Whitby Free Press, 23 May 1984, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, MAY -13, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS Whitby's Most Widely Read. AT)S action VI -di- wov TENDERS FOOD HANOLER REOUIRED to work part-trne. Experence In food lndustry recommanded. Ap- ply ln person at Mr. Submarlne, 1123 Dundas St. E., Whitby. LEGAL SECRETARY. Buay Plckoring, Lawyer .neods Socretary with at least '2 yeare Rosi Estate oxperionco 10 replace socrotary on leave for 6 months. Phone 8395121. WORD PROCESSING & Micro Computer introductory courses. Three week apoclal, $95. Longer courses avallable wlth certificate and lob plocement. 683.7767. HUNDREDS 0F HELPERSI Lîve- In girls from Quobec, satisfaction or refund guaranteed. MOTHERS SUMMER HELPERS (416> 282- 2478. ETMPLOY LIGHT MOVING Jobs, (truck provlded>. Clean back yards, collais, etc. For bout service csll Dan anytimo 723-2368. 0 SERVICES OTTER CREEK PHASE Il. Ex- pariancsd day cars avallable in My home. Oulot court wlth park, supervised play and activitios. Fuli-timo or part-time, prefer age 2 or oldor. Oeil 6663917. BROOKLIN DAY NURSERY Varlety of programrs & drop-i n service Caring qualifiled staff 14 CHURCH ST. BROOKLIN 1 655-38641 MCLEAN AUCTION BARN, LINDSAY Sale every THURSDAY nlght at 6:30 p.m. Fur- nîture, appliances, an- tiques, dîshes, tools. To consign or list sales phone 324-2783 LIN DSAY CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, MAY 25 6:30 P.M. Three miles east of Lttie Britaîn or 7 miles west af Lindsay on the Lin- dsay/Little Britain Rd. 8 piece maple dînette suite, iron beds wlth brass trlm, walnut buf- fet, quantity of single box spring and mat- tresses, matchlng brown Calvinator fridge and, stove, Gingerbread dlock, co-oil lamps, wlcker baby carniages, parlour tables, Lowrey electric organ, metal of- fic0e desk, Royal Daulton figurines, Cabbage Pat- ch Dol, 2 - 1975 Ski Wh iz snowmobiles (excellent condtion, not run since 1979), Honda trail bike, electrlc wheel chair, tread-mill, quantity of tool, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER 1R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN (705) 786-2183 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MAY 26 6 P.M. At Pearce Auctia Centre on Shirley Rd. miles sauth of Poi Perry. Wlth matchini Viking fridge and stove, h.p. rota iller, Johnson h.p. boat motar, 1/ h.p table saw, portable T.V. colour, gas barbequE lawnmawers, bicycles antique vacuum "1913' rectory table, Victoriai settee, wringer/washer grinders, new and usec toals, wark bench anc vice, copper pieces cracks,. trunks, lifE jacket, chioken feedern and many more in teresting items Managed and sold by PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 985-7492 Typ ewriter RENTALS t alSALES & SERVICE n 4 ýrt ig 7 5 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MAY 26 il A.M. The estate of the late NORMAN CHRISTEN- SON (Green River Bas kets Warks) ln the village of Green River, No. 7 Hwy. 4 miles west 0f Brougham, 5 miles east of Markham. Sale of furnIture, antiques, tools, scrap iran. In- cluding 2 round oak tables (1 - 54" pedestal with 2 leafs, 1 - 44" with 5 legs and 4 leaf s), 3 plece walnut bedroam suite, Starr phonograph, washstand, 3 antique dressers, 2 blanket boxes, aid tables, odd chairs, 2 gallon crack, picture f rames, treddle sewing machine, cast iran maple syrup kettle, aid woaden -pulleys, crosscut saws,. quantity of planks (Elm,' Basswoad, Pine, Butter- nut, Walnut), extension ladder, boat trailer, logging chains, Cant haoks, table saw, 2 chainsaws (Homeîight and Craftsman), hand tools, cement mixer, box trailer, lawn trimmer, 4 - 825x20 lug tires, 10 h.p. electric mator, 1 h.p. electric motor, 