Corrîo r Capers By MARY MCEACIIERN ~ Cati 725-8967 wlth items for this columu. w I WHITBY WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The regular meeting of the Whitby Women's In- stitute was held Wednesday, May 30, at the home of the president Kathleen Hepburn.' The meeting opened in the usual form, and the roll cail - 'Your oldest antique' - was answered by il members and one visitor, and created a great deal of interest. Correspondence and business were taken care of by the secretary, Bessie Acton and the treasurer Grace Carr. Discussions followecl and plans were made to send a donation to the South Ontario Agricultural Society, Oshawa-Whitby Fair and the Durharn Region Y.M.C.A. Camp. The mfotto - 'If you are going nowhere, you are' certain to get there' - was the subjeet for a talk by Kathleen Hepburn on the importance of setting goals and objectives, stressing on the knowledge that goals require effort to achieve results in an organization that is alive and vibrant and that members must help achieve the objectives. Following adjournmnent, a social hour followed. This was highlighted by a song by Idola Simpson entitled 'Lttle Skylark' or 'Alouettà '. The contest was won by Dorothy Gregor and the hostessess Josephine Snuith and Bessie Acton ser- ved a delicious luncheon. This brought an enjoyable afternoon to a close. The next meeting of the Whitby Women's Institute will be on June 20 in the form of a picnic. At the meeting a condensed plan will be presented to the members outlining the new year activities to begin on September 26., THORNTON INTERESTED PARENTS Thornton Interested Parents held their general meeting and election of officers on Thursday, May 25 at the school. Guest speaker was Paul LaFrance, a computer consultant for the Durham Board of Education, who spoke on the use of computers in the public schools. the officers for the ensuing year are as follows: chairperson - Margaret Merela; past-chairperson - Sharon Munro;- co-chairperson - Pauline Reid; fund raiser - Cindy Fowler; secretary-treasurer - Sharon Beane; primary representative-- Lynda Fox; junior representative - Lois Coleman;, and, senior representative - Barb McKinnon. The past terni bas been mnost rewarding and we wish the newly elected executive much success in their endeavors: CORRIDOR AREA RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION At the executive meeting of the C.A.R.A., it was decided to give a cash donation to Auberge to be used to close in the front porch and create an office for staff members. This addition would also provide better security for the home. Auberge is Durham's Shelter for women and children and will be available to those persons in to be a large affair, wlth live orchestra and a disc Jockey. The D.J. and the orchestra will be the same ones that made our first dance such a success, and we are planning for an even blgger dance on October 27 at Heydenshore. Tickets will be $12 a couple, and are available on a first corne basis. Contact any member of the executive and reserve yours now. COMMUNITY PICNIC A community picnic' is being planned for ail per- sons interested in the Thornton's Corners Com- munity Sunday School and the Thornton Corners' School between 1910 and 1960. The reunion picnic will be held at Heydenshore Park in Whitby on July 15 at 2 p.m. The refreshments will be in the form of a pot-luck supper, s0 prepare your specialty. Coffee, tea, paper plates, cups and cutlery will be provided by the Corridor Area Ratepayers Association. Interested persons are asked to bring any memorabilia from T-C days and be prepared to discuss another reunion for 1985. For further information, cail Erma Wood at 668- 3687 or Queenie Pipher at 725-2036. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1984, PAGE 9 Everali to S it on CORLS Mervyn Everall will represent the Whitby Public Library Board on the board of the Central Ontario Regional Library System (CORLS). CORLS serves the regions of Peel, York and Durham and provides a wide range of services to local public libraries. This year's chairman of CORLS is Sulvia Wilkins of the Newmarket Public Library Board. I WE CARRY EVERYTHING FRON CONCEPTION TO 12 YEARS NEW & ALMOST NEW RENTALS AVAILABLE I WHITB666-1133I TAX NOTICE The third Instalment of taxes for 1984 is due and payable June 15,1984. If payment is flot received by the due date, penalty will be added on the f irst day of default and the f lrst day of each calendar month so long as non-payment continues, at the rate of 11/4 % per month or part thereof. Taxes may be pald at any Whitby bank without bankScllection charges or atthe Municipal Off ice, 575 Rossland Road East, WVhltby, Ontario. Cori nne Wendt, A.M.C.T.(A), Tax Collector, TOWN 0F WH ITBY. 1. k