Whitby Free Press, 27 Jun 1984, p. 19

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, J UNE 27, 1984, PAGE 19 Whltby's Most WideIy Read CLASSIFIED ALS ERCES SRIE ADNN GJREIGATCE FOR REN FOR SAL E AND SUPPLIES AND SUPPLIES FOR SALE ADDITIONS, roofing, eavestroughing, siding and elec- tricai. Free estimates. Cali Ron 655-400. COLOUR ANALYSIS Discover the colours &shades that com- pliment your, skin tone & enhance your best features. I OnIy $30 per Consultation Caii Sharon Taylor 866-2770 GLNOUNCENTS THE FAMILY 0F Sam end Elly Poet of Whtlby Invite friende and nuIghbours ta an open houe. in honor of thoîr parents' SOh Wed- ding Anniversary et the home of their daughter and san-in-law, Betty and GerryEmm, 9995Aeh., bum Rd. N, Aahbum an Satur- day, June 30 from 2 ta5 pm. B.st wishes anly pleas. CONGRATULATIONS on your farthcomlng rnarriage. Please view aur sampies of engraved weddlng Invitations et your lei- sure ln aur Ajax Plaza store. Dlck- eon Prlntlng & Office Supplies SPECIALLY DESIGNED Summer Computer Courses for academicaiîy advmnced In- divIduais. 683-2226. CAR CLEANING Interior, ex. terior. Donoe t your home, et your convenience. C. Carlyle Esquire, 282-8760. WE DO, carpentry, pIumbing, siding, cement, masonry, patios. 576-909. SEMI-PRIVATE LESSONS of- fered et home pool. $25/session. Sessions startIng Juiy 9. Times avallable - 12:30-3:30. For more Information cail 668-4767, 668- 8783. JGP GARDENING & MAITENANCE Grass . cutting, retaining wali, sod., patio stone work, wood fencing, pruning and trim, private edge and shrub. Residential and Conmmercial., FREE* ESTIMATES CALI 728-4017 FLORDrl WU VACATION ' RENTSALS suitabie for iawyer, eccountant, etc. Rent includles ail utilties and la negotiable for an eppropriato tenant. For further Information cmli 668372 between 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday ta Friday. N EED A RENTAL? Cait the Expor- tsi We carry housses, townhouses, duplexes, apar. tments, flatel Ail aras, ases, pricesi 579-4500 Homelocators, fee. COMRCIA1 V'PROPERTYI k J FOR SA/ELE/RENT OVERHEAD TOO HIGH? maex- pensive Industriel and atorage space avaleabie ln BowmanvIle. For Information cati 623-4022. BUSS OPPUN UTIES TatrTrailer or *Straight Truck* 1-41623-180 AMERICAN COCKER SPANIEL available for stud. Canadien Champion. $50. Phione 571-2911. CANARIES for sale. Roulera, $40. New colora, $50.683-7638. AFFOROABLE FAMILY FUN CAMPING TRAILERS See the beautiful No. 1 seliing Coieman Camping Trailers with the qualIty and name you trust. Easy towIng, llghtwelght design, sets Up fastor and has more luxury living apace. LOW PRICES AND FREE REFRIGERATOR DEAL NOW ONI ~FuIy Equpped Snway Sales -( U .pýu8tfun inyvur life" 2069 SIMCOE ST. N. Acraisatram Durhiam Collage OSHIAWA PORT PERRY 571-2210 985-2910 38' HOUSE TRAILER on scenic lakeside lot fuiiy furn. wlth 4 Pc. bath, frIdge, stove, etc. Master bedroom and 2 bunks, 10x24' deck and gardon shed. Located on Scugog Iland. Asking $6500. Cal 6554069. OLDETOK SEVEN VEAR OLD Sorrel Mare fore sais. Good disposition, green broke. Also Leghorn ________________ roosters for saie. uaîî aiter 8, 65b- BOATS 34640. PROP à SKEG REPAIRS (5 day A TIQUES service). Expert boat repaira do- W It-vourself fibreclase sunhm - Oshawa Glass Fibre - Rayplox. 341 Durham St., 579-1433. 1972 OREW SS-130 Fiberglasa speedboat with 40 h.p. Merc and Tilt trailer. EIectric Star?, motor, AM/FM cas, Ski bar, 2 gastanks and blge pump.t.