PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 1984 -WTITBY FREE PRESS I, HELP WANTED THE WHITBY FREE PRESS REQUIRES A REEA REPORTERIPHOTOG RAPH ER This is an entry level position that is suitable for a recent graduate of a community college or unîversity graduate ln journalsm.' Candidates who have their own car and camera wilI be given pref erence. THIS POSITION IS CREATED PARTLY BY THE ONTARIO YOUTH EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM. ALL CANDIDATES MUST BE ABLE TO MEET O.Y.E.P. STANDARDS AND WORK UNDER ITS CONDITIONS. lnterested applIcants are requested to subrnit resume and clippings,In person, to:. The EdItor Whitby Free Press 131 Brock St. N.., Whltby For more Information cail 668-6111 EXPERIENCED TELPHNECANVASSERS WANTED Calling from your own home potential customers, Whilby-Oshawa area only for Home Renovation fîrm. -erlous Inquiries only. 461-6655 DISPLAY ADVERTISING MANAGER Requlred by welI established local newspaper. This position would appeal to someone in adver- tising sales wishing to develop his or her leader- ship and- creative abîlities at the management level. Remuneration commensurate with ability and experlence. Appîy to: The Publisher Whltby Free Press 131 Brock St. N., Whitby, Ont. WACE FREEZE? Are your weges frozen et a level below your needs? Do you have spare tlrne? Corne ses us. You own ht to your femlly. Eamlngs opportunity of $300/w.ek. Oeil 723-3412. WORD PROCESSINO & Micro Computer lntroductory courses. Three wsek speclal, $95. Longer courses avaleable wlth certificats and job placement. 683-7767. AMBITOUS AND ENERGETIC sales people wented to Bell word and data processlng supplies to Industry In generel. Experlence an asset but not essential. Must have own car. Top commissions paid. 292-8178. MATURE responsible person wanted to bebysIt one 6 rnonth old baby. To Ilve ln or corne by. Phono afler 4:30, 66"-101.- ALITTLE W AN T P.A.W. defers Whitby's Mosi WIdeIy Read fgAN CIONSI qA3CTOýJS TINS CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, JULY 27 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little- Brîtain or seven miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay/L.ittle Brîtaîn Rd. Oak dining room exten- sion table, 5 matching pressback chairs, parlour tables, pressback rockers, Vlc- trolla, pîne book shelve, occassional chairs, pressback hi-chair, washstands, antique dressers, 4 matchlng pressback chairs, chest- of-drawers, Lionel elec- trIo train, chest-of- drawers, oval dînlng roomn table, 3 piece parlour set, coffee and end'tables, 24" electric stoves, chesterflids, co- oll lamps, B275 Inter- national diesel tractor with loader, 1975 Lada (not certif led), 1976 Carnero (certifled), quan- tlty 0f tools, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 LOOKING FOR A CAREERN ADVERTISI NG? Downtown business requires that person who: *Possess good com- munication skilîs; *Has ambition and self confidence; a ls eager to Iearn; ais capable of earning an above average in- corne; @And is not afraid to work for ItL If you possess these qualities drop ln and see us. Experience not necessary. Start immediately. Corne ln to our office anytime Monday througb Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 131 Brock St. N., Whitby. A UCTIONS AUCTION SALE SAT., JULY 28,184 1:00 P.M. Property of MRS. ANNE MACDOUGALL and con- signments. Family leaving country. Everything must go. No reserve. 94 Wellington St. W, Oshawa (1 block south of IGA at Simooe and Ritson Rd., watch for signs). Canadian Black Forest dlock, Carnival glass goblets and vase, some British Empire china, figurines from oc- cupled Japan, RCA 20' colour portable TV, Jerrold TV converter, Panasonic 12" black and white TV, Ghetto Blaster, Longines Sym- phonette AMIFM MPX with turntable and cassette and 2 cube speakers, Smith Corona electrlc typewriters, Brother sewing machine. APPLIANCES: brand new Kenmore dual ac- tion automatic washing machine, Kenmore washerlspin dryer, Ken- more de-humildifier, 2 years old, Lady Kenmore beauty mist, Osterize blender, mixer, coffee maker. FURNITURE: 5 piece living room suite, 42" round walnut coffee table with smoke glass top, 3 piece natural Birch bedroom suite, 4 piece bedroom suite,. table with 6 chairs, rocking chair, occassional chair, brand new roll-a-way cot, Victorian style Boudrol and table Iamps, 5 drawer