WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1984, PAGE 11 CONTEMpORARy LIVING :4 >helw ÎD - i t t 41ewý el41ee' "e> 1 ^,"4W a lo w 0 w 4w 4 DID YOU KNOW that to a quallfled homeowner, a package polIcy Is avallable provldlng $80,000 on your home, $48,000 on household contents and $1,000,000 famlly liability for an annual premium of $160.00. * For Further Details Cati: IfVICK INSURANCE v 101 Dundas St. W. Since 1938 Suite 302, Whltby 668-3579 THE CONCRETE BLOCK THAT INSULATES lanning tobuild? Sec how Sparfil can help you save. One rade Optional EPS Installation inserte for added R values WVater Resistant 4 hours Fîre Up taR33 Resistance LLightweight Airtight Finish Unique Ideal For: Insulating e above and below Concrete grade Mixture *houses, plants, offices and more Fer more information contact: Sparfit International Inc., 840 Division Street, Box 235. Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4K5 (416) 372-6853 Home cannm g pot pourri "Canning ix a realistic alter- native for consumers who don't have large freezers or don't want to spend a lot of money for start-up costs. As wetl, miany consumers have discovered the new-styte recîpes for canned fruits and vegeiables that reflect the 'nouvelle' approach to food preparation."1 In response to this interest, Thc Foundation, which'repre- sents several companties in the preserving industry, bas de- Veloped a list of the most frequentiy asked questions about canning. Whaî Processing Method Should b. Used fer Fruits and Tommîes? The yeasts and molds that grow in these acid foods have a iow resistance to heat and are easily destroyed at boiling water temperature (1000C). Recently though, some var- icties of tomatoes have been found to have inadequate levets of acid for safe canning in a boiling water bath. Since acid content witt vary, it ix recom- mended that consumers add 1/4 tsp (1 mL> citric acid or t tbsp (15 mL) reconstituted lemon juice to each pint (500 mL) jar prior to processing in a boiling water bath. Fresh lemon juice cannot be used because its acidity varies. Do Vegetables Have (o be Canned In à Pressure Canner? Dangerous Clostridium botulinum spores can grow in tow acid foods, such as vegetables. Since these spores are extremcly heat resistant, they require pressure process- ing at temperatures higher than 2t2*F (100'C). The on/y safe method of doing this is by us- ing a pressure canner and pro- cessing for the recommended length of time required for each food. If atlowed to grow, the spores will produce a deadly toxin. As an added precaution, home-canned vegetabtes should be brought to a boit and sim- mered 10 minutes before tasting. This tep witl inactivare the toxin if it has formed. Why Don't my New Lids Seat Properly? Last year, Bernardin of Canada Ltd., introduced a new sealing compound for their tids. Untike previous latex seat- ing lids which had to be screw- ed on very firmly, this new compound grips better. How- ever, if the band ix screwed on too tightly, air cannot escape - a process called venting that ix necessary to create a vacuum and air tight seat. Once the seat ix achieved, the screw bands can then be removed and used on other jars. Does a Darkened Layer at the Top of a Jar of Fruit Indicate Spoitage? The darkening ix the result of oxidation which can spoit ftavor and texture. However, if the food shows no other sign of spoilage it ix safe 10 eai. Several factors may promote darkening including insuffi- cient processing time, liquid not covering food product or air sealed in jars. Packing and processing techniques shoutd be reviewed to determine the specific source of the problem. Why do my Jars Lose Ltquld during Processing? Food packed too tightty in canning jars may cause a toss of tiquid during processing. The probtem is sotved by simp- ly packing the food more loxse- ly or heating the food before' packing. Either technique attows room for expansion dur- ing processing and prevents teakage. Can Food he Processed by the Oven-Method? No. tt ix difficult to maintain the water at boiting tem- perature for the recommended length- of time using this method. Oven thermostats are not usuatty accurate and temperatures fluctuate widety - you can neyer be sure that spoitage organisms have been destroycd and jars may , x- plode. ~rs -You