Strt CONGRA-iuLATIONs on your forthcomlng mariage. Pleaso vlew aur samplos 'of engraed wedding invitations et your loi- aure inour Ajax Plaza store. Dick- son Prlnting &l Office Supplies PSYCHIC MEDIUM leaevailabie for privato readinga and also numorology charts. For infor- mation and appointment ciii 579- 6523. FURNITURE MOVINO roasonabile rates, avellebloe ny time. 576- 5860. DOG HOUSES Custom or stan- dard, indoor or outdoor. Ail sizes. North Pickering, 649-2069. DELLARIE'S LANDSCAPING AND GENERAL CONTRACTING Min wlth truck wiliIng ta do odd jobs, iendsceplng, fertilîzing, gerbae removel and snowpîowing. 839-7979. CLOWNiN' AROUND - foaturing Tlny the Clown for chlldren's par- d1e, singing teiogrimse, hospitel visits and othor occasions. Com- plote cetering for parties. Free cae wlth eech advanced booking. Oeil Tiny, 723-7494 or vlait Tlny et Shoppers Won- derlend. no S MUREENTNT NEED A RENTAL? Ci the Expor- tel We carry 'houase, townhouses,- duplexes, -apar- tmonts, fietai Ail- aras, aizos, prîcesi 579-4500 Homelocîtors, fee. Raglan on aimcoo St. ueautirui property for rneny uses. 985-7872. Open Hause 1 ta 6 p.m., Saturday and Sunday. PICKERING - fumlahed room in country home. Shane ktchen, bath and reat of hous. $200 manthiy. Caii 839-0703. WUVACATION RENNT TSALS ~ * FLORIDA FREE: Drap into tho Dlckson loaratr - Throo bedroom Prlnting & Offli Supply store In mobile homos. Hoatod pools, the Ajax Plaza and pick Up a free tennis, close ta boaches and COPY Of thoir 1984 Mtric Celon- major attractions, chiidren dar. Printod ln twa calaura. It welcome. $225.00 U.S. makos for hendy referonco. 683 weekly (ons thon motel 1968.[oom). 683-5503 WAMTýles ALL@ill WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for rent on prafossionel floor. Would be suitable for lawyen, accountent, etc. Ront includes aeh utilitios and le negotieblo for an appropriete tenant. For further Information ceil 668-6372 beiween 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Mondey ta Frlday. (ARMENTS/ CODSFRRN ONE BEDROOM APARTMVENT ln omail Whitby building. Adulte oniy. $400 par month. Includos frIdgo, stove, hydro and parking. Cable TV and leundry fecilities aveleabie. Phonoe668-8372 bet- ween 9:30 e.m. and 5 p.m. FOR SALE oxhaust aystem for 1976 Daeun. Pipes neerly new. Reasoneblo. Ask for Dave 688- 8322. TWO 07815 bisa tires and rima for Ford heif-ton. One chester- field and chair, chocolete brown and one largo charcoal berbeque with rotiserie. Phono 655-3257. CAR REPAIRS bodywork, tune- upa, peint job, etc. Reesonable raes. 668-7820 enytime. REBUILT TRANSMISSIONS, moat models, $185.001 Oelil Bob 683-0811. MISTER TRIM LAWN & GARDEN SERVICE. Free iawn fertilizetion with spring dlean-up. Free weod contrai with weekly gresa cut. 579-6671. DUS LAWN MAINTENANCE Lawn cuttlng and trim ming, fer- tiiizing,- aerîting, sodding, miscelieneous gardenfing. 3 years expenience. Call 868-0832 or 668- 5365 after 6 p.m. COMIG ~T RCYC1 HIiLD CARE HIiLD CARE CEVENTS MATURE. MOTHER will bebysit DAY CARE AVAILABLE ln my COMPUTER CAMP Verioty of computers. Morning, aftornoon or evening. For ail ages. 10-20 hours for $85-$149. Oeil 683-7767. 1983 TAMAIIA uï 126K. 2 atroke, Iiquid cood. $1,000 or boat of- for. Ciii Stevo et 668-4093. SAORESAL 1975 25FT. PROWLER Tandum GARAGE SALE Seturdey, May 12 fram 9 e.m. ta 3 p.m. Something for ovoryone. 6 Cerdiff Court, Whitby. YARD SALE May 12 and 13. Street sale, many houses, many bargeins. Ann Arbor Court, West Lynde, Whitby. STREET YARD SALE et 302, 304, 306 Centre St. N., Whitby. Setur- day, May 12. 10 e.m.'tao 4 p.m. YARD SALE Saturdey, May 12. 10 a.m. ta 2 p.m. 43 lvanic Court <Brack and Manning) 2 P195 snow tires, power mower, bungie buggy, Bric, 'n Brec and more. Corne onel Corne eai AN ESTATE YARD SALE Weether permItting. Saturday, May 12. 10 a.m. ta 4 p.m. 89 Queen St., Brookiln. Household Items, china, aild tools, bicycle, fur- nîture, silver and brios. GARAGE SALE Seturdey, May 12. Rein or shine. 10 e.m. ta 3 p.m. Some antiques. 216 Coiborne St. W., Whitby. SERVICES -GRAMMAR for peopie Who hate grammar" la the Ideai pocket referonco book for business people. $395 per copy ând avil- able et Dickson Printing & Office Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Dealer enquiries invited 663-1968. axis, 4 bumer stove end oven, 2 wey f ridge, aleepa 8, now l6ft ewnlng. $8,000 firm. 728-6351. AFFORDABLE FAMIIY F1JN CAMPING TRAILERS Ses the beautiful No. 1 seiilng Colemen Camping Traloers wltpi the queiity and neme you trust. Easy towlng, ightweight desIgn, sots up fester and hes more luxury living spece. LOW PRICES AND FREE REFRIGERATOR DEAL NOW ON I $165.00wk u J Sun way Sales '*Puusfun in mour tale, 2069 SIMCOE ST. N. Acroustram Durham Collage OSHAWA PORT PERRY 571-2210 985-2910 LOST.