Whitby Free Press, 6 Jun 1984, p. 21

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WHIBY REEPRES ATOGUIDE, WEDNESDAY JUNE 6, 1984, PAGE 9 Rust In California, car owners are able to sit back and watch their vehîcles move gracefully into old age. In fact,-some cars, like the early Mustangs, become collectibles' that actually. appreciate in value. Canadans on the other hand, watch the family 'limousine turn into rock sait. If a $10,00 car lasts 20 years (and in California many do), the depreciation per year - excluding maintenance and repair - is $500. But in Canada, the depreciation cost jumps to about $2,000 annually because that same car usually lasts, only five or six years before suc- cumbing to terminal rust. Multiplied by millions of cars and millions of owners, the ecological toli alone is staggering. Rust* is an elec- trochemical process that is hastened con- siderably by extremes of temperature (for in- stance, when you take your car in and out of a warm garage in- win- ter), corrosive chemicals (like sale) and moisure (ramn, snow and conden- sation). A car body is particularly susceptible to rustbecause of design hoilows (in trunk lids, for example) that tend to trap dirt and sugyl moisture. Aside. from being ugly to look at, rust weakens the engineering strength built into the sheet metal. A car that might otherwise safely withstand a crash at 35 km/h could become a death trap after rust ahd been to work on the substructure. Once rust begins, it is almost impossible to, stop. If the affected area is smail, you can cut out the damaged metal and replace it, with new similar to the way a dentist treats tooth decay and, not ýsur- prisingly, just as expen- sive. On larger areas like the frame and un-' derbody, there is nothing to do but accept the fact that your in- vestment is being slowly eaten away. If your car is already rusted, it's important to determine what kind of damage you have and how extensive it is. The next tme your vehicle is up on a garage hoist, walk beneath it'and see what's reaily going on under there. You are particularly interested in finding out whether invisible rust-out has progressed beyond being merely a cosmetic bllght (a hole in the door, for example) to being a safety hazard (drainage to filor in- tegrity, bumper suppor- ts, gas tank straps, brake fluid lines, etc.) Oil (even used oul) in- jected under higli pressure into body hollows and sprayed ahi around the substructure will do the trick. Far- mers have been using this because it's cheap, effective and easy. Now city dwellers who have discovered the oil spray system swear by it. The cost per 'car is reasonable - from as low as $25 in rural areas to as high as $75 at a city garagé for a job -that usuaily takes half an hour to do properly. The spray is thorough, reaching crevices and hollows, as soon as the oil hits the surface it dispiaces ail dirt and moisture, sealing the metal immediately. On a car that has already begun to rust, oil spraying won't work miracles, but it should slow the rusting process somewhat. If you have a new car, regular spraying should keep it in fit condition to pass along to your gran- dchildren - if they can afford the gas. Rust isn't just ugly - when it gets SO bad that it weakens a car' s sheet-metal, it becomes a safety hazard, Avoid unsafe bargaïn i-ave you ever knoss anyonet o shop flèr a-hai gain" appendectorny? Th- terni cul-rate seldorn ap plies tu surgery. as we hesi rate lu compromise wher our physical svell beingi involved. A person's lilè a'd limi can be jeopardized. too. b, curling corners on sal*er service tor the automnobile says Car Gare Council./ good example is the case o' brake work. To many of' u a brake reline means jus that: new lining on 1hg brake shoes. And occa sionally you m ay run mbo repair shop thar woul( have vou believe îhaî's ai there is tu il. This is a long way [mrn the îruth. says the Council Any repurable automotiv( service I*acilitv will advis( ils customers as ru the seri ousness of' investing in thorough brake service t( assure sale. dependabîr perfo)rmance. Car owners should un- derstand thar the brake sys- 1cm is really two systems in one. First is the brake