dresser with Dovedale fittings, steamer trunk, Johnny' pole vanity. TOOLS: good assor- tment of Snap-On tools and chest, tap and dye set, test gauges, torch wrench, alternator Tiode tool, Pilot Star screwdriver, soddering iron, Ohmeter, amp meter, compression tester, Swiss made brake drum micrometer, Black and Decker 318" drill, Lucas oeil beams, Good Year radial tires, Delco 1200. heavy duty truck battery, table saw, assor- ted gardon tools. SPORTS EOUIPMENT: set of golf clubs ln a Slazanger deluxe bag, MacGregor bag-boy oart, 120 pound set of York barbelîs and York bench with leg ourl assembly, eliminator Mark Il, men's DISotAUC NSEVC A D S HO0UT S You can seli your unused items fast by placing a Classified or ErTtporiumn Ad in the Whitby'Free Press. Resuits are just a phone cali away. Let our Class.f ied Advertising Manager help you write a clever ad and just listen to your phone ring. Calil: CLASSIFIEDS 668-6111 AUC eIONeONAN£ at heAuc * eComa Ever Sunay 100I.m Do' mis th fu an exie ent rcac to buyë.0 yima inbleite Sfom Slo 0in S *tre s ; tS S - s,' S S S-let hoSeho ur niur ad fecs.Al ra0 ew. vS ehcls .35or o Py hek ut .u at o . :ck o lla svnS Au* os. h*etiesw-. yeer - e of the y ear o on surpo -o e ENERS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Update Electrical Service at the Jaililn WH ITBY, Ont. Tender No. ORI-84- 069 Sealed Tenders will be receivod until 2:00 p.m. local tîme on - THURSDAY. AUGUST Tender Documents may be obtainod f rom the Ontario Ministry of Government Ser- vices, Orillia District Office, 24' James St. E., Box 790, Orillia, Ont. Note: For further in- formation regardlng the tenders, please caîl the Tenders -0f- f ice at the above ad- dress, Telephone (705) 325-7403. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. eMinistry of ( ) Goveinnunt Ontario 1-800-268-6362 Beautiful ail-occasion greeting cards. personalized ststionery and unique gift ideas ...ail of these await you in our f ree colour brochure festuring the new UNICEF collection. For a FREE BROCHURE catithtioti re number and ask for Oporator 5M8 in TORONTO: For rne brochiure and sies inlfomatioii cuit 947-1565 ___ Send a UNICEF cad o tOOSand hep à chdd in à betler future You neer have to fe alone. Shop the ada ln the Whitby tFree Press for news of com. morunlty happenings, enter- ytanment and social avents ln your areai WHITBY FREE PRESS THE WORLD IS YOURS ... IF YOU KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE... Wherever you move the We corne Wagon hoste*s la the rlghl person Io help you find e place lu your new comrnunily, Cali 66-843 p-m., someone forced open the locked front door of a nearby Bar- berry Crt. home. Stolen was a camera and a large quantity of men's and ladies' jeweilry valued at $1,000. Also taken was $80 icauh. The Inestigation la continuig.-_-1 -'-a. V. W ADS FW4 The Pickering_ Ajax -Whitby Animal Control Committee (P.A.W.) Jhas deferred recom- mending the installation of an Incinerator for the disposai of pathological wastes at the Thickson Rd. N. animal shelter for at least ayear. At its meeting last week, P.A.W. commit- tee chairman, Coun- cillor Ross Batten of Whitby, said that the three municipalities could afford to spend the $80,000 to $100,00 needed for such a faciity. The committee had originally asked Durham Regional Council whether or not they would bave use for such a facility and if so, would they be willing to share the cost. However, public works commissioner Bfi Twelvetrees sa 'id that such a facility would be worthwhile, the region could not become involved. "Under present legislation, the region is limited to the disposal of ashes, garbage, refuse, domestic waste, in- dustrial solid waste and municipal refuse as outlined in the waste disposai bylaw, " he said. "Consequently, the region could not become involved in the construction of such a facility." Batten was not totally happy with the region's response. "Lt is not a long reply and it doesn't tel us anything," ho said. "But if, they do not have an application (for the incinerator), we shouid be considering spending this kind of money at this time. " Batten noted that al three municipalities are trying to run a tight fiscal, ship anid, therefore, do not have a lot of money for such projects. Currently, the car- casses of dead animais are disposed of at the regional landfil site. Two homes robbed