&PdAGE 20, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS WhItby i M ost WIdeIy Read CLAS SIFlIE D A DS ý WHITBY - Dundas and Mary St. area. Daycare for two ochoot sgod boys ln your homo for Sp. prox. 3,hours dslly. Every other weok commonclng September, 1984. Non-smokor preforrod wth roforoncos. For an interview pisascai 576-8159. WORD PROCESSING & Miro Computer tntroduct'ory courseo. Throe week speclal, $95. Longer courses avallabto wtth certificat. and job placement. 683-7767. Mississauga, July 30 Du Pon t Canada Inc. todey reported gains in sales and eernings for both the seond quarter and the half-year. For the three moniths enaea aune 30, AUTINS United PART.TIME EXPERIENCED Waltress/waiîer requirod. Cali 688"316. FURNITURE MlOP requires con- fIdient part-lime sales staff. Rtait houro plus Sundays. Sales hetp. fui, outgotng personsttty a muet. Phono 666.1331. NEEDLECRAFTERS: Intructoro noeded. Exclting new way taoBel etttchery and turn your hobby ln- to cash. Witl train, Colt Lînda 683. 8719. * 'MARKET RESEARCH Interviewers Needed, To Conduot Door-to-Door Surveys NO SELLING -Part-time -Evenlnge & Saturdays -Car an Asset -Hourly Wage & Mleage Send replies to: C. Pedlior CIO P-O. Box 206 Whltby, Ontario LUN 551 'Ç ~ THE WHUTBY FREE PRESS REQiJIRES A rti GENERAL- W REPORTERIPHOTOGRAPH ER This Is an entry level position that Is suitable for, a recent graduate of a. communîty colege or university graduate ln journalism. Candidates who have their own car and camera wlI be gîven preference. THIS POSITION IS CREATED PARTLY BY THE ONTARIO "YOUTH EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM. ALL CAN DIDATES MUST BE ABLE TO MEET O.Y.E.P.' STANDARDS AND WORK UNDER ITS CONDITIONS. Interested applicants are requesteti to submit resumne and, clippinga, ln person, to: The Editor Whltby Free Press 131 Brook St. N.., Whltby For more Information cail 668-611il DISPLAY ADVERTISING MANAGER Required by weII established local newspaper. This position wouîd appeal to someone in adver- tising sales wishing to develop his or her leader- ship and creative abilities et the management level. Remuneration commensurate with abiîity and experience. Apply 10. The Pubisher WhItby Fr.., Prose 131 Brook St. N. WhItby, Ont. PHOTOCOPYI NO Canon Np-~5 6S8*6111 ORL"Il M.B.M. .PUBLISHING WANT AUCTION SALE SAT., AUQUST4 6:00 P.M. At Pearce Auction Cen- tre on Shirley Rd. 4 miles south of Port Perry. With 1977 Chev, 9 piecedining room suite, fridge, stove, dîshwasher, f reezer, dryer, washer, « mouve bathtub, sink and stool set, sectional chester- f ield' antique theatre seats, bag -scale, weshstand, emalioak desk, dressers, pressback chairs, colour TV, accordian, Tandem bike, tools and much more. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICESe 985-7492 A UCTIONS FUN F-OR THE WHOLE FAMILY ,ATTEND ONE THIS WEEKEND LOOKING FOR A CARMEIN ADVERTISING? Downtown business requires that person who: *Possess good com- munication SUiIS; *Has ambition and self confidence; *Is eager to learn; els capable of earning an above average ln- corne; ,1 *And is not af raid to work for it. If you possess these qualities drop In and see us. Experience not necessary. Start immediately. Come in to'our office anytime Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 131 Brook St. N., Whitby. A D S HýOU TS You can seil your unused items fast by placing a Classified or Emporium Ad in the Whitby'Free Press. Resuits are just a phone calil away. Let our ClassLfied Advertising Manager heîp you write a clever ad and just listen to your phone ring. Caîl: 668-6111 CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, AUGUST 3 6:30 P.M. Three miles east of Littl Britain or 7 mlles westc Lindsay, on the Lii dsay/Little Britain Roac The property of MR.i MRS. $TAN RICH c Oakwood (giving. ul housekeeping). RCA door ref rigerator, 30' electrIc stove, Duncai Fyfe drop-leaf table, oal writîng desk, 6 welnu d ining room chairs parlour tables, Moffa dryer, 3 piece Waterfal bedroomsuite, 2 pieci walnut bedroom suite oval top trunks, quantit) of floor Iamps, washst ands, copper boliers quantîty of bedding anc amaîl ellectrical applan. ces, tools, china. anc giass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER 705-786-2183 Became a Carriert oday. Loarn ta be s business porson with responstbility -whio earnlng monoey. Becomethe outstand. ing carrier of the month and' become a winnert Talk ta Our Circulation Manager. Caîl 668-6111 Todayî WHITBY FREE PRESS You neyer have ta foot atone. Shap the ado ln th. Whitby Free Pross for newo of cam. munity happenings, enter. tainmenî and social events ln your aresi WHITBY FREE PRESS ýle of n-- d. ip 2 nt kt Arkeian y Arkelian bas been in- t- volved with the United e, Way for over 25 years, d assisting with cern- 1- paigns in Winnipeg, j London and- Thunder Bey as well as internaI campeigna with the On- tario government. Arkelian is employed *by the Ontario Ministry of Health as director of the Oshawa and District 1 OHIP office. As well as his in- volvement with the United Way, Arkelian. serves on an advisory committee et Durham College, the nominating committee rtf the Durharn District Health unit and also as a mein- ber of the Christ Church Mens Club. Ambulance During the week thet ended lest Thursday, the Whitby Ambulance Service responded to 108 calîs for service. The service respon- ded to 29 ceils of a routine nature and to 42 standby cails for other ambulance services in Oshawa and Ajax. They also responded to 37 emergency celsg including four motor vehicle accidents. The number to caîl for ambulance service is 723-5232. Graduate BARRIE, Ont. - One local man was among the graduating class of the Georgian College of Applied Arts and Technology. Randy Colin Dempsey received- his two-year diploma in the design and creative arts program et convocation ceremonies held here on June 10. He received his liripipe from coilege president Wayne F.J. Busch.