SuniaGoId Fruit Marketi Big Juicy Beef Stake Tomatoes%. * m4Litre Bo NOW AVAILABLE California Green Seedless Grapes isket 9 1L b. Mix and Match bunches: Fresh Green Oniâ ns & Bunch Radish 3 for $1.00 124 Brook St. N. (½ 2block N. of Dundas) Telephone 668-41 77 Whitbv dmb, dml, ddb, ý Amý lý AMI Few kitchen endeavors pro- vide quite as much satisfaction as preserving the bounty of the garden. Not onty ix home preserving economical, easy to do and nutritious - home preserved products also add a bit of sunshine to winter menus. "Home canning ix becoming more popular again," says Anne Hanson, Home Econom- ist with the Canadian Home Preserving Foundation. " Last Year, we received more ques- tions on Canning than we did on any other preserving method," Hanson also notes that we've come a long way from the 50's and 60's in terms of home can- ning techniques and recipes. K&M. CLEANERS ~SAM E DAY SERVICE ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS DOWN In the last few years, down bas been used more and more te keep out the cold and also to suggest a fashionable outdoor look. We can find it as filling in vests, coats, parkas, jackets, jumpsuits, pants, mit- tens, and bats. Down is the sof t, fluffy filament grown under the feathers of ducks andwaterfowl. To belp you select a down garment that will justlfy your nvestment for years, the Inter-, national Fabricare In- stitute, the worldwide trade association of drycleaners' and laun- derers, and K & M Cleaners offer the following checkpoints: 1. Check to see that the seams are well sewn. Also, repair any lips and tears before cleaning. 2. Note the fullness or lack of fullness of the quilted channels. More loft gives more warmtb. 3. Select a garmènt quilted in both direc- tions for better wearlife. 4. Inspect the surface of the garment for tiny feathers protruding tbrough the fabrie. 5. Note the manufac- turer's label for fiber content and any special care instructions. Mfter purchasing, dlean your down gar- ment frequently to remove soil and freshen both the fabric and. the down. Drycleaning will 112 Coibomo St. W. Whitby prevent stains from set- ting in the fabric. Be sure to point out heavy soul te the cleaner for pre-spotting and removal without damage. The down filling will witbstand both drycleaning and washing. The care in- structions with your garment offers the best procedure. The con- trolled cycles Of drycleaning are best for wide, quilted patterns and delicate garments. Also, larger items dlean better in the cleaner's larger tumblers.' Careful buying, con- stant inspection and repair, and frequent cleanlng are the rules to keep down working for you for seasons te corne. Con Fruits b. Canned Without Sugar? Sugar ix not used as a preser- vative in canning and can therefore bceleiminated without affecting the quality of the pro- duct. You can use boiting water, commercial fruit juice or juice from the fruits you are preserving. A thin stice 'of lemon or a cinnamon stick can be added to the container to improve flavor. To get you started off this preserving season, try the new "Cinnamon Peaches" recipe developed by the Canadian Home Preserving Foundation. The touch of orange and cmn- namon adds a deticious twist to these summer favorites. Cinnamon Peaches 3 cups (750 mL) apple juice t cup (250 ml) water t cup (250 mL) sugar 2 cinnamon sticks i orange 6 lbs (3 kg) peaches, about 12 In' medium saucepan, comn- bine apple juice, water, sugar and cinnamon sticks. Grate orange rind and add to syrup. Bring syrup to a boil and simmer 15 minutes. Thinly stice orange; set aside. Peel peaches, halve and pit. Pack into dlean, hot jars inserting two orange stices when jar ix haîf full. Pour in hot xyrup, leaving 3/4-inch (2 cm) headspace. Seal and pro- cexx in boiling water bath for 25 minutes or in pressure canner at 5 pounds (35 kPa) pressure for 8 minutes. Makes 4 pint (500 mL) jars. Honre-made Cinnamon Peaches make a perfect gift for special occasions. Do you know what youi Seasonal Colours Are LA CONTESSA Now Offe PERSONALIZED COLOUR CONSULTATION Inoldes: Hair Colours: Make-up Swatches and Ward robe Advice ~j)Cal 1 now for an appoi ntment LA CONTESSA 668-962 2 ,Ofl St. HAIR SALO "A Cleaning Service for thp Entire Family" e668u2831i il whitbv -1 ..................... A 1 - .