2 pipe vices, 4 - 5 gallon palis 0f tar, 45 gallon drum of pltch, pipe and plumbing fittings, 10 gallon garden sprayer, 100 paund propane tank, 2 aId refrldgerators, 5 h.p. rota tiller, 20 ou. ft. freezer, 14 ft. Sunspot sailboat, aid beams, garden taals, John Deere riding lawn- mower, 36" cut with snow blower, plus numerous other articles. JOHN ANNIS AUCTIONEER 655-4663 AUCTION SALE n SATURDAY, MAY 26 11 A.M. d Farm machinery, equip- i ment and f urniture. To be , held at Dan McLellan's e on the Brook Rd, quarter s mile north of Hwy. 2, 1- Pickering. Tractors, a number of ploughs, 3 point hitch, bailers, grain bin, tractor-tires, side rakes, bush hogs, snow blowers, cultivators, - slush buckets, post hale diggers, 1940 Army truck, Austin car, 1968 Chev 3/ ton truck, 1926 Case tractor, large assartment of tools, drills, motors, jacks, electric stave and fridge, electric organ, kitchen suites, chairs and dishes and many mare articles. Terms cash. AUCTIONEER EARL GAUSLIN 640-3079 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MAY 20 10OA.M. JUSTA FAAM, ASHDURNONT. 9th concession (Myrtie Rd.) lh mile osai of Ashburn. 1 mile west of Myrtie. 167 Acre fsrmn and farm mschlnory. REAL ESTATE 167 acre farm, good barn and land, trout stroam, large 7 bedroom Victorian brick hou"a. MACHINERY Massoy Ferguson 1105 tractor wlth Muiti power qulck hltch, .1214 hours, 20-38 tires. MF 255 tractor, 1767 hours, MF 236 Qulck attsch loader (new June 82), MF plough modal 880 4 plus 1 hydromstlc A.R., MF 259 16'. cultivator, New l-olland modal 258 9 'W Sida rake, MF, modal 33 seod drill, bale and' grain llft (30ft.), MF modal 10 balor, New Holland modal 477 Hayblne, 1 hp. olectric motor, Gohi Hammor miii PTO driven, Shavor post hole dIggor, 2 now rolla of fonce, deep well pump wlth rodeasnd tanks, 32ft. aiuminum lsddar, 24 laying hens, 2-6 ton bale wagons, weed cutter, 250 gel. fuel tank, MF modal 52 dlsc 44 plates, 5 new sections diamondharrow, 5 old sections diamond harrows, Soara 12 h.p. gardon tractor clw mower, rouler, traller, planter, 8 h.p. rototIller, snowblower EvInrude 10 h.p. outboard motor, electrlc fenclng, chlcken equlpment, amaîl tools, hydraullc cylînder, weed ester, 4 sacks of wooi, 12 ton jack plua numerous amallItems. All equlpmont ln excellent condition and moat new In 1982. VEHICLES 1967 Rouae Royce Slver Shadow (certifie -d), 1975 Chov. Wagon (67000 mles), 1975 Ford 1oh ton truck. Note Timo: 10 a.m. Farm and Rolla Royce will oeil at 1 p.m. Heavy Machinory at 11:30. Viewing Frlday, May 25, noon till 7 p.m. For more Information cali MOLEAN AUCTIONS OSHAWA 576-7550 TORONTOLIME 686-3291 AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY, MAY 30 16:30 P.M. Taunton Village ojust north of 4 corners) on Taunton Rd. 2 miles east 0f Oshawa. Watch for signs. Having received instructions f rom the Landlord we are clearing the assest of 418-523 ONTARIO LTD. & SHEET METAL SHOP consisting of 2 Genie super lift 650 lbs. 24 ft. lift, Brown and Boggs cleatformer, Welder metal cutter with stand, approx. 250 sheets 4'x8', 22, 24, 26, gauge sheet metal, 4 ft. metal brake, 8 ft. 16 gauge brake, 2 large steel work tables, 2 work tables on wheels, stove pipe rouler and at- tachments, approx. 