WiIITBY FREE PRESS-, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1984, PAGE 17 E7ks~/r w REAL ESTATE NEWS Quality home bo asts pool size d yard This home was quality walk-out from ' the built bv Jack Jacobson' master bedroom to a large eat-in overlooks the kitchen family and feutures beamed balcony. room. ceiligs, three good There are two The family roomn has a sized bedrooms with bathrooms and thie very stone fireplace and GAINSbeneit icreases Effective July, 198 the monthly GAINS levels have been in- creased to, $631.55 for single pensioners and $561.53 per person for quallfied 1married couples.* On an annual basis, these guaranteed levels are $7,578.60 and 6,738.36. The maximum GAINS levels are calculated as follows: Old Age Security for single, $269.74, married for each spouse, $269.74. Guaranteed Income Supplement for single, $295.81; married - each spouse, $208.79. GAINS for singles, $66 and married - each spouse, $83. Total monthly in- corne for single $631.55 and married - each spouse, $561.53. If you require detailed information about GAINS rates or eligibiity requiremen- ts, please contact our Information Centre free of charge at one of the following numbers: Metro Toronto Local Calling Area - 96-8470; Toil Free Long Distan- ce: Area Code 807 - Ask Operator for Zenith 8- 2000; In Area Code 416 - dail 1-800-263-7700 and other areas dail 1-800- 263-3960. walkiýout to the pool sized, private 52 x 185 foot lot. There is a central vacuumn system and the basemnent 18 partially» finished.* Forest 18 a very quiet street and is an ideal- location for the raising of children or for an older couple who would like to be living ina kind of country atmosphere that is close to shopping, etc. Forest Road is located hall way between Rossland Rd. and Dun- das St. off Garrard Rd. For further infor- mation or appointmnent to see this property, please caîl the listing agent,. Ron Jordan, at the Whitby office of W. Frank Real Estate Ltd. or caîl 668-6171 or 666- WE'RE TrHE NEIGHBOURHOOD Coti, PROFESSIONALS. ~*824 Brock St. N, Whitby =IEETT0i®668-6221 GOLD JACKET REALTY LTD. member broker (Across from the Curling Rink> FEATURES PLUS. 4 bedrooms, garage, mn f loor laundry, rec room *And fireplace, seperate dling, wo, balcony. All for $79,900. Cai Blih or Marg Bird 868-6221. 225 Broch IDEAL STARTER OR RETIREMENT HOME. Very clean 3 bedroom brick bungalow with finished basement. Oversize garage with storage loft. Driveway wili hold 8 cars. Ail this for oniy $69,900.00 Cmii Ronny Kiaaser at 668-6171 or 668- 2909. 3 BEDROOM BACKSPLIT. Oak floors, fireplace, puise furnace, centrai air. Asking $91,500. Cmii Ron Jordan 668-6171 or 666-2319. MUte Te8l171 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Other interests force the owners of 1this famliy business ta seil. Ideal Ma -e &Pa type operation wlth a threeS bedroom living accommodation. Rural settlng, close ta Rice Lake. Be . -your own boss, work hard and enjoy your very own Independant life style. K $150,000.00. Flnanclng available to qualifled purchasers. 3For mors Information tolephone Cec KneIl at 705-295-4450 of Bowos& Cocks, Bridgenorth, Ontario. ÀBILITY FUND WORKING wrr PHYSICALLY DISABLED AOULTS bedrooms, 1½2 baths, large eat-in kitchen, nuge 1140 ft. backyard, finished rec room. OnIy $54,900. 'Try $5,500.00 cdown.- NORTH-WEST TOWNHOUSE .Lowest prIces In Deveiopmenf (we.think).. 3 BIR's, 1 bath, good Simcoefraunton location. Asklng $39,900. Oniy $4,300. dowri to one assumnable mortgage. CALL FRANK AGNUS 570-4010