mechanism itsellf. involv- ing lin ings, dise brake pads (if the car is so, equipped: and brake drums or rotors. The second and equally important systrm is the hy- drauic system. which in- eludes the master cyinder. wheel cylinders. and the fines that connect îhem. These componients could be overlooked in shoddy brake service. Car Care C<rnncil cm- phasizes that the hydraulic systemn has rravelcd jusi as lhr as the miechanical ,.y,,- servic e n rein when it is tiime for r- brake work and it is sub ject e to wear and deteriorat ion 1- jusi as brake linings are. i- Consequently. you should e insist upofl a rhuruugh s check of* ail parts of' the brake systemi when invest- it ing in this vital service. )y Other areas ru be consid- ýy cred when having brakes serviced are front wheel A bearinLls and grease seuls. f Chancesý are your wheel st hearings have not had ser- vice i n a loneL, ime and C seuls may still he the unes that camne wiîh the car a when i( was new. dl i New grease seuls are an essential part of brake ser- vice because an old leakino seal could allow grease to gel on the linings. The re- suit: errahic braking action which' usualîx cari be cor- rected unly -by replatcingL the linings. A cioplete braike job noriiiaik ,includes; 0 RePlacemnent or relin- inj, of brake shoes or pads. 0 Replacement or mua- chîning of* discs and/or drumns. 0 Servicing of' calipers and/or wheel cylinders. 0 Thorough inspection and servicing as needed of*; brake hardware. hydraulic fines, and hoses. master cylinder. power brake booster. wheel bea'ring.s and seuls. 0 Flushing and retillinj, ul brake tluid. a Ruad '1sî. Tire inf lation Check the inflation of your car's tires. Proper in- flation and type of auto- mobile tires can provide better gas mileage and can save you money. Underinflation is prob- ably the. greatest cause of tires wearing out too fast, according to N.Y. State Cooperative Extension energy specialists. Under- inflation also increases the rolling resistance of a tire; thus it requires more energy per mile to roll the car along the highway. Some tests show that 30 percent underinflation- and that is far from being a flat tire-reduces tire life by about 50 percent. U pholstery If your car's vinyl upholstery needs sprucing up, start with a good vinyl cleaner, available at your local auto supply'store. Use conditioners on Ps OIL, LUBE & FILTER 15 9 Most damestic cars, Importa and light trucks. 'Includos up ta 5 litres af premium 1OW30 011, new ail flIter and chassie lubricatian. Dieselail and filîtr may resuit In extra charges. GUARANTEED 12 MONTH 4 9958~.TUNE-UP Includea 3 addItIonai engin. analyses end tune up edJustmiente wlhln on@ year et no extra charge. With aur guaranteed service we Instali new sparic pluge, check charging, star- tlng andi engins systema. (Non-eiectronic ignition $8.50 extra.) Most damestic cars, Importe and Iigh trucks. FRNTBRtAKE SE RVICE Our Guaranteed Brake road test your vehicle. Service.includes new front Conventional rear-wheel dusc pads, repacked wheel drive vehicles. Prices >8 9 beanngs, and resurfaced vary for front wheel drive. 8 9 !5 front rotors. Wel i nspect (metalllc pads - $20 CM ail other components and extra.) TIRE AND AUTO SERVICE CENTRES 103 DUN DAS ST. E. 162 KING ST. E. WHITBY, 668-3356 OSHAWA 571-3400 b~ NO CHARGE OPTIO0N PACKAGE AT MACI.NTOSH CHRYSLER CHOOSE AUTQMATIC 0R 5-SPEED Includes: CI 2.2 Litre Engine (Must Code EDE) 1:1 Automatlc Transmission (Must Code DGA) Il Power Steering O Rallye Wheels - 13" 13AMIFM ETR Sterea, Radio OI Console 1l Centre Armrest CI Dual Outslde Remote Control Mirrors NOTE: your viyl upholstery as well, to keep it flexible. Tears and cigarette burns can be repaired with patches or liquid vinyl, also available at auto supply dealers.., Scugog 011 Undercoatlng Owned and Operated by JIm Gi bson Compete Car Clean-up Serice Interlor and Extenior Clean-up Rug and UphoLstery Shampoo Engine Shampoo Wax Treatmnent 52 Water Street, Port Perry, Ont 985-9569' Trim& Glass Works Ltd. Specializing Ini:- SUN ROOFS & BOAT-TO Ps 133.TAUNTON ROAD W UNIT 8, OSHAWA 571-1980j c Li jr f ý Tr WHITBY FREE PRESS AUTO

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