Whitby Free Press, 30 May 1984, p. 22

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PAGE 22,_WEDNESDAY, MAY 30.,1984. WHITTY FRFF PDJ.-O v ail a Ji- .1 PR,.. PEU.. EmoimAswllol eacptdsbett hlMolwgcndtos ARTIC ES %t*"' ARTICLES FOR AL EFOR SALE1 APARIMENT SiZE Wasehr and dryer for sale. 1 year oid, new condition. $400 for pair. 668.683. FOR SALE rad, $120. AMIFM casseit, $100. Roof rack, $20. Biko, $15. 10 epeed bike parts, $10. Aiternator, $30. Master cyiinder, $15. 2 Honda Civic rime, $30. Double bed sprlng, $10. Snowbiower, $150. Couch, $25. Phono 6558758. ONYX CHESS SETS, Aztec style, aaeoried colore, $55 each. Frigidaire automnatic drior $100. Record collection, 500 albums, $1,200. New 8 man tant $160. Baily raceway pinbaii machine, neods some work, $35. Phono 985-9258. PINE CANONBALL bedroom aulto. 9 monthu oid. Moving muet uoll. Excellent condition. Auking $1,300. Cali 686125. CAMERA Ricoh KR-5, 35mm SLR with case. Like new. $120 Toiephone 655-4110 aftor 6 p.m. FOR SALE Fiexpring diving board, 12' iength for swimmlng pool, $100. Approx. 220' chain llnk fonce, 2" meuh lnlil gauge, vinyl covered, 42" high wlth galvanized toprali, caps, raliend asuembiy, offset banda and ton. Sion bars, (note no Poats), $185. Also 3 gales, 42" high x 33" x 43" x 43", $17 each. Pool vacuum hose, 1½"x40', $17. Aiso ;4" ropo and 4 bouyu, 20' iength, $15. 3 bicycles, 1 mena, 23" Simpson Soare, 10 speed Fire Spirit, $75, 1 boy'u, 18" C.T.C. Supercyclo, 3 apoed, $55. 1 ladies 19h" C.T.C. Supercycie coaster, $60. Ail the above ln good condition. Cali Len 655-4719. WOODEN KITCHEN TABLE and four chairs, two beaves, $250. Duncan Fyfe type tablu with two beaves, $75. End table, oid, $60. Occassionai chair, $25. Typewriter, manual, Smith Corona, $45. Phono 683668. FOR SALE' roalislic receiver/am- plifler and speakers. Au new wor- th $400, aeking $175. Queen sîze Royal Orthopedique mattrees unused, $75. Phono 686-1360 af- terS5 p.m. 15FT. ABOVE GROUND POOL $100 or bout offer. Cali 668-1576 botween 5:30 and 8 p.m ONE PAIR ladies roller skates size 8, $40. One aiuminum door 34" x 80", $15. One Marson spray paint gun Ilke new, $75. SOIt, iink fenclng plus gaiee $30. Phone 683-8145. CEMENT STEPS 22" high x 4' wide with wrought Iron rail, $80. One bundie cedar shime, $5. Some piywood paces. 1" round atone, $10 yard. Green roof shingies. 655-4035. FOR SALE Exetron Stringy Flop. py Drives 0 & 1 for TRS8O modei. Plus 33 wafers, data i/O, ESF monitor, Edtasm RIS patch, eloc- trlc sproad sheet. Smaii bus: bookkeeping. Asking $275. Bruce 688-1965. TWO BATHROOM medicine cabinets, $15 each. Onu Pot Pourri, $25. One Coca-Cola por- table cooler, $20. Onu 7" Jackson Oscilloscope, $75. Onu Heath Kit Oscilloscope, $35. One Porselin bathroomn sink, $25. Onu La Fran- ce foamite' coppor ftire ex- tinguisher, $30. Soiid oak childu uchool desk, $45. Phono 668. 4098. BIKES ladies 10 speed, $60. Boys and girls, $40. IBM eIeclric office typowrlter, excellent condition, $100. Picnic table, $30. Oak chairs <4), $15 each. Bookcagie, $18. Stop-laddor, $10. Car rampu, $25 a pair. Eioctric stove, good for cottage, $W0. Oak table, $85. Cali 681-663. FRIDGIDAIRE DRYER automaîîc, perfect working order, $185. Bed chesterfieId, double, good con- dition, $175. Oak crib, excellent condition, no matîrose, $150. Phono after 6 p. m., 655-4164. FOR SALE Colonial stylo, maplo, 7 pce. dining suite, Includes 47" table wlth 12" leaf, 4 chairs, 43" buffet and hulch, $725. Colonial style mapie captains bed, 3 drawurs and 4 book sheives. ln- cludea posture board, $190. Cati 666-1565. KUBOTA FLAIL mower atlach- ment, new, 5 foot wtdo. 81,800. Phono 6553477. INTELLIVISION Il112 games, ln- teilivoice module, cartridgr hoider, leus than year oid. $375 or bout of fer. 668-539, ask for Paul. M - PLEASE READ - When the advertlsed iItem le aold, disposed of, or unavailable fr whatevor reason, the