40 h.p. Johnson outboard motor, metal storage bin, hand brake, used motors, assorted sizes of f ire dampers, Brown and Boggs 3 ft. cutter, 10 ft. aiuminum step ladder, asso;rted duc-t work, duot located at 985 Susan Drive, Squires Beach, Pickering, Ontario. Available for occupancy on July 1, 1984. Proceed south on Brook Raad fram Highwgy 401 east. Turn -east at second stop iight to McKay Road and follow road to Intersection of McKay Road and Montgomery Park Road. The property is accessible to the Pickering "GO" Train, and serviced by Dial-A-Bus and a sohool bus. This property may be viewed f rom 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Thursday, May 31, 1984, when a represen- tative 0f the MInistry of Government Services wIll be ln attendance. OPEN HOUSE SIGNS WILL BE POSTED. Tender documents may be obtained from the representat Ive on th is date, or f rom: Ministry of Government Services Publ ic Tenders Off ice Room M1.43A, Macdonald Block Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario M7A 1 N3 Telephone: (416) 965-1152 A certif led cheque or money order for the month's rent must be submitted with the tender documen- ts, and wiil be promptiy returned to unsuccessful bidders. Sealed tenders wiIl be received until 3:00 p.m., Friday, June 8, 1984, at which time they wlll be opened ln public. Tenders wiil be opened ln Toron- to. NOTE: For further Information, please contact Rajah Gurudevan, Ministry of Government Ser- vices, Toronto, Ontario, Telephone (416) 965-2040. Please quote File No.: M767-30. The highest or any accepted. T.O. 032 tender will not necessariîy be Ministry of Government Services Ontario THE WORLD IS YOURS ... IF YOU KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE... Wherovar you move the Wel- coma Wagon hostess is the right person ta help you find a place In your new community. Cali 668-8943 The Cellidh Players wiil present their production of "dWho Killed Aunt Caroline"P in the auditorium of Fair- view Lodge on May 25 and 26 at 7:30 pa.. Tickets are. $3 for --ýadults and $1 for children. They will be available at the door. pair riti~ai T/wl CIRCULATION MANAGERý NEEDED Mature, reliable person with good drivîng record Must be bondable and able !o, work well wîth chiidren. Variety of duties, Saiary ta commeri surate with experience. Part.time. Apply ini perso n 131 ,Brocè'k St. N. Whitby, Ont. MMMR- HELP AUCTIO AUCTIONS CTIONS (iD WANTE NIS AU q Sprlng at Anderson la a time for some ae- tivities to start and others near completion. Starting once more is the popular sport of rugby. Ail three teams, midget, junior and senior, started practice early and recently un- derwent extensive preseason conditioning by .playing exhibition metches against teams as far away as England. On May 1 our teams kicked off the season against Dunbarton Higb Sehool and the seniors won 4toO0. Unfortunately, the juniors and* junor seconds did not fare s0 well and were defeated. However, these teams are challdng. these losses to experience and are stiil hungry for the cha mpionship. Good luck,,Raiders. Badminton has just taken the nets down for the year and stored the birdies' under the coaching of Mr. Andrew Uranowski. The senior team went to OFFSA to compete against the best of Ontario. Although the team did not place, the members did extremely well to get that far. The junior team did just as weil and came in first in COSSA. This is as far as the junior competition goes. Congratulations go to Anna and Soragia Stasinakis for their par- ticipation in OFFSA and to Rod Nicholîs and Millie Minas for placing first in junior singles at Cossa and Paul Law and Leigh M4cElroy for placing third at COSSA. This is an excellent ef- fort by ahl team mem- bers. Congratulations. The Outers' Club completed its year's ac- tivities with a four-day canoe trip in Algonquin Park. As was reported two weeks ago, the students had made ex- tensive preparations for this excursion. Con- sequently,' they were able to brave the elements, especially the ramn and cold in the first two days, and com- pleted their itinerary, arriving home tired but pleased with their ac- complishments.

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