PAGE 26, WEDNESDAY. JIJLY 18, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS CALL A 9~O ESSION YoUJR TIC:KET Tro INCHEASLD BUSINESS *MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES WARL MALLETTE CHARTERED AcCOUNTANTS P.O0. Box 568, 110 As/i Street, Whitby, Ontario LI N 5 V3 (416)668-5447 Accounting, auditing, taxation, consulting services. Internationally' Binder Dijker Otte & Co. BUYING AN ANNUITY? If you are and you wish ta secure a payout annulty from your RRSP cali: HERB TRAN Oshawa 725-6564 Whitby 668-5968 TOP FIXE QUOTES AVAILABLE -MISCELLANEOUS SERVI ]CES'1 JOHN H. NEIL D.DS. DENTAL SURGEON Wlshes ta announce the openlng of hîs new off ice for the practice of dentlstry at suiTÉ 3à o1 247 Slmcoe St. N. Mon.-Thura. OSHAWA, ONT. 8:30 a.m. - 12 noon L10 4T3 4462 1:30 p.m. -5.30 p.m. 4462 ILNI 21 udsSt . 14KigS.W e..b shw 66-79,598 2 BUSINESS PEOPLE =te Receivables Increasing? Zr cimplete tdrâtt$ erlaic on a regular part-ime basis by professional, tac- tful, credit and collection staff. Your Office O Cail (416) 728-7445 Weekdays 9-12 Noon For More Information And Up To Two Weeks FR EE SERVICE SPORTS EQUIPMENT %.fNONEW &USED BIKES EXPERT REPAIRS Many Specials. UAY SPORTS 98 Brook Rd., Pickering 839-5610 ALLSTATE INSURANCE Rtandy Ferguson 683-1124 eLife*Auto* Home .IMortgage Protection [Now la thie tîmé for you to ftake action. Thora le a career for you. contact.. CAREER SCHOOLOF - HAIRSTYLING 92 Bond St. W:? 576-3558 iSUPPLIER 1 SALES REP *1 CAL CELIVERY WIIEN YOU WANT IT/TTIONS WI4$ EN you NEED TfNEm/iomP ATTENTION 4b LETTERHEAO 0 SHAP SETS 0 INVENTORv CAROS 0 CNEOUES 0 ENVELOPES 0 CONTINUOUS FORMS 0SHSIPPING TAGS 0 PRICE LISIS 4b BUSINESS FORMS.0 BUSINESS FORMS 0 LABELS 0 BROCHURES 0 INVOICES 0 ANNOUNCEMENTS.,' 0 NEWSLETERS 0 RAISEIJ PRINTING 0 CATALOGUES 0 TICKETS 0 NCR FORMS 0 INSTANT PRINTING 0 CAL ENDARS * BINOERS 0 SCRIATCà t PADS * GOLO STAMPING 0 BOOIBINDING 0 COLOR WORI< * CREATIVE DESIGN 0 PMOTOGRAPI4Y A COMPLETE PfIINTINi SERVICE FOR THE PURCHASINO AGENT OR BUYER FAST EFFCIENT SERVICE 0 PfCK-UP & OELIVERY & COPV DESIGN IL PREPARATION e ;z WANTED USED APPLIANCES (Worklng orNot) WE BUY, SELL RECON DITIONI Ozal. Pa/i!TI(jPa(TIunJ, .....' ..'> Backyari of uini A study publis Royal Life Savir Canada (RLSSC that 92 per cent spinal injuriesa by diving into sl, and hitting the bc if such an accidei to occur, there is per cent chance1 ~r~ happen in a priva ing pool. A back or neck result in partialco paralysis or deai ically, a high pen the permanent hr caused after the f, meaning but unte cuers, " says Jocî Executive Direci RLSSC. The Soci( ings also show th, per cent of the'V maie - the majorir il and30Oyearsof Steve McCahor is sadly typical. ing into an abov backyard pool in Metro Torontor ~': embers lying facE the water until h realized he wasr' around. 'They jur the water, 1Iifted rr down four feet to1 and then carried r yards away. Unfci they didn't know1 ization of the nec< ortant, and they fallen or stumblec as they carried rr To deal effecti.( 'd pools major site il injuries shed by the ng Society .indicates tof aquatic are caused hal11ow water )ottom. And Dnt is going ýs over a 70 that it will ate swimm- kinjury can or complete îth. "Trag- tentage of ijuries are fact by well- trained res- -elyn Palm, -tor of the ety's find- hat over 90 victims are ity between )f age. )n's account After div- )'e ground 11977, the man rem- ,e down i n his friends 1't playing imped into rne out and the ground mie several ortunately, that stabil- kwas imp- Salso had ,d with me ne to safe- vely with a spinal-injured victim, the Society recommends the following procedures: 9 Stay calm. Don't rush. Move slowly and deliber- ately. 