Item wIli be deemed to have been eold and a commission wiil be charged based or THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Iiiustrated beiow, tagardiesa If price a letsald wlIh "best ofifer", If the, Item la NOT SOLO, or diaposed of, the ad wiil be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of 86.00 will apply payable ln advance of publication oI the firet ad. Otherwise a 87.50 charge wiii ap- ply If billed which muet bu paid upon receipl of bill, The above minimum charges wili bu apphled 10 the final commission due butl n any case the higher amount wlil bu charged. Minimum charge: 86.00 pre-pald; 87.50 bilied. Maximum commission: $100.00, Ail advertIsqrnonIs muet bo placed on an ex- clusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run allouaI one monlh If nol soid. 5% of advortised prIce up to 8400.00RAE(I t1llasd) EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertluod for $120.00. Commission due 86.00 (minimum charge te $6.00). PrIvato advurtising onlyl Pioase notiiy the Whiiby Froe Prose Immedlateiy when item la soid go thai we may deiote Il 'from the following Issue. Ail ada notltflltng the Emporium guideiines wiii bu ireated and charged pur week as regutar ciassiiled ada on a pre-paId baste such as: services, heip wanlud, ciolhIng, ruai esiale, and personai message type ada, or ada nol quoiing price o r quanliiy, Private ciassified ada may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriale headinga. ALL ADS WîLL GO IN CLASSîFîED SECTION UNLESS OTHEAWîSE SPECiFIED. 'MAIL ADS TO:- FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whitby, Li N 5S1 If ln doubt cail: 668-6111 OR DELI VER TO: 131 Brock Si. N. ITHE DEADINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS ISTH ~jA ~ iC ~ W j~e~ ARTICLES T FOR ALEFOR SALE R5~ AILERS PANASONIC, B & W, 6" ecreen portable ACIDC, $90. Woodstovo cylinder shaped, 'b" thick steel wilh cleanabie emoko utack, very sturdy, $30. In lino hot water heater, 220 volt, new $55. 18 bun- disesof Canada Domtar shingies, green color, $5 per bundie. Cali 282-8760. VIDEO MONITOR for poruonal computer. Zenith 121, $99. 683- 3894. FOR SALE new mapie dining sel, 6 chairs, stliiln boxes, 81,000 new - asking $800 or boat 0f fer. Green antique satin drapes, $50. Dining room iight fixture, $30. Aiuminum door, $25. Tires 14x15 inches, $5 each. G.M. rime, $10 each. Bumper jack, $8. MustI euh. Cali 571-0271 anytime. HUMIDIFIER, $75. Brase and f lat back glass door firepiacu cover, $50. 1974 Austin Marina, 1978 motor, burns no oi1, excellent running condition, good body. $900, Cali 686-3323 anylime. FOR SALE Kunmore humidifier, $20. Antique floor radio, $50. Mantel radio, $10. Baseboard heaters, $20. Floor polluher, $15. New ecaiioped edge biind, $20. Beatty aulomatic antique ironer, $50. Loather aulîcase, $15. Pricos negotiabie. Cali 6682800, FOR SALE windsurfer, new. Asking $60. Phone 668-6592. COMPUTER.- Radio Shack TRS5- 80 Mod. I., 18K. Includes keyboard, monitor casuelle drive, Joystick, manuai and handbooks, plus quantity of cassettes, $300. Phono 655-3854 allterS5 p.m. COLONIAL STYLE chiidren's bedroom furniture. 1 sot ln white, one set ln mapie finish. Like new. Matles bed with mattreas, student's deak and hutch, night table, double dresser. Each set $350. For price comparison, sue Sears "Spring & Summer Catalogue", p.p. 652-653. Phono 668-0009. DININO ROOM SET - buffett, hutch, table and 4 chaire. Ex- cellent condition, $595. Singer sewlng machine in cabinet, $95. Men's 10 spued bike, $70. Cail 683-6638. PICK-UP TRUCK Tonneau covers to fit Dalsun, Ford Courier and Mazda î rucke up 10 1979 wllh a 6' box. $25. Phone 282-8760. MOBILE TRAItER, 30' Chevron <Execulive Model). 1 bedroom, kitchen area, living room area. Seif-defrosting refrigerator, soif- cloaning oven. 3 place balhroon - canopy. 89,500 or bout offer. Can be seen on site. 723-3710. TENT - Canadian Tire Campmaîe Highwaii. 