*MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES r Now las the lime for you b I W A PJM I 'A LLET T'E& SMALL ENGINE for you . ontact ..'u CHARTERED AGC(.OUNTANTS. REPAIRS. SCARRER -Zý [ LAWNMOWERS tk.cinTor aacre _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ - USD LANMOW RSSO LIN0F P.O. Box 568, llOAshStmre, Whitby. OntarioLIN 5V3 CALL 6§5107 HAISTLIG] (416)6685447 92 Bond St. W. 576-35W Accounting, auditing, taxation, conisulting services. Internariorgally Binder Djker Otte & Co. BUSINESS PEOPLE' on a regular part-time basis by professionai, tac- tfui, credit and collection staff. Vour Office Or BUYING AN ANNUITY? If you are and you wisFi to secure a payout annuity from your RRSP, cafil H ERB TRAN Oshawa 725-6564 Whitby 668-5968 TOP FIVE QUOTES AVAILABLE DURHAM KEYBOARD CENTRE 355 BLOOR ST. W. OSHAWA 725-0001 WANTED USED APPLIANCES <Worklng or Not) WE BUY, SELL R ECON DITION * INSURANCE SERVICES SEN IOR CITIZENS SAVE MONEY ON AUTO INSURANCE PINE RIDGE INSURANCE 683-9725 *SPORTS EQUIPMENT DENTURE THERAISTS - CLINIa * CATERING 1~ a: rmi uplete cul SERVICES 576-864~ Coming Events 1 FIELD NATURALISTS The next meeting of the Durham Region Field Naturaiists will be held on May 28 at 8 p.m. at the R.S. McLaughiin Public Library, Bagot St., Oshawa. The guest speaker will be James and Katherine MeKeever of the Owl Rehabiitation Resear- ch Foundation at Vineiand Station. The meeting is open to both members and non- members. For more in- formation cail Lorna Macheil at 668-085. The group wii also hold an outing on May 27 at 6:30 a,.m. to pot ferns, owls and whip-o-wills in the wild. Participants are asked to meet at the SUPPORT GROUP The next meeting of the Cesarean Support Group wiil be heid June il at 8 p.m. at 306 Ad- mirai Rd., Oshawa. The topic for discussion will be "initiating change in hospitai childbirth policies." The support group bas been. estabished to dale Collegiate, IL mony Rd. N., -Oshawa. The group offers hi and -support to adi adoptees wishing trace their origins ai to- birth parents sea ching for their now adt children. Adoptii parents are aih weicome. For more informatio; cail 728-.693 ALLSTATE INSURANCE Randy Ferguson 683-1124 eLifeeAutooHome aMortgage Protection PR1 NTI NG59 invitations -matches.- serviettes ONE PARENT FAMILIES The Oshawa Chapter of the One Parent Families Association of Canada meets every Tuesday at 8 p.m. at St. Andrew's Church, 71 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. On June 5, there will be a general meeting. The June 12 meeting wiil feature a speaker on the topic of sexual abuse. Dating for the single parent will be Barb Hicks subjeet on June 19. Tom Simmons of the Oshawa and District Unemployed Help Cen- tre wiil be the guest speaker on June 26. Meeting are open to the public and new members are welcome. For more information caîl 579-4043. YARD SALE St. Thomas' Anglican- Church, Brooklin will hold a yard and baked goods sale on June 2 at the Parish Hall. Anyone wishing to donate items to the sale may bring themn to the hall before June 1 or before 10 a.m. on June 2. All proceeds will go towards the church painting fund. For more information caîl Mike Taylor at M655- 3501 or Chris Heaves at 655-3809. PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY, MAYX-'3, 1984, WHITI3Y FRE-E PRESS Miracle Mart Maîl in Bow manvile. For more information about the outing caîl Esther Allin at 987-488. BRIDAL SHOW St. Mark's United Church Women wili hold a "Bridai Show' of Yesteryear" on June 6 at 8 p.m. in the church auditorium, Coibourne and Centre Sts. .Gowns from, 1879 to, 1984 wil be featured. Tickets are availabie by calling either 668- 4348 or 668-1382. MEETING The Big Brothers' Ladies' Auxiliary will hold their regular mon- thiy meeting tonight (May 23) at 7:30'p.m. at the Big Brother's office, 44 William St. W.ý, Oshawa. Ail interested women are welcome to attend. For more information eall 579-2274. CONCERIT The Christian Life Centre, Rothergien and *Rossland Rds., Ajax will hold a "Festival of Praise" ._concert featuring the Spurriows this Saturday (May 26) beginning at 7 p.m. Admission is free and aIl are welcome.' PLANT SALE The Parent Advisory Committee of St. Theresa's . Separate School wilI hold a bed- ding plant sale at the school, on Crawford St. just east of Anderson St., this Saturday (May 26) beginning at 10 a.m. Featured will be ail kinds of flowers and vegetables. ANNUAL MEETING The annual general meeting of the Parent Advisory Committee of, St. Theresa's Separate Sehool wiil be held at the school on May 30 begin- ning at 8 p.m. Aside from the elec- tion of officers for the upcoming year, there will also be a presen- tation on computer use in the ciassroom. Ail parents of chiidren attending the sehool are welcome to attend. CARD NIGHT St. Mark's United, Church Women will hold an evening of dessert and cards or games at 7:30 p.m. on May 31 in the church auditorium. Door prizes, as well as a large selection of desserts will be offered. Tickets are $3 per person and available by calling either 668-1335 or 66-5343. HEAD INJURED The next meeting of the Durham Region Head Injured Family Support'Group wiil be heid on May 26 from 1 to 3 p.m. in the lounge of the Crown Life-Building, 120 Bloor St. E., Toron- ito. The meeting has been called to consider the local' group's ap- plication for member- ship in the Head Injured Association of Canada.ý For more information cali Mary Conneil at 668- 8188. meet the needs of women who have had, kor are planning to have, 1babies by cesarean bir- th. For more information cal Penny Kobrynovich at 571-M26. MUSIC NIGHT The music depar- tment of Anderson St., wiRn present '" Music Night '84" on May 30 at 7:30 p.m. ln the schooi's auditorium. 1The evening wîll feature ,performances by the Anderson Con- cert Band, the siège band and the junior band - ail under the direction of Andrew Uranowski. The concert will also mark the debut of two new groups, the brass and the woodwind quintets. Tickets are $3 for aduits and $2 for chiidren and are available from any music 1 student, the school itself or at thE door on the evening ol the performance. For more informatior cail the schooi at 668 5M0., MEETING The Canadian Cancei Society and'the Oshawi Generai Hospital wil present an evening o demonstration ani discussion entitled "Mastectomy Prostheses an, Fashion" tonight' (Ma- 23) at 7:30 p.m. in Roor 1002 of the hospitai. For more informatio cail the Canadian Cai cer Society at 725-1166. BOOK SALE The Whitby Publi Library wiil hoid its aî nuai giant book sa] beginning May 26 in t0 iibrary auditorium. There will -be a gon selection of both fictio, >and non-fiction booki many of them in ej cellent condition. The sale wiil continu» through the foliowini week until, all the bool, are soid. For more informatic caîl the library at 66 6541. DOG SHOW The Ontario Coun- Kennel Club will hold î all-breed championsh ._10 « inhe rna- 0f ti