--------------- 14, No. .20' Wednesday, May 16, 1984 20 Page@ -w loi i I h s, Free Press Staff Photo Lt.Gov. turns. Cas tie sod The Lieutenant-Governor of Ontarlo, John Black Aird 18 seen here turning the sod to officlally begin conqtruction of the new academic wing of Whltby's Trà falgar Castie Sohool. Seen here glving his Honor a helplng hand are (left> Peter Eberlee, 'Chai rman of the school's board of gover- nors and (righit),Regional Councillor Tom Edwaârds. The addition to the 110-year old private girls' school will provide increased academîc facilities lncludlng science labs and an art studio. The 61000 square-foot addition 'represents a $625,000 in- vestment by the sohool. Accordin'g to Craig Kamoke,.the headmaster, the new facility when -completed wiIl allow the school to admit 10 more girls'--to their 170 member student population., It is interesti'ng to note that Saturday's sod tur-- ning.was, the Lieutenant-Govemnor's f irst officiai visit toý Whitby, and was the highlight of the school's annual May Day festivities. Members of the Durham Regional Police Force 'have arrested a second Whit- by man in connection with the sexual assault of a 21-year old wo-man on March 28. According to a police spokesman, their in- vestigation led them to a home on Markham Rd. in Scarborough,.. last Tuesday evening.- John Ronald Rober- tson, 20, of 110 Victoria St. W. has been charied with sexual assault, robbery, thef t under $200, assault, assault causing bodily harm and possession of a nar- cotic. Three other persons, including the mother of the accused, were -also arrested by police when they raided the Scar- borougb home. Bonnie Rita Rober- tson, 36e of 110 Victoria St. W. bas been charged with conspiracy to ob- struct the course of justice and accessory after the fact. She was also charged previously with obstruet police and accessory after the fact when police originally attempted to arrest ber son. Also charged with conspiracy to obstruct the course of justice and accessory after the fact are Sheily Rae Reber, 28 of Markbam Rd., Scar- borough and Edward Reber, 32, of Brock St. S., Whitby. Ail but Shelly Rae Reber were held in police custody. Reber was released on a promise to appear in Whitby Provincial Court on May 25. Already chargéd with the March 28 semual assault is Robert'John Clark, 19, of 110 Victoria St. W., Whitby. Police ar rest seco nd local rape. suspect Nego tia tions'end. ...0 CUPE to take strike vote to morrow a Although it is unwan- ted by botb sides, strlke action against the Town of Whitby by its inside and outside workers is a real possibility. According to John Cherry of the Canadian Union of Public Em- ployees (CUPE),. the union representing the town's employees, said tbat they could be ini a legal position to strike witbin the next, two weeks providing Ministry of, Labor con- ciliators issue a "no board" report this week. The executive of CUPEý Local 53 will ask the- general member- ship for a strike vote at a meeting to be held tomorrow night at the Oddfellows Hall in Brooklin. The issues dividing the two sides are ail non- monetary, Cherry said in a brief telephone in- terview Friday after- noon, and mostly relate to job security and con- tract language.' The talks affect alI full-timne town em- ployees except the firefigbters and the bus drivers. Cherry was- aslo critical of the town's at- titudes throughout the current set of contract- negotiations. "They reailydon't want to talk about much other than mroney," he said,' "The whole dispute is over non- monetary issues and a question of attitudes." Cherry s'aid it was his opinion that the Town of Whitby'does not believe that the membership will strike over non- monetary issues.' "'They think its a big joke," he -said, adding that the îssues raised at the bargaiming table were flrst expressed by the membership. "IThey a re concerned about these issues .... they want some input into what happens."' "1We don't wish a strike any more than the corporation does, " he continued, "But we would like some discussion and movement in the areas that we are concerned about." >Town admînistrator Bill Wallace. told the Free Press Friday that he hopes to make a statement concerning the fate of the negotiations sometime today or tomorrow. "«There is nothing I can say at this point, " he said, "I will have comment,',^Wednesday (Today)."Y While' he has been keeping tabs on the negotiating process, Mayor Bob Attersley has flot taken an active role. "There are sti some areas, where we disagree, " he said, "but we're always hopeful for a settlement. " .The' mayor believes the monetary offer made was fair and while hé didn't give a figure, it is, believed that the offer was in.keeping with the provincial gover- nznent's restraint program. "What we've offered them is fair," Attersley said. - The resuits of the strike vote will flot be known' until Friday morning although senior town officials have indicated privately that a settlemient will be made shortly. >