12'x9'x7'x5'2", f loor 1 Plece 100% poiyethelene, vinyt coated screening on windows ana zippered door, 100% san- forized Cotton walis and, roof, used once, $175. Telephone 666& 3408. RARE 14FT Richardson cedar strip bout. Uphoistered front and rear seats, eieclric start, 35 h.p., Johnston motor, Westcot traiter. Asking 82,600. Phono 723-8228. CABIN CRUISER 1963 Chris Craf t Cavalier. 283 engine, sieeps 5, canopy top, electronica, refur. bieghed, dockage paid UN1 May/85, 86,500. Phono 666-3957 aller 5 p.m. SAILBOAT FOR SALE 25ft, wood. Built ln 1947, excellent condition. lnciuding 4 wheei tralier and muny extras. Asking $8,5W0. Phone 668-6683. Phono 668.6111 anytime. pounda, $15. Phono 723-3710. =1 A UTD oM I3LE S MJ TOC Y C L ES I FOR SALE FOR SALE 1976 MONTE CARLO as le or good for parte, $450. Phono 655- 3823. 1975 DODGE DART SPORIT 318 VO auto, mechanicaîîy Al, top endrebutît, buile10 prove. Little body work neceuuarY, good rub- ber, eau11Y certif abis. $500as ls. 888-3692. 1974 MAVERICI< 8 cyl., auto, g00d mochanîcaîîy. Auking $200 Or best offor. 1971 Toyota Corons good mechanicaiiy. AukIng $250 or boul offor. Cali 6U89335. 1974 CUTLASS SUPREME 350 4BBL. Good engine, rment front end work, new water pump and houes, unow tires on rima. $0 or bout offer. 666-2760. 1974 VEGA $100 or bout offer. Phono 655-3885. 1971 VW KARMEN GHIA Reatoroabie condition, hard-top. Asking $80. Phono 668.3052. 183 YAMAHA DT 125K. 2 stroke, Iquid coold. $1,000 or bot of- fr. Cai Steve ai68&4093. 183 T 175 AMAHA. Askng $1,60. Phon 68-6592. TWO 1982 HONDA COR 80 Mint condition, ony used one 50880l. $650 ach. Phon 655-3977. 191 HONDA OR80O excellent condition. Spring tune-up'lut competed. $550. Phone 655- 4271. 198 KAWASAKI <X 80 Excellent condition. Askng $550. Phono 668-9426. FOR SALE 1979 Honda 550 Four K. Excoeloent condition. Asking $900. Phon 683.82. 1977 KAWASAKI KZ 850 ex. coilnt condition, a good fat b ik e , 2 8 ,0 0 0 k m s ., e x tr s avaable. $1,150. Phono 86&8 9394, evning. 1977 VAMAHA RD400 muet sait. $450 flrm. Cali Mark 579-2312 d I I h M U S IC A t S U Z U K I 35 trait b ke . 35 part . ~II~NINSTR5UMENTS Cati655-4271. LADO GUITAR 4 monthe old, I HOU SHOLD" minI condition, shadow pick upu, L ,J GODDS I comes with case. $650 or bout of- fer. 668-2736 after 5 p.m., ask for Peter. FOR SALE maple, 7 pleco dlnlng room sot, $350. Cail 668-4372. LADO ROCK "V" electlrc.,guitar serial No. 0004. Perfect shape, comes with case, stand and 4-10" speaker cabinet, $525. 668.6539 ask for Paul. KAY GUITAR for sale includes case and 6 watt amp., $150. Phone 655-3865. PETS Il FOR SALE West African gray parrot. Can taik, 12 years old. Asking $80. Phono 668.7012. CONFUSED? Please cail us any lime If the Emporium guideiino6 confuse you. We'il bu glad t0 an- swer any questions you have. BEAUMARK washorispin dryer. Perfect condition, under warran- ty. Asking $275. Phono 686-4310. HOOVER SPIN waeher/dryer for sale. 10 monthe old. $275. Phono 683-4104. KENMORE DISHWASHER Por- table converted 10 a bulit-in. 6 yeare old, harveat goid with black door, $50. Phono 668-8271. FREEZER, WESTINGHOUSE, 19 cublc foot. Nover been used. $30. Cail afler 6 p.m., 668-4870. QEE:NEDS FOR SALE baby scale, weigns in offCONFUSED? Don't putof advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- tiolîs, Hopefully, the explanation below can clear Up many of your ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't questions - if not, do cail 668-6111 and we'11 be pleased to explain the miss out on our low advertising rates just.because you have ques- Emporium Section to you personally. If you: " are a private advertiser; " have an article to seil; and, Il have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise Under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details>. 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