$2,795. Also 65 h.p. EvInrude Outbaard motor. Elecîrlo start with ail contrais. ln use until recently repiaced with larger unit. Good condition. Aeking $800. Cati 655-4069. £ EUCATIONALI LOawtr-TRIebDA oNoOmV UI SERVICES moiho meswa etei-h:: pools, tennis, close ta beaches and "-GRAMMAR for people who hate Major attractions, children CAR REPAIRS bodywork, tuno- grammar" le tho ideal pocket weIcomo. $225.00 U.S. ups, peint job, etc. Reasonebie referonce book for business weekly (e than motel rates. 668-7620 anytime. people. $395 por copy and avah.- om). 683-5503 sible et Dickson PrIntIna & Office 0 SuppDles ln the Aaxc Plaza. Deaier REBUILT TRANSMISSIONS, enquirios Invited 683-1968 ( APARTMENTS/[ 683-0811. ~ CODSFOR RENT I.LWFO LRENT ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT ln #n AUTOMOBILES1 FOe ENT maul Whitby building. Adulte FOR SALE oniy. Inludes fridge, etove, TYPEWRITER rentai, menymakes and modele, by the weekend, week or month. .,Discounth aveul- able. Dickson PÏrinting & Office Supplies In the Ajax Plaza. Cmii us for business machine.repîairs hydro and parking. Cabue TV and iaundry facilities avaleabie. Phonoe88-6372 between 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. 1978 DATSUN 8210 Htchback. Rebulit ongino, now peint plus meny now parts. As 18 $400. 668- 7904. 1973 CAPRI. V6, eutomnatic, 69,000 original mloes, good run- ning condition. $500 or beet offer. 666-3418. 78 VOLVO 265 GL, Ioaded. 81 Chev Impala. 78 VW Rabbit and approximateiy 30 more cars and trucks ta be auctioned - Saturday, June 30, 10 .m. 94 Bruce St., Oshawa. Terme $100.00 deposit. Baance Tuesday, 3i p.m. EARLY CANADIAN furniture - flatbacks, rockers, dry sinks, her- veet tables, etc. Aiea new pîne and oak fumniture, crafts, qulits, gifts. Oid Canada House, Brack Roed et Braugham, juat south of i-by. 7. Open Monday to Satur- day, 1Oam. to 5p.m. PET BASC BEDI ENCrI * TRAINING FOR *DOGSI *Private home lessons,I *guaranteed results.I CaIl661621 Acos ro Wie ekAt.Bulins.Cosd nSudaY DURHAMSj RO FORCSAL FOR SLE <,ARTICLES FOR SALE Baycrest 30" range, goîd, $175. Viking fridge, 2-door, gold, $175. Phone 668-0009. VISIT aur used furniture ware- houso by eppoiniment. Sig savings on dosks, chairs, f iiing. cabinets, etc. Cali DIckson Print- Ing & Office Supplies 10 arrange an appointment to viow. 883- 1988. SATELLITE TV. Why pey for Canadien TV, when you cen have warld-wide TV? Leasing availeble for home or business. Phone for f ree estîmates, Mr. Movie, Oshawa, 433.1116. QEOTYPE prose-on ietterîng now un stock eit DIckson PrInting & Of- fice Supplies In the Ajax Shop- ping Plaza. Largo selection of styles and sizes. Why pey more for a amaîler sheet of Iottering? 683-1968. VQSASALES JusofWE'RE B'ACKI MY FRIENDS & I GIGANTîC YARD SALE We had 80 much fun iast year, we're doing It again. Saturday, Juiy 7th, f rom 9 arn. to 5 p.m. Just off Taunton Rd, 1/2 mile east of Salem Rd or 1/2mile west of Audiey Rd. Foliow sign. Vour One Stop Shopping In Yard Sales. BACKYARD SALE. Saturdey, June 30, 10 a.m. ta 4 p.m. 116 Cochrane St., Whitby. Faw an- I. A.heIpM tiques. h ' HELP FIGNT J~HeartI KIDNEY Fund DISEASÀq3FE BARRELS - WhIskey, $25. Rum, $30. Guaranteed, free deIivery. 686-1645 or 686-0257. VITAMINS Jemeleon: write or cati Mr. Aiton for your special mail order price iist. Money back guarantee - ln Durham we deliver, 728-4894, 725-5310, P.O. Box 1082 "B", Oshawa. LUJ 5Y9. MATTRESSES and box epringe et hait price. MoKeen Furniture, 524 SIMCoe Street South, 0shaWea. 