Whitby Free Press, 1 Aug 1984, p. 19

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1984, PAGE 1 Whltby's Most WideIy Read __CLASIFVED ADS ERI7S OIW1 TAILERSJBOATS& ARTICLES RTICLES FOR SALE SUPPLIES FOR SALE FOR SALE JP ADE NG SPECIALLY DESIGNED Summer 36' HOUSE TRAILER on scenic PROP à SKEG REPAIRS (5 day ICONTEsalNTS 0F HUSEIfors. aleth Ro 0fth Bble cotouring- JPGREIG Computer Courses for takeside lot futty furn. wlth 4 pc. service>. Expert boat repaira.- do- tuate abyi tlemcrs ath book&avaicae Sai DiciAson Prînt- & MAITENANCE academlcatty advanced In- bath, fridge, stove, etc. Master it-yoursetf fibreglasa supplies, tabliae, hicair,-sofae,crsserat, 8ng1&68Officer uppl jaPlza Grass cuttlng, dividuats. 683-2226. bedroomn and 2 bunks, 10x24' Oshawa Glss Fibre - Rayptex. canae acribrs, dreera 831. Deernqres . deck and garden shed. Located 341 Durham St., 579-1433. ine tbl and airs, m new îed . retainîng wali, sod, on Scugog Island. Asking $6,500. __________>___d_____ ash r and yr onthates.__________ wato o fenci, APARTMENTS/ Cati 655-4069. 1972 GREW '55-130 Fibergiasa 111 Starr Ave., Whitby, 655-4872. prudnening , andDtrîmO RENT speedboat with 40 h.p. Merc and r KUPTCY _______________________ Tilt traiter. Eiectric Start motor, GEOTYPE presa-on îeîîerîng now SHOE SALE' private edge and ( A UTMOTIVEI AMIFM case, Ski bar, 2 gastanks in stock ai DIckson PrInting & 0f- Formerly Style-Lite shu. Rsdnil ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT In RPI/A and biige pump. $2795. Also 65 fice Supplies In the Ajax Shop- andub Com e nial amai Whttby building. Adults h.o. Evinrude Outhoanul mntnr . ,,, n , .q j Shoes Ltd. FFREEI ESTIMATESI CAL728-4017J *ANINOUNCEMENTS BOND -Ken and trene are pleased to announce the arrivai of a atater for Donovan. Stefanie Lynn was born June 301h, 1984, weighing Bibo. loz. Speciat thanka to Daddy, Oma, Nonno and Uncte Stefan. PETS& HIMALAYAN KITTENS, blue point, reglstered, papers and pedigree, - iret shots, roady August 151h, $200, negottabte. 666-3557 evenings. Sertous Inquinies only. SALES NEIGHBOURHOOD YARD SALE Saturday, August 4th, 9 a.m. An- tiques, clothes, furnIture,ý mîscatianeous. 25 Ferguson Ave., Broqktln. Tum at Caahway Lumber. SERVES MOTHER 0F IWO wili babysit In own home now or In September. Rosedate Drive near R.A. Mut- chison Schooi. Cati 668-8124. CONGRATULATIONS on your forthcomtng marriage. Piesse viow aur samples of engraved wedding Invitations ai your l- sure In aur Ajax Plaza store. Dick- son Pnntig & Office Supplies AIRTICLE S .FOR RENT TYPEWRITER rentai, manymakea and modela, by the weekend, week or month. ,Plscduntu avait- able. Dickson Printing & Office Supplies In tho Ajax Plaza. Cail us for business machine repaire 683-1968. hydro and parking. Cabte TV and iaundry facllitties avaltabte. Phone 668-6372 between 9:30 arn. and 5 p.m. TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT In amati Whitby Aduit building. Centraity located close f0 Go & local bus stops. Utittes, hydro and parking Inctuded. Cati 668- 6372 between 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday to FrIday. FOFO RN1NT WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for rent on professional floor. Wouid bel suitabte for tawyer, accountant,' etc. Rent Inctudes ait utiittes and ta negotiable for an appropriate tenant. For further Information cati 68-6372 between 9:30 a.m. and 5Sp.m. Monday to Friday. ROOMS FOR RENT, kitchen facilitles avattable. Phono -668- 8422 affer e p.m. CAR REPAIRS bodywork, tune- upa, paint Job, etc. Reasonabie rates. 668-7620 anytime. Etectric atart with ail controts. ln use untit reontty repiaced with larger unit. Good condition. Cars-Painted AT TO $149 m i You Prepare BIYREdIENT GUARANTEED -AUTO BODY PIANOS WANTED. Cash pald for new and used pianos, anly con- 486 WATERLOO ST. dîtion. Aiso sales and service. OSHAWAý 725-0261 Phone Telep Piano Works, Oshawa, 433-1491. 1983 TURISMO charcoal, 2 door hatchback, 5 speed, 2.2, p.s.', p.b., FM itereo, sport package, 30,000 klometers, excellent condition. Asking $7,000. 55 Renfieid Cres., Whitby, 666-3398. 1982 CITATION. 6 cylinder, 4 door hatchback. Excellent condition, p.s., p.b., air conditionIng. Cati Tracy before 8 p.m., 668-1578. 1979 MAZDA model 929. Runinmb a tree. For sale for parts. Phone 839-9323. WANTED USED APPLIANCES <Worklng or Not) WE BUY, SELL RECON DITION 131 erw o ., P'gMZ.LargJ~e election of styles and sizes.' Why pay more for a smatier sheet of letterlng? 683-1968. TEAK BED, $75. Menles winter teather jacket, size 40, $40. Humidifier, $25. Modem chrome table, $10. Brass watt hanglng, $10. Hockey pants, new, size 38- 40, $10. Kitchen ahudders, $10. Ladies ski suit, amati, $20. Assor- ted stuffed animais. 668-3900. AMWAY PRODUCTS. Cati 668- 4265 after 6 p. m. MATTRESSES and box aprings at hait price. McKeen Furniture, 524 6imcoe Street South, Oshawa. 