Whitby Free Press, 22 Aug 1984, p. 26

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PAGE 26, WEDNES DAY, AUGUST 22, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS Whltby's Most WideIy Read c LAS5i1FE DADS~__ ~~TU ITEsVACATION BOTS&ARICE ARTICLES CHILO CARE II RENTAIS EVENTS SUPLIS O RSL FOR SALE SRIE fo4M- e O D SPECIALi.Y DESIGNED Sumrner PROPAà SKEG REPAIRS (5 day AMWAY PRODUCTS. Caît 668- "HEROES of the Bible"colourIng DADYSITTINO EMERGENÇY CE R O DR V oieahater.hee doos academcay advanced In- it-yourself fbreglasa supplies. 6 ..ing & Office Supply, Ajax Plaza, the day. Lots of toys and LActRNTra l ro rVEni, poe o oleh s , divIdu is. 683-2226. Oshawa Glass Fibre - Rayplex. .683-1968. Dealer InquIres In- nuitlous M ais. 66-1647. Stagh rukmajor attractions, chIldren 341 Durham St., 579-1433. FOR SALE one 40 foot tower and vited. -- w lc o o. 2 2 5 0 0 .S.6 5 5 -4 2 1 6 . W I L L B A B Y S IT in m y h o m e , D u n . Iio tre m igh t T ru c k wI om" "$225. 0 dssOrld Gardond St.iares.s.PPone ToIt Frse 1-800-263-8023 weetcly (loas than motelANUNEENS 1972 GREW SS-130 Fiborgiase deANdKarenStPTesCPon om). 683-5503AN speedboat with 40 h.p. Merc and 6AKUPC 68-8401. *Tilt traiter. Etectric Start motor, CHESTERFIELD suites, love- SHOE SALE 00 ~ ~~~CONGRATULATIONS on your and blige pump. $2,795. Aiso Q§ price. Large selection. Mct<eon ho ry yes L itA A E dInm o e ~SERVICESE IE I forthcoming marriage. Please h.p. Evinrude Outboard motor. Furniture. 524 Simcoe St. S., SosM full days or lunch plus alter vlew Our samples of ongraved Eiectric start with ail controis. In Oshawa. 725-5181. $1, $2, £3 a palir schoo. atic~ldenhAii SMAINTENANCE-INDOOR AND OUTDOOR Painting and Decorating Reasonable Ratesf 576-0507, day or nlght DONNA RUTTAN'S S11k Flower Supples & Flower Classes Now taking Fali registration. .Cail 666-3124 For More Information VACATION TIME or just a weokond away. Leave your home and pets in my care. Cail Elua 683395. MATURE RELIABLE LADY wili do tight housecleaning, expentenco over 15 years, own transpor- tatlone Call Barbaraaet 7259154. DCOLOJR ANALYSIS Disçover the colours &shadles that Com- plIment your ]kM tone & enhance your best features. r Oniy $30 por Consultation Caîl Sharon Taylor PAT AND CONNUE are pieased to announce the arrivaI of their Speci daughter named Ashteigh Shannon at 11:15 a.m. on Friday, August l7th, 1984. THROUGHBRED HORSES <2>: Rag'd. Mare Bay, 16H., 6 yrs. Hasty RoadChateaugay breoding; large Yearling Filiy, Nljnsky Il breedlng. Excellent condition and guaranteed sound. Roasonable. 416) 985-3668, 923- .8344. HORSES FOR SALE very good wtth chlldren. Phono 6554023 ai- ter 5:30 p.m. JGP GARDENING à MAITENANCE Grass cuttlng, retaining wall, sod, patio 'Stone work, wood fencing, pruning and trim, private edge, and shrub. Residential and Commercial. FREE ESTIMATES CALL 728-4017 eJFRR ÊiN WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for rent on profeasionat floor. Wouid be suitabie for iawyer, accountant, etc. Rent inctudes ail utîlities and la negotiabie for an appropriate tenant. For further information Cali 668-6372 between 9:30 s.m. and 5 p.m. Monday 10 Friday. walkout basement one bedroom apartment. With att facilities, firepiace, ln rural Whitby area. Prefer retired eideriy couple or person Who wouid appreciate auch an environment. Fent and other details negofiable. Ropiy P.O. Box 414, Brookiin, LOB iCO. ONE BEDROOM APARTMVENT ln aMai Whitby building. Adulte oniy. Includes frIdge, stovo, hydro and parking. Cabie TV and iaundry focilities avoulable. Phono 668-672 betwoen 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. FREE.~ Drop ntointhe ik b ERIE Prntg&Office supply store In the Aax Plaza and pick up a froe, copy Of their 1964 Moîrlo Colon. don. Printed In two colours. t mokas for handy roforenco. 683- 1968. weigivtations ai your 191- sure In our Ajax Plaza store. Dick- son Prlnting& Office Supplies 683-1968. G3ARGE LARGE GROUP GARAGE SALE. Saturday, August 25, 6 Guthrie Cres., Whitby. Raindate Sunday, Auguat 26. YARD SALE Saturday, Auguat 25, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Bride's wedding hat, baby carniage, baby Items, suede coat, size 9-10, other househoid Items. 1 Queen St., BrooklIn. YARD SALE 118 Hazelwood Dr., Whltby. South off Manning Rd. Saturday, August 25, 9 arn. to 4 p.m. Household Items, furnIture, portable TVas, glassware, clothlng plants. Bargaînsl BUYENET WANTED TO RENT small home for quiet, older lady. Reasonabie rent, occupany September. or later. Contact Mrs. D. Willlamson, 76 Sellers Ave., Toronto, M6E 3T6. MIE Apiac WANTED USED APPLIANCES (Working or Not) WE BUY, SELL RECON DITION RAIIERS FOR SALE 38* HOUSE TRAILER on scenlo lakesido lot fully furn. with 4 Pc. bath, fridge, stove, etc. Master bedroom and 2 bunks, 10x24' dock and garden shed. Located on Scugog Island. Asklng $6,500. Cati 855-4069. FOR SALE traiter hitch, stabilizers and brake assembiy, $100. Phone 668-7320. 