WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY AUGUST 29, 1984, PAGE 25 Whitby's Most WideIy Read QCLASSIFIED AD.s f ANDSUPLES ~AANDLISSUPPLIES ACTONACTON uDICIO~NS 4P U.IFTdIONS B&L LANDSCAPING GARDEN MAINTENANCE Resîdentiai, Commercial. Pruning, tree removal, sidewalk,' patios, fenclng, iawns seeded, sodded, fer- tilized, 30 yaar. Durhiam Ragon. L .823-3299 SMAALL GARDENER has a few ex- tras for sale. SprucoePne, Mapie, Coder, Peanles, Iris, Rhubarb, Forsythia, Liiac, Liiiy of the Valley, Raspberrv plants. Pickiing beete, canots, broccali, csbbage, cauliflwer, tommtos, diii, crab appies. Smaii quantîties, your appies presaed for juice. Aiso horse radiah and codar rails. Al very reasonabie priced. For more Information 655-4525. WEED CONTROL $18 Priced based on 5,000 sq. ft. LOU'S LAWN SERVICE 728-3589 PLLOCK ORCHARDS WHITBY lNOW OPEN Foeaturing new crop, apples, pears, cder, honey, tomatoos. ow aavailable Fresh Corn. Everyday iow prices. Firrst entrance north of Rossiand on H-ighway 12 east side.. We need a few good0 boysan -gliri Sl Become a Carnt- today. Lesrn ta be a business person wth responsibllilty -whIle earnlng money. Become the outstand- Ing carrier of the month and become e wlnneri Tsik ta aur Circulation Manager. COU 668-6111 Todmnyl .WHITBY FRE! PRESS WORD PROCESSNO & Micro BABYSrrER EEDED for two Computer lntroductory courues. amali chlldren. Two ta three af- Three wek apeclal. $95. Longer temnoona pet week, approx. 2 to 5 courses avallable wlth cerifIcate p.m., preferably In my home, Nor- and assistance In job placement. th-oust Whitby. 434-6450. 883222. _ _ _ EXPERIENCED HAIRDRES8ER MEEDLECRAPTER8: Instructors wlth clientele required full or needed. Excltlng new way tai sali part-Irne. Commissions aof50% stitchery and tum your hobby In- ln modem shop. Pieuse cali 68& ta cash. WIi train. Cail Unda&083- 3061 for more Information or ap- 8719. piy 102 Byron St. S., Whitby. m -..- &lue, - .- -- -~- - AUMTIW1 Evey SJ Y a 1 u J It thMUTO OPN PART-TOME 9 p.m. ta 2:30 &m., week nights. Apply ut Submarine Machine, 201 Dundas St. W., Whitby. EXPERIENCE11DDI5HWASHER, days, Manday ta Fniday. Explorer Restaurant. Cali 68-0316. WANTED EXPERIENCED waltrealwaiter. Fult-time position. Phone 666-3070. PART-TIME BADYSITTER with flexile haurs. Osys and avenings. Phoneo 06-0123. WANTED BODYMAN Minimum 4 years experience. Ask for Gary Dunnfing Phono 686-4124 or 686-4406 Royal Auto Centre ASSOCIATE FAMILlES CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FR1., AUGUST 31 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lin- dsay/Little Britain Rd. Hussier kitchen cup- board (refinished), 9 piece walnut dining room suite, china cabinet secretariat com- bination, Kenmore spin washer, parlour tables, chestorfields, washstan- ds, pressback rockers, coffee and end tables, portable and consol color TV's, modemn dressers and chest-of- drawers, refridgerators, Mohair chesterfieid and chairs (good condition), oak library table, AMF 8 h.p. riding lawnmower, quantity of tools, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 THE CORPORATION 0F THETOWNOFWHITBY THE TOWN 0F WH ITBY Parks and Recreation Depariment Require PART*TIME STAFF TO WORK IN THE WHITBY ARENAS POSITIONS AVAILABLE: Food concession servers, ice patrol workers, hockey school instructors, Iearn to skate instructors, rink boys (general duties). Applications may be picked up at the Iroquois Park Comnplex, between 9:00 a.mf. and 8:00 p.m. daily. For further information contact: Mr. Mark McNichoI, Assistant Supervisor of Facilities, 668-7765. Attention: Mr. J. A. Clowas AUCTION SALE SAT., SEPTEMBER 1 6:00 P.M. At Pearce Auction Cen- tre on Shirley Rd. 4 miles south 0f Port Perry. Estate 0f the late MRS. IRENE JONES of Bowmanviiie and addedf consignments. Fur- nîture, good appliances, antiques, tools and much more. