They're sti1 l aigu rud PrAnsarsaA us currently belng made to honor Whtby's two Olympian when tliey return home later tt month. Wliile most of the at- tention ,has been focuseci on Anne Otten- brite, the --18-year old Lyndeview Drý. resident wlio eaned tliree me"as i the women's swlmming competitions luat week, another local resident, Glenn Beauchamp- Is also being touted for a medal i the men's judo com- PeLUton. In addition to her gold medal wn i the 200- metre breaststroke, Ot- tenbrlte also wlll brlng home a silver medal for the 100-metre breast- stroke and a bronze medal as part of Canada's wlnnlng -four by .100 medley relay teain. Ini fact, Ottenbrite anîd lier teammnates - Reema Abdo Mf Bdleville, -Ont., Micele MacPherson of Toronto and Pain Rai of Delta, 'B.C.- - set a Canadian record for the four by , 100-metre medlcy relay with a timne of 4::12.96, just one second back' of the second place West German team and just four seconds behlnd the gold medal wlnnlng American squad.. [ast Thursday, 2 hours before picklng Up the bronze at- the Lost AgesOlympica, Ot- tebiegarnered the silver medal in the 100- metre breast.troke wltli a turne of 1:10.i69, one one-hundredth of a second faster than Catherine Poirot of France. In fact, the national media reported that Ottenbrite did not look like a medal wlnner at the beglnnlng of the race but soon found lier stroke, galnlng speed to, charge -past everyone except Petra Van Staveren of Hoiland who broke the Olympic record te win the gold medal in tht. event. Mayor Bob Attersley said Monday mornlng that the town wlll liold a parade i honor of both Ottenbrite and Beauchamp. The festivities, whlch wll probably' ,include a reception at the Iroquois Park Arena, are ten- tatlvely scbeduled for Aug. 25.ý Attersley sald that Ot- tenbrlte 15 scheduled to compete in the Canadian national champio ss In- mediately followlng ýthe Olympics and al festivities belng held in lier honor wlll be held after that event. The festivities will . . ... ..... V. Ul- cý j'a cý E l jt R'E Ottenbrite mayor added, so that ber long turne coacl, Paul Meronan, van also be present. Reglonal Councilor Gerry Emin lha suggested that lie would propose that any new recreation facility hi lie Beauchamp contructed iWhltby lie named for Otten- birite. lHe poited out that the town i curren- tly studylng the recom- mendations of a con- sultant wlio says that $5 >CONT'D ON PG. 3 Growth at $25mà .&mark vol. 14, No. 32 WednesdaygýAugust, 8. 1984 20 Pages w w w w It's probably no longer news by now, but Whitby continued te set new growth, records during tlie montli'of July, figures released Lt. Gov Aird to dedicate "Camp -X cairn tomorrow Over 500 people are, expeted te crowd along thec sliorellne of Lake Ontario wliere Whitby meet. Oshlawa tomorrow aflernoon to pay -tibute hi thée-men and w#omeên wlio fouglit Uic secret wvar agamnst Nazi Gcrmanýy, many Mf wliom gave their lives in Uic, service 0f' their counfiry. Ontario Lieutenant- Governor Johin Black Aird will preside at Uic ceremnony,, Uic higliliglit of which will le thc 0f- ficial unveilig, of a cairn erccted on the site of Camp X - a training ground for spies and saboteurs wlio fought behind enemy lines during World War Two. 12--nn nere. îe an artist's conception of the generationofheacicsanhashsedud jmemorial caimn that wili bededicat 'ed tomorrow ln by the people who came- from ail over the world, to honor of those Who fought the secret war against train at Camp X before parachuting behlnd enemy Nazi Germany from, what wasthen a desolate, ruratl unes during the World War Two. Many of themn did area on Lake Ontario. not corne back. Today,, the site of Camp Y. is ln danger of being swailowed up -by Industrial and commercial Tomorrow, the Lieutenant-Governor of 'Ontario, development from both the Town of Whitby'and the John Black Aird, w1ilIofficially unvel the cairn during City of Oshawa. However, plans have been made to ceremonies that are expected to be attended by over preserve the site as a remnInder to present and future 500 people- Wliile Camp X located at the soutliern end of Boundary Rd. - t. now closed i i on al. sides by idustrial and commercial develop- .ment, durin'ng thie- war, years it wais desolate end. rural, cliosen- because .it :provided easy accuss by water te thec nortliern United' States. The purpose Mf Camp X was prohably bust described- by William Stevenson ihiis classic account of Uic secret, war "'A Ma.n Called Ini- trepid. "Camp X gave BSC (British Security -Co- ordiation) 115 punch,"2 lie wrote. "HMère agent. traied, 9ierllla devicus ~*ere tested and Hoilywood-style dummy buildigs were con- structed 'i imiatation Mf important, Nazi hide-* outs hi, lieivaded by Uic parachutist collector.' hI (sir, 'WilhiaM( Stephiensons more for- cefulwords." In Uic book, Stevenson suggusted that. Camp X's Miost important mission -was preparations made for Uic execution oM S.S. General Reinliard Heydrich - "Uice Butchber of Prague" - Who was killed on May 27,1942 by agent. wlio traied for Uic mission ithispart of soutliern Ontario. Altliugheicexploit. of Uic men and women wlio trained and worked at 'Camp X, includig their leader Sir William Stephenson (otherwlse known as Intepid), have been well documented ibooks and movies, no public memorlal liasexisted until Dom. ' According te Mayor Bob Attersley, Sir William iiinot ho able hi attend because -o CONT'D ON'PG. 3- Atter-sley's office show. During the month, permit. were t.sued for the construction of 48 single family dwelling -units wlth a'total value of $2.59 million. Tht. t. down sllghtly froin July, 1M0's figure Mf 59 but the total number , f residential building permit. t.sued, from Jan. 1 to, July 31, 1984 are almoet 30 per cent higher than the corresponding period of The- town, issued 421 residential permit. tht. year as of July 31, corn- pared with 340last year. Development hi the commercial,idustrial and agricultural secters 3.00 per cent Mf July's growth. AsMJf uly 31, thietown had t.sued a total of $28.04million Worth oM building permit., up substantlally -from 1983s $23.17 million.1 Tht. year, 515 residen- Uial permit. valued at $23.02 million have been issued. [ast year, 479 permit. valued at $17.94 million were t.sued. The town's other growth area t.slihowlng a sliglit decline Mof983's -figures. Commercial developmentlias ac- counted. for 30 permit. valued at $2.91 million te date. Last year, there were 31 permit. witli a value oM $3.52 million. Industrial growtl ist keeplng pace wltli 1963. To date, 13 permit. wor- th $M8,500 have been issued. I 1983, 15 per- mit. valued at *80,546 wererecorded. Agricultural develop- ment t. only at tlie hlf- way poitoM last year. As of July 31, two. per- mit. Worthi *70,500 were t.sued. Ini 198, Uic fi'gures were four per- mit. and $140,000. 1T1he otliergrowth area so far tli.year i thei- *tltutional sector. So far~, '10 permit. Worthi $1.09 nmlon have-been issued. [ast year, 10 permit. valued at $Md@0wererecorded. During the'monthi of July, the Town Mf Whlt- by collected *16,415in building -permit fées bringlng th".year'. total te $157,121. F ZMI P LLi 1 1 1 ý 1