0 Immobilize the swimm- er's head and neck by mak- ing a vise with your fore- arms and hands. Place your forearm along the swimm- er's chest and cup his ohmn along the jawline. Your other arm and hand support.- his back and the base of the skull. This vise-like "sand- wich" will immobilize his spine. If he is face down, gently. roll him over, keep- ing his head imm-obilized and in line with his trunk. 0 Check for breathing.. If necessary begin artificial respiration but without hyperextending the neck: lift his jaw instead to main- tain an airway. 0 Recruit assistanoe and support the swimmer's hips and lower legs at the sur- face. If possible maintain this position until emerg- ency services personnel arrive with a spi neboard. The Royal 'Life Saving Society has published the proceedings of its Aquatic Spinal Injuries Symposium and a brochure outlining what to do in such an em-er- gency. Both are available from RLSSC provincial off- ices or f rom the national headquarters, 64 Charles Street, East, Toronto, M4Y .. T.......................... . . .... QWkk we.- yk UN DM.: mm:: km:k y M-k sus:-: m «*m k: C -k M. lm m m M à M M.: M « IM xk m M. kkk M k .Xm. mkk .1 k.- emk: ?Mik: Mmk: ZZ -k: k k: MIS.: Mk: kj k: School Bus Rules Revamped N TORONTO - The use of safety h ghts and stop arms on sehool buses will be ex- tended to include the trans- portation of children' on re- creational outings, Ontario Minister of Transportation and Communications James Snow announced. Under a revision to the Highway Traffic Act, buses will now be permitted to activate their flashing red signal lights and -stop arms while, carrving passengers under the age of 18 for any sports or recreational pur- pose. The HTA stipulates, however, that the vehicle 10 be used as a school bus must be operated by a lic- ensed school bus driver. "Two years ago, we ex- tended the use of safety equipment on school buses to include the transportat- ion of church youth groups," Snow said. "Sinoe the re- action to that move has been positive, we have de- cided that al outings invol- ving transportation of child- ren - from recreational sports tournaments to community group picnics -- should be included in the Act. "We believe this change wilI afford greater protection for voungsters getting on and off schooJ buses being used for most purposes other than those already covered under the HTA."i The HTA previouslv per- mitted school buses to use their signal lights and stop arms while transporting children to and from school or on church excursions, or while carrying mentally re- tarded adults to and from a training centre. The use of these safety devices for any other purpose was prohib- ited and the words "school bus" and "do not pass when signaIs flashing" had to be covered. The revision 10 the*HTA has been supported by re- creationaI groups across the province and has been particularly well-received by day-camp operators who had voiced concerns over the safeîv of children being îransporîed t0 their camps. Drivers will be required 10 observe the same rules that applv to ail school bus- es. They must stop 20 metres behind a stationary school bus or upon meeting il when travelling on the opposite side of a highway not divided by a physical median. Penalties for driv- ers ignoring the safety warnings will -remain the samne: fines of $100 to $500 for a firsi offenoe or $250 10 $1,000 for subsequent off- ences, which also carry the threat of a jail term of up to six months. Residential & Commercial 579-8226 L-) Li I Ni 1 151, 7 ý 4 -%4% . %à p