725-5181. LINEN SHEERS, living room and dlning roomn, ivory with goid over drapes, Immacutate, 3 montha old, tracks, fie backs, hooks in- ctuded. Cost $80. Sai $350. Tergal sheers, iight gotd, 96" long to suit living room, $100. 6683900. FOR SALE metat bunk beds with maîtresses, $90. Cati 683-4172. _____________________ vocado. Excellant condition. SoId ~SHAR D J OORYU I fHOUSEHOLoI together Or SeParately. 668.3995. e ACCOMMODATO FOR SALE __________ __ - ders ASHBURN VILLAGE home. Share FOR SALE 1982 Hariey Davidson - house, own room, non-amokers FXR. Factory warranty, '2,000 TE The pisase, $210 monthly. 655-4035. Mites, extras. $7,995. Phono 668- cozLLON1îsherel ______________ tuPJr Hamer Auto Clinic NOSS 1980 YAMAHA 850 SPECIAL. Ex- N OSHA WA 655-4492 ~FORRIENTI collent condition, $1,500 certifiled Cor beat offer. 666-2209. PINE, OAK i STOREY HOUSE for rent with MUHMUH HEI<OUR LOW E option to buy. $400 a month FI rat 1980 YAMAHA XS850. Good con- naH On new chesterfields, be mu ai requirea. unly estabished working couples need appty. Avaliabto Septomber LEAN O DIVEI * Tractor Trailer or IStraightrTruckl Tol Fre1800-263-8023I FREE: Drap Imbo the Dickson Printing & Office Supply store ln 1he Ajax Plaza and pick up a free copy of their 1984 Metrlc Caten- dar. Printed ln two colours. It makes for handy referonco. 683- 1968. Please check your advertîsernent for e.-rors on the first day of Publication. The Whitby Free Press wiII not be liable for failure to publish*an ad, or for typographic errors in publica- tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error Up to a maximum cost of the f irst Insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classîfy or reject ail advertise- ments. Ads must appear in the oaper one day before they can he changed or cancelled. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words;1 lit each addition- al word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified Ad to dîtton, needa now exhauat 10 cor- tify. Heimots Inciuded. Asking $1.200. Phone Tom, 666-1 701. NEW & USED CAR BUTS READ ... PUY... SELL JUST CALL 668-6111 "GRAMMAR for people who hale grammar ta8 the ideai packet reference book for business People. $3.95 Par copy and avait- able at Dickson Printing & Office Suppiies ln the Ajax Piaza. Dealer anquiries invited 683-98.- ~~NINW1 DENîNG ~~NDSUPPANDj SPPLES B&L LANDSCAPIN G GARDEN MAINTENANCE Residential, Commercial. Pruning, trea removat, aidewatks, patios, fancing, iawns seeded, sadded, fer- titized, 30_. years. Durham Rogion. 623-3299 I I NION UISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEI your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa card ready when calling. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irsi 100 words; 12o each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 words; 120 each additional word. AUCTION'SALES - 341s per line. (No word ads allowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make every en- L $1,$2,$3a pair. 109GBrock StS.,I VISIT our used furniture ware- house by appointment. Blg savings on deska, chairs, filing cabinets, etc. Cati Dickson Print- ing & Office Supplies to arrange an appointment ta view. 683- 1968. CH-ESTERFIELD suites, love seats, sectionals, tess than 'h prica. Large setection. McKeen Furniture. 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. BARRELS - Whiskey, $25. Rum, $30. Guaranteed, free delivery. 688- 1645 or 686-0257. QIFO IIS E~1 CLEARANCE 0F DEMO SATELLITE TV SYSTEMS L.N.A.'s, Receivers Dishes, and more at 30% OFF retail. One complete 8' system wIth Luxor 9533 remote control receiver and 120 degree Ma-Comn LNA Sale Price - 11,896 CALL 655-4069 9 a.mn. to 8 p.m. NOTCES DURHAM REGION FAMILY YMCA TAKE NOTICE that Durham Region FamIiy YMCA intends to surrender its Charter pursuant to the Cor- porations Act. DATED at Whitby, this l2th day of July, 1984. "Doug Davidson"' Secretary LIGHT MOVING jobs, (truck provIded). Clean back yards, clars, etc. For bet service cai Dan anytImo 723-2368. VERYDAY PRICES dining rooms, and kulchen suites,- beds, etc. ELMER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor St. E. (At Rtson) Oshawa ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REALESTATE A 9r» ý m 9a J' IL 3%à à%vu deavour ta forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- cept no liability regarding loss or damage alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding such replies. We will not be responsible for box number replies not called for wîthîn 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior ta publication to insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL RRR.RIII -~w ~m i E 1sf. 655-4872. ANNOBUCINESSI ~-n Q5TINAL MII.,WORK WONDERS WABAs CALL M4i1-i CALL US ODAY -Ë831968

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