- Maity coioured cet. Two years aid, woaring black f ioa coller. Loat eround Prince of Weiss Drive. Cornes to Bren Muf- fin. Cell 44-5840. Help keep Red Cross ýII IE1 ready., + TYPEWRITER rentai, manymes and modela, by the woekond, week or month. Discounts aveul- able. Dicksan Printing & Office Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Caii us for business mathine repaira 683-1968. your chiidren In her homo. Any ago, roasonablo, roferonces. Oel Joyce 668-322. homo. Any ae welcome. i hae dipioa and oxperience. Manday thru Fridey. 666-1209. BROOKLIN DAY NURSERY GRAND OPENING SATURDAY, MAY 12 Registrations 12 noon to 4 p.m. Variety of programs and drop-in service. Cari ng, qualified staff. 14 Church 1St., Brooklin 655-3864 TOATCLES1 ~ENT FOR SALE WANTED ON CONSIGNMENT Bicycles In good condition and golf equipment. Alil other sports equipment acceptod. 58 Baldwin, Brookiin, 655-8079. CASH for usod cars, trucks. Highost seivege pricos paid. Free towi ng. Oeil 571-2524 or 5764867. WANTED' USED APPLIANCES (Working or Nat) WE BUY, SEL RECON DITION. ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE AND.MORE... BARRELS - Whiskey, $25. Rum, $30. Guarenteed, free doiivery. 688-1645 or 686-0257. GEOTYPE pres-on iettering now' ln stock et Dickson PrintIng & Of- fice Supplies In tho Ajax Shop- ping Plaza. Largo selection of styles and aizes. Why pey more for a amelior aheot of iettering? 683-1968. SANDAK SANDALS "For comfor- table happy foot". Excellent for boating and camping. 5 yoar wirranty. Christine 725-8292. Ask about aur shae partiesi 24' ESTHER WILLIAM used eiuminum pool with deck, aand filter and new liner. Rogular $4,495. Now $2,495. Oeil 723-0345 or 576-2287. VISIT aur usea rurniture ware hous by eppaintment. Big savings on desks, chairs, f iiing cabinets, etc. Oelil Dickson PrInt- Ing & Office Supplies toaerrango an eppointment ta view. 683. 1968. THE WORLD IS YOURS ... IF YOU KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE... Wherever you move the Wei- corne Wagon hostesa le the righi persan to help yau find a place in yeur new cornmunhly. Cali 668-8943 FOR SALE LAZAIR ultra-lght one kit and one f lylng. $6,500 and $5,200. Phono 668-0039. "NEROES of the Bible' colouring book evallable at Dlckson Print- lng & Office Supply, Ajax Plaza, 683-1968. Dae nure n vited. Dao nure n ONE NEW 10 gallon Tote.along and ono sot of flOw clearance mirnore. Caeil655-3257. CHESTERFIELD suites, love. $aiat, sectionals, bass than ih prIco. Large seloctlon. McKoon Fumîture. 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. HAY FOR SALE. Also codar railings for sale. Reesonebie prIce. Brooklin location. Oelil enytime 655-4182. ROE - WARMS e completeslino of Ilve and naturel beit. Calilet 6 Thornton Rd. N., et the Corner of King, 6 e.m. t109 p.jn. 1686ô H.P. MERCURY outboerd motor. Phonoe68.8960. MATTRESSES end box oprings et heif price. McKoen fijjrniture, 524 Simcoe Street South,ý OsheWe. 725-5181. SWIMMING POOL SPECIAL 24' with sand filtor, $1,495.00. New werrinty, 14x28. complote $2,4W.00 with aand flitor. 723- 0345. EvonIngs 576-2287. ATTENTION DISPLAY &'CLASSIFIED ADVERTUSERS Please chieck your advertisement for e.-iors on tre f lrst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be hiable for fallure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publica- tion beyond the cost of the spaoe ocoupied by theerror up to a maximum cost of the f irst insertion. The Whltby Free Press reserves the right to olassify or rejeot ail advertise- "ments. Ads must appear in -the oaper one day before they can beochanged or cancelled. CLASSIF *IED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words; 1lie each addition- aI word If pre-pald. You may charge your Classifled Ad to your CIuargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa card ready when oalling. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irsi 100 words; 12o each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the f irst 50 words; 12o each additlonal word. AUCTION SALES - 34s per Uine. (No word ads allowed.) BoX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wilI make every en- deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- cept no liability regarding loss or damage alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding such replies. We will flot be responsible'for box number replies flot oalled for withln 30 days. DEADLIN ES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday no on prior to publication to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 * M PIANO MO VERS Expert movlng and dlsmantllng 30 yrs. experlenoe*Owner on job Expert Household Movers CALL COLLECT 252-7058 "USED PIANOS BOUGHT & SOLD"I . NNMENTSJ~ia~E HAPPY 30 KEN LOE ANY MUST BE SOLDI Ranch LOVE ANCY bungalow on 15 acres. Juat pat CHECK OUR LOW EVERYDAY PRICESI On new chesterfieids, bedroom sets, colonial dining roins, and kitçhen suites, beds, etc. ELMER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor St, E. (At Riteon> Oshawa ----72---3473 SIMPLE!M The simple solution to cleanlng siorage problems in the attic and garage is a Classifiled Ad. WHITBY FREE PRESS............... 668-6111 ouffl