Whitby Free Press, 15 Aug 1984, p. 21

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, ALJGUST 15, 1984, PAGE 21 1IU i EFP WANTEU FIELD SERVICE MANAGER Your own Ontario service route. Must like worklng wlth hande and outdoor work. Have good transportation and work background. $22,000 base. Security deposit requlred. CALL 416-481-7246 DABYSMER WANTED, live-in or carne by day. Cars for two achool aged boys and 19 month aid boy. $7Olweeic plus roorn and board. Durhiam 4, Pickcerng. 686&2235. NEEDLECRAFTEA5: intructors needed. Excitlng new way to seii stltchery and turn your hobby ln- ta cash. WiII train. C.11 Linda 683- 8719. PEASON REOIIED ta supervise two children, age 6 and 8, my home. Saturdays oniy. Llght hausskeeping aiso. Oeil after 9 p.m., 666-9893 asic for Moaone. BABSYSITER REQUIRED. Close ta EarI Fairman Sohool. For two days per week atter achool. Please oeil 666&2570 alter 0 p.m. This Is an e a ýrecent gra university grm Candidates wilbe given p THIS POSII ONTARIO Y( ALL CANDIE, O.Y.E.P. STAf CONDITIONS. lnterestede resumne and cil The'EdItgQ WNitby Fri 131 *Brock -.For*moa LOOKING FOR A CAREER IN ADVERTISING? Downtown business requlres that person who: a@Possess good comn- munication skilis; *H-as ambition and self confidence; sIs eager to iearn; -mis capable of earning an above average In- come; *And is not afraid to work for It. If you possess these qualiles drop in and see us. Experience not necessary. Start Immedlately. Come in to our office anytime Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 131 Brock St. N., Whitby. THE WHITBY FREE PRESS REQUIRES A GENERAL REPORTER/PHOTOG RAPHER entry level position that is suitabie for aduate of a community coilege or aduate in journaiism.' 9who have their own car and camera preference. ýTION IS CREATED PARTLY BY THE 'OUTH EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM. >ATES MUST BE ABLE TO MEET NDARDS AND WORK UNDER ITS applIcants are requested to submit Ippings, In person, to: ýr se Press SSt. N., Whltby re Information cail 668-6111 WORD PROCESSINO & Micro Computer lntroductory courses. Three week special. $95. Longer Courses avallabie with certîficate and assistance In lob placement. 6832226. MATURE RELIABLE PERSON requlred ta babysit 10 manth aid babY boy ln my home. Hwy. 7 nier Brooklln. Refsmences. 655. 4060. REQUIRED Henry Street High Schooi teenager ta babysît two girta, 6 and 10. Prior achool, 7 ta, 8:30 a.m. arnd alter school 3:30 ta 6 p.m. Oeil after 6 p.m., 668-206. DURHAM PROFESSIONAL HOME DAY CARE la looklng for warm, lavIng women ta do day care ln their homes. Please cali 286-1207. PART.TIME asslstant/recep- tionlat for Dental office In Brooklln. Please Bond resume ta Dr. Elaine McKenna, P.O. Box 280,53 Baldwin St., Brookiln, Log ico. WANTD WATED TOWN 0F WHITBY Requres MANAGER 0F SENIOR CITIZEN ACTIVITIES Parks and Rocreation Dopartment Applications ln writing, are invited for the position of Manager of Senior Citizen Activities In the Parks and Recreation Department. The Town of Whltby requires a mature prof essional who has hlghiy developed leadership and communication skilis to manage a multi- purpose senior citizens centre. The successful applicant wilI combine a Univer- sity Degree ln Social Sciences, emphasizing gerontoiogy and a minimum of three years ex- perience ln muni' cipal recreation ln an environ- ment 0f senior citizens actîvities, with a keen desire to work wlth seniors throughout the Town 0f Whltby, and to explore other recreational and outreach needs. Applications .shouid reach the undersigned no later than Wednesday, August 29th, 1984. Only those applicants successful ln Interview wili1 be acknowledged. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C., Administrator, Corporation of the Town 0f Whitby, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontarlo. Li N 2MV8 obtaining an 'AUCTIONS AUCTION Every SUNDAY at 1 P.M. at the AUCTION COMPANY 94, Bruce St., Oshawa (South of Athol off Ritson) Don't misé the fun and excitement. Your chance to bùy- every imaginable item. Clothing, stereos, lamps, furniture, household effects and tools. Ali New. We aiso have vehicles and are now taking consignments on Estates, contents, etc., or we, will pay you cash on the spot. Call 433-8032 CORNEILS AUCTION BARM -FRIDAY, AUG. 17 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britaînor seven miles west of Lndsay on the Lindsay/Little Brîtian Road. The estate of the late MRS. VIOLET WOOD of Barrie, plus others. GoId Coldspot 2 door refridgerator, gold 30" Viking electrîc stove, oak Hlghboy dresser, approx. 25 odd pressback chairs, parlour tables, fumed oak wardrobe (with deviled glass>, GE 23ft. freezer, 7 piece waînut dinlng room suite, Westinghouse refrid- gerator, oak Hussier cupboard, coffee and end tables, fIat-top trunks, washstands, Jam cupboard, Captaîns chairs, AdmIrai 2 door refridgerator, drop-leaf table, 1/ ton truck cap, quantity of pîcture frames, tools, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.l LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 LAND AUCTION 2 ACRE BUILDING LOT will be offered for sale by Public Auction on Satur- day, August 25th at 1 p.m. at the site. County Road 10, next to Emily Provincial Park. Al of- fers subjeot to owners approval. 