'GRAMMAR for people Who hate grammar"~ la the ideai pocket reforence book for business People. $395 Per copy and avoil- aoble ut Dickaon Printlng & Office Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Doutler onquIries Invitod683.1968. use untit recentiy replace with larger unit. Good condition. Asking $80. Cali 655-4069. 131 CANOE super safe, indestruc. table Coleman canoe. 455 lb. load caPacity, excellent shape. $200. Cait eveninga 649.2671. t REPUjOR, O IES CAR REPAIRS bodywork, tune- ups, paint job, etc. Reasonabte rates. 86687620 anytime. FRSALE 1980 FORD GRENADA air con- ditioning, $3,700. Phone 668- 3789. FOR SALE 1978 Pontiac Phoenix, P-3., P.b., automatic tran- smission, 35OCC Buick angine, 4 door. As le. Best Offer. Cai after 5 P.m., 6U-~6512. 1975 0000E single axte, 15 ton hoist, 23,000 pound rear end, full air, with traiter hitch, wili certify. 668-8523. FOR SALE 1975 MG Midget. Good condition. Phono 668-9691. 1974 TOYOTA CELICA GT 5 speed, spoliers, f tares, $2.300. Phono 571-1461. MOTORCCLES' FOR SALE 1978.HONDA XR75 dIrt bike. Lîke new. $350 or best offer. 267-2152, Scarborough. MOVING SALE: dishwasher, $250. 16 cu. f t. freezer, $250. FrIdge, $50. 91, Rockweli Beaver 80W, $200. Misc. tools. Vice 51/2 jaws, $45. Teak LR set, $125. Bunk beda, $50. Body bulding weights (110 lb.), $60. Dînette set giasa and chrome), $75. Phone CHECK OUR 10W EVERYDAY PRICES On new chesterfields, bedroom setsi, colonial dining rooms, and kif chen suifes, beds, etc. ELMER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor StE. (At Ritson) Oshawa * 109 Brock St. S., VISUT our used furnîture ware- house by appointment. Big savinga on deaka, chairs, Mting cabinets, etc. Cail DIckson Print- Ing & Office Supplies to arrange an appoinîment to view. 683- HOPE CHESTS and blanket boxes, for sale. Cal 433-8951. FOR SAIE homemade beige weddtng gown, size 12. Slip, size 12. Beige shoos, size 6V2. Slip- pers. size 7B. Phono 668-8229. IGEOTYPE press-on letterlng now ln stock ai DIckson Printing & Of- fice Supplies ln the Ajax Shop- ping Piaza. Large solection of styles and sizes. Why pay more for a amalier sheet of tettering? 683-1968. BARRELS.- WhIskey, $25. Rum, $30. Guaranteed, wet, free deiivery. 686-1645 or 686-0257. POTTER'S ROOFING se havIng a speciai on shinglIng, 40 per cent savIngs, we aiso do driveway seaiing. For more Information cati 579-3078. NOUSEOLD1 Charlie lias prie the right way., The Dickson Printing and Office.Suppiy route that Ieads to business success!1 RTILES1 F'ORRR 11ENT] TYPEWRITER rentai, manymakes and modeis, by the weokend, week or month. _Discounts avait. able. Dickson Printing & Office Supplies in the Ajax Plaza. Colt us for business machine repairs 683-1968. Ajax, 427-7232. EXPERIENCED moTHER WINi do babysItting in my home. ex. perience In stimuiating chitdren, K<nob Hill Farm ares. Caîl 728. 9129. DAY CARIE AVAULABLE In my I home, Wentworthilen St. ares, No. 2 shifts welcome, referencos availabie. Phono 571-3176. CLEARANCE 0F- DEMO SATELLITE TV SYSTEMS L.N.A.'s, Recelvers Dishes, and more at 30% OFF retail. One compete 81 system with Luxor 9533 remote control reCever and 120 degree Ma-Com INA Sale Price - $1,895 CALL 655-4069 9 a.m.to 8 p.m. MATTRESSES and box apringa at haif price. Mct<oen Furniture, 524 Stmncoe Street South, Oshawa. 725-5181. FOR SALE TV tower, $75. Cati 668-8124. FOR SALE two horse tag aiong. Excellent shape. Phono 433-1573. Please check your advertisement for e.-rors on the tirst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will ot be hiable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publica- tion beyond the cost of the space oCCupled by the error up to a maximum cost of the first Insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or reject ail advertise- ments. Ads must appear in the Daper one day before they can be changed or cancelled. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words; 1lie each additio,:- ai word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified Ad to [TENTION DISPLAY &CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS your Chargex or Visa aCcount. Please have your Visa card ready when calling. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irsi 100 words; 12c each additionaî word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8,00 for the first 50 words; 12(D each additîonaî word. AUCTION SALES - 34(D per line. <No word ads aîlowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make every en- deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- cept no liability regarding Ioss or damage alîeged to arise through failure or deîay in forwarding such replies. We wiII not be responsible *for box number replies flot called for within 30 days. DEADLII4ES: Monday noon prior (o publication to insert or cancel Ctassified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL j. wm E E RRR.RIII (PATEN7 ýjC0NN0SFORRT ~I..V~~OCK~OCK FOR RENT beautiful and scenic m

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