725-5181. CLEAR COMPUTER PAPER, 4Omm clear perf, box of 2,000 shoots, $35. Maiiing labelse, box of 5,000, $40 or $10 per thousand. TRS80 colour computer, Inter- facing connoctors, $1 each. Cal after 6 p.m., 660-3958. BANKRUPTCY SHOE SALE. Formeriy Stylo-Lite Shoos Ltd. $1, $2, $3 a pai r. 109 Brock St. S., Whitby. "HEROES of the Bible' coiouring book available et Dickson Prînt- ing & Office Suppiy, Ajax Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer inquirios ln- vitod. FISHERMEN complote lino, live and naturel bait. Dont forget base opens Saturday. 6 Thornton Road North. CHESTERFIELD sulte, love- seets, soctionais, bass than 'h prico. Large selection. McKeen- Furniture. 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. FOR SALE sofa bed, ln good condition. No reasonebie offer refused. Telephone 668-9458. CLEARANCE 0F DEMO SATELLITE TV SYSTEMS L.N.A.'s, Receivers Dishes, and more at 30% OFF retail. One complete 8' system wlth Luxor 9533 remote control receiver and 120 degree Ma-Com LNA Sale Prîce - $1,895 CALL 655-4069 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. PIANOS WANTED. Cash paid for new and used pianos, any con- dition. Aiea sales and service. Phone TeIep Piano Worka, Oshewa, 433-1491. WANTED coins, goid, sîlver, jewellery, chine, etc. Privete 579- WANTED USED APPLIANCES (Working or Not) WE BUY, SELL RECON DITION C>ZEREIE FREE: Drap into the Dickson Printlng & Office Suppiy store ln the Ajax Plaza and pick up e f ree copy of their 1984 Metric Caien- der. Printed ln two colours. lt makea for handy reference. 6n3 1968. ATTENTION DISPLAY &CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for e,-rors on trie f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wiii not be liable for failure to pubiish an ad, or for typographic errors in publica- tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reservesthe right ta classify or reject ail advertise- ments. Ads must appear in the paper one day before they can be changed or cancelled. CLASSIFIED RATES: $350 for 20 words; 1ilie each addition- ai worci if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have yoiir Visa Card ready when cal1i ng. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 121s each additionaî word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 words; 12et each additionai word. AUCTION SALES - 34e per fine. (No word ads aliowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numberS are availabie at an additionai charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wili make every en- deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- cept no iabiiity regarding ioss or damage alieged to arise through failure or deiay in forwarding such replies. We will' not be responsible for box number replies not calied for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior ta publication to insert or cancel Ciassified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication ta insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 w SMALL BUSINESS Opportunty?- Problem? For INDEPENDENT opinion, evaluation or assistance BY AN EXPERI ENCED BUSI NESSMAN cali CASE-(Counseliing Assistance to Smail En- terprîses)-A non-profit service to smail business that you CAN AFFORD. Contact: FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK L.D. Macinnîsle CO-ORDINATOR BACIGINDEPENDENT BUSINESS aar CHECK OUR LOW EVERYDAY PRICES On new chesterfields, bedroom sets, colonial dining moins, and kitchen suites, beds, etc. ELMER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor St, E. (At Riteon) Oshawa Tomorrow 's Treasures China, Gifts and Collectables 13 Church Street South Village of Pickerin~g (416) 683-8215 683-1968. COMING EVENTS WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for rent CD on professional f loor. Wouid be 9

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