Whitby Free Press, 30 May 1984, p. 28

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PAGE .28, WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS John Walby Learn how to cheat sprng (NC) - Operating a car isn' t just making certain" the car is working as it should - it, also means en- suring we have a s3afe driv- in g attitude. S ince it's something many ofus do everyday, we tend to dismiss driving as a rather mundane and occa- sionally pleasurable activ- i ty.Btdrivingmakesboth phsial and mental de- mands on us, each time we sit behind the wheel. It'a flot that eaay The ability toconfidentîy and safely manipulate a ton or two of roliing ma- chinery, 'often at high speeds, is no mean feat. nd, like any sjkll, driv- 8ugtae practice, prepara- tion, and a sincere dedica- tion to do your best every time you perform. Spring plays tricks on drivers. For examnple, robinis WHIT,,BYAUTO CARE $100 OFF COMPLETE RUSTPROOF PACKAGE INCLU DES: * rustproofing with 10 yearwarranty *5 year paint & protection warrant y * 2'year Interior'protection warranty 1415 DUNDAS E. SWHITOY PASSENGER & LIGHT TRUCKS EXHAUST 1W3 Dundas E. Whitby 162 King St. E. Oshawa 571-3400 666-1255 aren't -the only things to make theirappea rance dur- mg spring - children alo appear, chasing halls and niding bikes. The slcilled driver knows this, and takes seilprecautions whend riving in areas where children are likely to play. Spring raina replace snow, making salt-grimy roads treacherously slip- per -..especially when it juathegins to rain. 0f course, the harder it ranthe more difficuit it bComes for tires. to make contact with road. As speed increasson wet roads, there cornes a point when the tires -completely lose contact with -the pave- ment and we travel'along, on a thin, but potentially- deadly cushion of water. This is known as hydro- planing, and theoniy way to prevent it from happen- ing is to slow down. Sprng puddles represent Worn exhaust system deaclly (NC) - Energy isn't the only thing released when the engine in your vehicle burns fuel. Burned gases and a lot of noise result. And then there's the.prob- llem ofwhattodowithth em. That's what the exhaust system je ail about. It moves burned gases away from the car and reduces the roar of the engine. It's made up of an ex- haust mianifold, which col- lecte the hot gases from each cylinder; an exhaust pipe; a muffler; and a tail pipe. Some- models also have a second muffler mounted behind thé firt- calleda resonator-and for vehicles that require un- leaded fuel, a catalytic converter. How it works Here's how the system works: The engine burris fuel in its cylinders. At- tached to each cylinder je an exhaust valve that ai- lows the burned engine gases to escape into the ex- haust manifold. From the manifold, these gases pass through the muffler - which, as its name implies, muffles the roar of the en- gine. 'Me exhaust finally exits through the tail pipe. .It's critical, froni a safety standpoirit, that thesystemn works properly - because if thereare any leake, theco- lorlees, odorless, and deadly carbon monoxide gas can enter your vehicle. Even brief exposure to car- bon monoxidie can cause headaches and nausea. But prolonged exposure spelîs certain death. Leake arèë sometimes dif- ficult to detect. So if you be- corne suspicioue, have your technician put your vehicle on the hoist and examine the exhaust eyetem closely. Exhaust systeme 'wear out, mainly due to corro- sion. While water, humid- ity and road saltcoibi ne to mest the-outeide of mufflers and pipes, they can't com- pete with the highly corr<) sive effect on their inside surfaces of water and com- bustion gases. The average life expec- tancy of the original ex- haust syetem is roughly three years. But it shouldn't surprise you to replace ail or part of your vehicle's systemn more frequently due, in part, 'to the type of driving you do. Exhaust systems on vehi- dles regularly driven long distances tend to last longer. The heat generated froni driving long distan- ces removes moisture froni the exhaust systeni. Twice-a-year checkups * To properly maintain your vehicle's exhaust sys- tem, have it checked twice a year -» in the spring and fali. While it's on the hoiet, have your techaician check the hangers thatattach the system to the underside of your vehicle and replace any that are broken. If neg- lected, loose. or» broken hangere will allow an inse- cure tail pipe or muffler to damage other parts such as brake lunes. If -a hanger suddenly 'gives out while you're driv- ing, emergency car aid can be performed with the hel p of a coat hanger, or sorne otherwýireyou may have on hand. But remember not to touch any part of the ex- hauet systeml of a recently. run car with bare hands. You can get a potentially- eerious burn. John Walby trains a uto- mobile technicians for Esso Petroleuin Canada. JOSEPH A. WOOLLEY, PROP HONDA AUTO REPAIR SRIE IWOL-KAR INÇ. I 40 RUSSETT AVE. UNIT NO. 2 DOCTOR H OSHAWA Im mzm ào6 8 many hazards to drivers - not to mention to haples pedestrians who may suifer the misfortune of walking beside a puddle as one of ussails carelessly by., So beware! Puddles may sometimes, disguise the presenoe of po- tholes, which can cause ex- tensive damage to your vehicle. And, if water gets into your. brake linings, your brakes can become tempor- arily disabled. If you've been, foroed to drive through a puddle, test your brakes as you emerge on the other side. It may take a couple of depressions of the brake pedal to dry, out the brake linings. The best advioe, though, is to. avod puddles ail together. One of spring's most de- vious tricks is to. convinoe drivers they can go a little faster now that ail thesnow and ioe is gone. We become seduced by the sunshine, the soaring temperatures, and thoughts of taking to the open road. Then - BANG! We get -a rude awakeming - usually in the fore of a crumpied fender, or worse. It's'hard ,to cheat spring and its tricky ways with drivers - but with enough skil l 'and caution, you should. be able to enjoy spring driving.' John Walby trains auto- mobile technicians for Esso Petroleum Canada. PICKERING SPRING SERVICE 110. SPRINGS FOR ALL " CARS " TRUCKS " TRAILERS *4 WHEEL DRIVES *CORVETTE *CA MPERS 1051 BROCK RD S PICKERING Complete.Collision Repairs & Pain ting * INSTALL " REPAIRS " REARCHING " SHOCKS " U SOLUS HENDRICKSONBUSHINOS ON TANDEM TRUCKS 839M0066 CHMlGIEX 683-0438 MIKE - BORIS 324 Ash Street' WHITBY, ONTARIO ~MERCURY, '*,or Vour A verage Body Shop' 668-8522 Ali Work Guaranteed RONALD MOQUIN, Frame Repairs Free Estu mates I MAG WHEÈELS VISITOUR N EWLCAIO 317HOKIS T. 666,,2121I G.N. AUTO SERVICE COMPLETE AUTO REPA-IR SERVICE L FRONT END s 1 A-, L ALIGNMENT OIB GORD NIEUWENDY K 317 HOPKINS ST., WHITBY 666-2885 (rear of Van H emmen Tire) Your Local * Chrysier-Dodge Sales and Service ià cSnjifoplDealer à Parts & Service.- Thursdays tilt 9 p.m. ! WHITBY 209 Duidas St. W. 666-3000 *Il i i u lele leleIol i i i l SMALL CAR CENTRE Lube, O11, Filter &10Q pi. Check-Up Most Cars& Small Trucks Wtch For Upcomlng Speclalsi 630o Eucld Si. WéhKh-Y I Free Estimates k" ýqxC- 4.

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