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 985-7492 AUCTION SALE TUES., SEPTEMBER 4 6:00 P.M. Stouffville Sales Barn. Househoid furniture, an- tiques, dishes, applian- ces, 1974 truck - 5 ton, assortment of tools, numerous other articles. Terms cash. Sale at 6 P.. EARL GAUSLIN AUCTIONEER 640-3079 IN THE COUNTY COURT 0F THE JUDICIAL DISTRICT 0F DURHAM- IN THE MATTER 0F The Partition Act, R.S.O. 1980, c. 389 BETWEEN: GUISEPPINA MOLICA -and- Applicant SALVATORE SATURNO, DOMINIC MOLICA, THOMAS MOLICA and JOSEPH MOLICA Respondonts ADVERTISEMENT Pursuant to the Order of His Honour Judgo Lawson dated Juiy 26, 1984, thoro wiil bo offersd for sale by public auction In one parcol, at the Courthouso, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, On- tario, on Tuosday, tho llth day of Septomber, 1984, at 2:00 o'clock In the afternoon, the lands and promises'on the west side of Gardon Street, forth of Taunton Road, ln Whitby, consisting of a 'brick and stono sevon roomn bungalow, with 2000 square foot 0f living spaco, wlth three bedrooms, with a two car garage and located on a 40 acre wooded lot. Tho proporty wiii be offerod for sale, subjeot to a f irst MortgagesescurIng $40,000.00 and accrusd intorest and a second Mortgage of $35,000.00 and accrusd Interest, both Mortgages having expired and being prosently due. The purchasor shalilPSY to Adole O'Connel, solicitor for the respondont Salvatore Saturno, on the dato of the auction, f Ivs (5) percent of the pur- chase money and shail pay the balance of the pur- chase money Into Court wlthout Interest, on or before the closing date of October 29, 1984. Ad- justmoents aro to be made as of the date of closIng. Particulars of the Conditions of Sale and the out- standing amounts owing on the Mortgages may b. obtained from Adels O'Connsil, Barrister and Solicitor, 212 Wellington Street, Whitby, Ontario, tolophone number 666-3700. Ths Purchaser shall soarch titis at hîs own expense. In ail other respects, the Conditions of Sais are the standing Conditions of Sale of this Court, as modifisd by the Conditions of Sale ssttisd by the undsrsignsd. Arrangements for Inspection prior to sale may bo made by contacting Andrew Bruce at 723-2278, Oshawa. DATED at WHITBY, this 2lst day of August, 1984. No. 13003 Clogh LEGAL NOTICES ON RAIL PUBLIC NOTICE Canadien National Raiiways proposes ta relouate lit Ajax Team Track ln the Town of Ajax, Regionai Municipsiity of Durham, ta a location on the sauth aide of Hunt Street juat west of Monarch Street, aima ln the Town of Ajax. Approximately 150 metres 0f tracit iocated west of Westney Road and juat south of Mighway Na. 401* presentiy used as a teaming facility, wiii be physicaiiy retired and repiaced by approximuteiy 130 metres of tracit ut the above-nated location. A truckt apron area wiii be con- structed ut the new faciiity suitabie for use by ail vehicles using the present facility. Enquiries regarding the above shouid be directed ta: Mr. A. G. Bartalo, P. Eng. Engineer Special Projecta Room 1213 -20 York Street Toronto, Ontario M5J 1E7 Tel: (416) 860-2481 If any perBan has objections ta the above proposed worlca, these shauid be conveyed ln writing ta: Mr. J. 0'Hara Secretary Raiiway Transport Committea Canadien Transport Commission Ottawa, Ontario K1A ON9 A copy la ta be sent ta: Mr. G. A. Van de Water Vice-President Canadian National Ruiiways Greut Laites Raglan Suite 805 277 Front Street West Toronto, Ontario M5V 2X7 TIHE LION AND THE UNICOAN .WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITERSIWAITRESSES Apply In porson Monday to Friday, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. No toîsphons calis please. 112 Coiborne St. E., Whltby WANTED *Share your home with a developmentally handicapped chilId. *Obtain Professional Training *Receivea salary and excellent. benef its. 571-m3420 SERVICES UL::[ 1 à i ---i a 1 à & 0 - 1 ý A - - - ý ý - - - - - 1 1 ý 1 - MU, eým LEGAL NOTICES NUMOOOOO