10 per cent down day of sale. For more Information phone (416) 983-5839 DOUG MITCHELL AUCTIONEER CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, AUG. 24 Completely restored 1956 Chev Belair won by Mrs. Barbara Teague at the Little Britain Sports- A-Rama Draw wlll b. of- fered for auction. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 A UCTIONS FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY ATTEND ONE THIS WEEKEND WHJTBY IROQUOIS SOCCER CLUB HOUSE LEAGUE RESULTS MOSQUITO GAMES PLAYED AUG. 1, 1984 WhltbyOptlmlst Club . 0 lasco Steel......... 9 m andrynte..........2 lm Bagnei Graeme WWmam AnnesStret.....j Rbbi. Lawromc chrltian Edoembe Dairy Queen ....... o Canadian Scottlsb Club2 JoeKltchem JasasGOodchild County Bowl........ 4 EdWIerama..............2 Gormditan MOSQUITrO GAME PLAYED AUG. 2, 1984 Perkins Paints ....3 Brooklin Conete..6 WayneAnthony KevinCraddock............ 2 Aoi Wheelans Srdgoabsernotreported Noah langer, .............. DobblePhillips MOSQUITO GAMES PLAYED AUG. 8, 1984 Lasco Steel-------...4 Anies Street-------...4 Graeme Wlfllamn GmeeBratord ........... 2 Steve Vanderheyden RandyVandenberg Brent Dewdney Geoffreyflrayford AdamPayne (Wlth this dieLasco Steel have cllnchod the Legue champlonshP) Canadian Scottish Club 1 MathewTwydell Canadian Tire ......0 Oshawa Meat ProductsO WhitbyOptimist Club .3 Karl fItot ................2 Jeff Kwong County Bowl........ 5 PhlIpKaIeta.............. PEEWEE. GAMES PLAYED AUG. 2t.1984 .9 . )Ids.y 7-ni The Whitby Lakes 4 Wallpapers easily out- ::3 classed 'the , Oshawa Rangers with a 7-0 vie- tory i local minor atomn soccer action last Thur- sday nmght. lub . Just tbree minutes in- ....2 to thse first haif, Shane Bevan struck to open thse scoring. Before thse Ids. 10 ýhall ended Bevan added ..:..3 another goal with other ..... markers being con- tributed by Derek Dixon and Sean Heaney. The second haif was also ail Whitby's. Dixon added two'more goals luctso wbile the third marker was added by Dwayne Allen. Whitby also played a solid defensive gamne and held the play in the Rangers zone .1 tbrougliout the second Earning the shut-out Jfor Whitby was netmnin- der Mark Sholtes. Energy Shortage?. Any person, active or flot, is apt ýo run Iow on energy now and then. Ac- cordingly, nutritionists advise eating carbohy- * drates, proteins and fats at your breakfast meal to provide energy in a hurry and on a sustained basis throughout the day. by If you're active, you by- need a hlte more carbohy- Bn- drate in your diet, add nu- to tritionists. Healthful sources ofcarbohydrates include such foods as flour and cereal products, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. If you're flot active, remember that exercise revitalizes! LETS :0 SEEYOU O DO IT... ýe OUJ[DOORS! Brooklin Legion... DfflgBray Otter Creek ....... 10 Michael Kosurko........... 4 StevenhIoýrnton ........... 2 Simon Ashdown............ 2 Mice" Blanger ..........3 Otter Creeki.. Michael Belanger.. Michael Kosuko ... Bih Huli Shmon Ashdon Bob Myers Chev 01 Kevin McLod ...... John Bande Kirk Mash Brookilin Legion ... Doug Bray .......... Ronnie Wagg Bob Myers Chev O]i Kevin MeLeod...... -Mfark Blas ........... Dave odn........... John Bandel Andrew Eckford Treor Lucas Colin Pickering James Bell Oshawa Meat Prodi ATOM GAME PLAYED JULY 319,1984 Whitby Kinsmen ..i Blair Park .... Chrlatopher Dewdney steven MeKlnnon HEP EL WNTE j QUWANTED CLASSiIID In*d g e t basebali champs The Wbltby mldget basebail team won the Eastern Ontario Chami- 'plonsblp this past weekend in Kingston. Behlnd the excellent pltching of Dave Imeson, Rob Llghtle and Dale Johnson the team won three stralght games beatlng Peter- borough, Port Hope and Ajax. SKey bits by Scott Bur- nett, Scott Tutton and Doug McCorkel provided the offense wbile Jeff Hughes, Chris Reler, Rlch Macapagal, Jody Woodward,. Rod Nichols, Brian Yorke and Steve Dormer an- chored a solid defense. The final game featured a two bitter by Johnson and several outstanding catches by leftfielder Noel Bacque. The coacbing staff of Dave Imeson, Jack Me- Corkeil and Bil Hughes are now preparing the team for the "IAAA" ail Ontario Playdowns this coming week. PEEWEE GAMES PLAYED AUG. 9e,1984 Canadian Tire...... 2 Whitby Optimist CI Riel Mhlbtzr Sean Beatte......... Brian Martland Randy Vandenberg DISPLAY ADVERTISING MANAGER Required by well establIshed local newspaper. This position would appeal to soméone in adver- tling sales wishing to develop his or her leader. ship and creatîve abilities at the management level. Remuneration commensurate with abîlity and experience. Apply to: The Publisher WhItby Fr..e Press 131 Brock St. N., Whltby, Ont. am 1

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