- ýsales Way o rganitzer *Armen Arkelian is the assistant to the "1984', general campaign, chairman for the Whit- by, Oshawae and Newcastle United Wey. In this capacity, he is responsible for co- ordinating thç cam- paign ectivities through the section chairmen, forward planning groups and the United Way Board of Directors. were *312,040,000 or six Par cent higher than the $293t027,000 reported i 1983. "Physical volume was level with lest yeer"~ said president J.E. Newail. "IWeaker demand for nylon car- pet and apparel fibres was offset by strength in consumer and-industriel packaging markets and by higher sales of polyethylene pipe and explosives to the mining sector."1 For the six-month Period, sales' at $608,700,000 were il par cent higher than the *546472,000 a year earlier. Second quarter ear- nings were $15,635,000 compared with $11,502,000 in the similar 1983 Period. The main factors were higher six months." selllng prices, and -hi corne from licensing c Du Pont 'Canad technology. Based a~ the two-for-one -- stoc] split approved May 4 earnings par share ii the second quarter thii year were $0.9ý compared to $0.73 ii 1983. First half -earningq were $27,454,000, or *1.7V a share, compared witl $12,509,000,, or $0.79 e share, in the first sb months last year. 1"The third quarter will be weaker than the second," said, Newall, "'becasue of the normal seasonal slowdown and a softening in demand for m>pny of our customers' -products. Resulta for the second half are not expected to match those of the first Council. Column, By REGIONAL COUNCILLOR TOM EDWARDS Chafrman Clerk's Department It was Robbie Burns who said: "Oh, wad some power the glftie gie us; To see oursels as others see us.,, This canny observation came to my mmnd as we were entertaining the delegation from Japan some weeksr ago. The delegates were representatives of municipal- government i Japan and lncluded politicians, staff and business people.- They had spent time in Washington, D.C. and New York City and were from communities in Japan witb the same population base as these North American cities; Here was an opportunity, however,:to talk to people in a small town, although theymistakenly kept referrmng to us as a city -which was'still i the development stage..., It must be borne i mid that Japan, because of its mountainous terrain, and because it is suscep- tbeto earthquakes, is limited as as to where building might take place. For instance, leas than 20 per cent of theland la arable and barely 20 per cent lends itself to construction. Their tremendous population of 90 million people dwells and works in a relatively small proportion of its land area. 1 They wanted to know the usual things: such as how do we account for high growth rate; and, where do the skills come from to man our industries, etc. A number of replies were attempted, but the main reason for our growth, in my view, was overlooked, that is, the insistance of successive Whitby councils to maintain. a high development standard not only residentially but commercially and idustrially, My experience onlyý goes back to former Mayor Des Newman, but I arn sure that he maintained the views of earlier mayors and coundillors that if we insist on a high level of development, not only wiil it sustain' itself but it will'attract development of a simiiar high standard, which wiil in turn, expand. I salute Des Newman and wish he could have been present to respond in this fashion. The other question that was asked of us was: Why is there s0 much land with only weeds growing on it? Don't forget that this question is from a people who treasure land because of its scarcity wi their own country. Is there not a lesson here for ail of us? As a coundil, should we not icrease our efforts tô preserve unused land that we control in an accep- table condition. If we now start preaching the benefits of using refuse bina for their proper pur- poses; encourage convemience store owners to do what they can to urge their customners to refrain froin littering our sidewalks; and, if we make it un- popular for motorists to discard rubbish frorn vehicles, what an even more pleasant community we would have. If peer pressure cen be used as an edvocete of hermful experience such as dr-ug and alcohbl abuse, why can't we use peer pressure to provide a cleaner community and reduce vendalismn. There are the thoughts that were triggered by the questions posed by our visitors. I would really ep- preciate comment fromü any resident of our corn- munity who has a point of view on the matter. My best wishes to each one of you as we inove through- this glorlous summer weather and to the magnificent'fail whlch will-Inevitable follow. Submitted by members of WHITBY TOWN COUNCIL [M S ELP WAMTEO DuPont 's earnings riese A LITTLE CLASSIFI EDS AUCTION Every SUN DAY at 1 P.M. at the AUCTION COMPANY 94 Bruce St., 0shaw'a (South of Athol off Ritson) Don't miss the fun and excitement. Your chance to buy every imaginaýle item. Clothing, sterebs, lampà , furniture, household effects and tools. All New. We also have vehicles and are now taking consignments o n Estates, contents, etc., or we wilý pay you cash on the spot. Callý4?3-8032 f zmmp