PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS Lawmen sign theirfirst twoplayr Turtle Wax ......... 7 Hughes Hawks...12 Turtle Wax ......... 12 Turtle*Wax .........15 Brothers Pizza...18 Dickson Printing..20 .,aseys Roadhouse .. .12 in Bt à e 1- st ge [y r le id ts McCauley Furniture . 0 Brothers Hughes Hawks ....... 8 Caseys Roadhouse ... 10 Dickson Printing ...8 Waterbed Co....12 Texaca Chiefs.......6 FINAL STANDINGS G W L !Brothers Pizza 23 16 6 r'urtle Wax 23 14 8 lexaco Chiefs 23 13 9 augbes Hawks 23 13 9 "laseys Roadhouse 23 il il !cCauley Furniture 23 il 12 )icksons Printing 23 8 14 1Waterbed Co. 23 2 21 Sun. Sept. 23 Mon. Sept. 24 Fni. Oct. 5 Fri. Oct. 12 Fni. Oct. 19 Fni. Oct. 26 Fi. Nov. 2 Fri. Nov. 9 Fri.,Nov. 16 Fni. Nov. 30 Mon. Dec. 10 Fni. Dec. 14 Fni. Dec. 21 Fni. Dec. 28 Fi. Jan. 4 Mon. Jan. 14 Fri Jan. 18 Fi. Jan. 25 Fi. Feb. 1 Fi. Feb. 8 Fi. Feb. 15 Mon. Feb. 18 Mon. Feb. 25 WHITBY LAWMEN 1984-85 SEASON Hlome Sehedule Only vs North York vs -Orillia vs Aurora vs Richmond Hill vs Newmarket vs Orillia vs Dixie vs North York vs Dixie vs Aurora vs Markham vs Richmond Hill vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs Aurara Dixie Richmond Hili Markbam Newmarket Orillia Newmarket North York Dixie Markbam Orillia Richmond Hil T PTS 1 33 1 29 1 27 1 27 1 25 22 1 17 4 7:30 9:OO0p.m. 7:30 p. m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:15 p. m. 7:30 p. m. 7:30 p. m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:15 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:15 p.m. 8:20 p.m. 8:15 p.M. AUl games played at the Iroquois Park Arena. The Whitby Lawmen, Turpin alsa played ii the newest entry into the the Metro Junior '1 Ontario Junior Hockey League but for thi League, announced Iast Oshawa Legionnaires week that It had signed He lead the league in in its first two players. dividual goals-agairn Both of the 'players average (3.00), shut joiming the"'tier two"l outs (two), team', Junior 'A' hockey fran- goals-against averagg chise are local boys with (3.45), and was the oni, impressive track recor-; unanimous . ail-stai ds in the sport. game.choice among tii Bob Anderson of Ieague's coaches anc Whltby bas been selec- general managers. ted to playleft wing. He Lawmen presideni played for Markham, on Murrary Stroud said ir the O.H.L. Metro Junior a written statement: 'B' League last season "It's a tremendduç and in. 37 games boost for our team to in. maà naged 20 goals and 18 troduce these two local assists. He also played boys as our first players four games with Orillia signed.* We trust, they Travelways during their wil be representative of play-off season. (Orillia aur committment to this lost in the Canadian area in building a corn finals to Weyburn, petitive hockey club and Saskatchewan in seven at the same time, games). creating local interest." Also coming to' the The Lawmen's first Lawmen is goalminder game af the season wil] Gary Turpin of Oshawa. be on Sept. 23 at 7:30 WHITBY MINOR BASEBALL BANTAM HOUSE LEAGUE ROUND ROBIN RESULTS - AUG. 30/84 W L T PTS W.M.B.A. 3 2- 0 6 Grand Oak Homes 2 2 1 5- Whitby Audio 2 3 0 4 Rotary 1 3 1 3 Dom's Auto 1 4 O 2 The final championsbip game held on Aug. 26 Grand Oak Homes defeated W.M.B.A. 11-6. Although a close game, Grand Oak overcame a 6-5 deficit to become the 1984 W.M.B.A. champion. President John Graham presented the trophy to the winming team at Pringle Park. Ail Bantamn coaches are ta be congratulated for an excellent season. WHITBY MEN'S SLO-PITCH LEAGUE GAMES PLAYED AUG. 24-289,1984 Hughes Hawks. ...25 Waterbed Co....... 12 p.m. in the Iroquois Park Arena when they take an, North York, This game will kick off a 48-game season; 24 games of which will be played at roquais. According ta Shaune Lucas, one of the club's executive directors, season tickets are now being sold through the roquais Park Arena. These tickets will cast $50 each and are available by calling 668- 7765. SAil of the arena's 1,500 seats will be sold on a general admission basis. There wiil bg no reserve seats. Ad- mission wil be $3.50 for adults, $2.50 for students and $1.50 for senior' citizens and cbildren. These tickets wili only be sold on the.night of the game. Straud also announ- *The Dunedin Con- struction midgets bowed out quickly in the' Ail Ontario Basebal finals this past weekend.-' The Whitby Minor Basebaîl Association troup began their quest for a berth in the Ail On- tarioa-finals back in early August after they were crowned Eastern On- tario Champions by defeating Peter- borough, Port Hope and finally Ajax without allowing an earned run throughout the three games. Dave Imçson, Rab Lightle and Dale Johnson were the win- ning pitchers. The Dunedin crew. then faced Oshawa in a battle for the rights ta represent Eastern On- tario in the "AAA" playdowns, which is the highest classification in Ontaria Minor Basebaîl. Pool elosed for relpairs Iroquois Park Pool will be closed for main- tenance alterations Sep- tember 3 ta October 1, 1984. The Kinsmen Outdoor Pool will extend its haurs of aperation into the first two weeks of September and will close the evening of Sep- tember 16 at 7:30 p.m. The Kinsmen schedule is: adult noon hour swirn from 12 noon ta 1:30 p.m. and public swim from 4 ta 5 p.m. and 6:30 tao7:30 p.m. The regular scheduled Faîl Instructional Swim Programs will com- mence the week of Oc- tober 15, 1984. For mare infor- mation, please cali Iroquais Park Camplex at 668-7765. ced that the team's of- ficiai colors wil be red and blue. Home sweaters white with the team's logo in red and blue. Away sweaters. wlll be red with the same logo. Bob Anderson and Gary Turpin, the f irst two players to be signed wlth the Whitby Lawmen are seen here showing off the club's logo. The Lawmen are the newest junior* 'A' (tier two) franchise ln the Ontario Junior H ockey-League. Anderson, a Whitby lad, has been selected ta play left wing while Turpin, from Oshawa, will assume the team's netmninding duties. The club's f irst game wlill be Sept. 23 et 7:30 p.m. when they take on North York. Free Press Staff Photo 225 Broc F R ANK-M-EL( St. N. TORONTO FOR $89,990. 4 Bedroom sidespllt on mature lot with easy access ta 401. Needs decorating ta, suit your teste. Cal Liz Rankin 668- 6171. WR! THE NEIGHBOURHOOD PROFESSIONALS. 824 Brock St. M, Whltby 668-6221 GOLD JACKET REALTY LTD. memrber broker (Across f romthe Curling Rink) The first game was won» easily by Whitby 13-4. Rob Lightle was the winning. pitcher with relief help from Dave * Imeson. Dale Johnson with three RB's and Dave Imeson with two, helped build the score. Scott Burnett and Jeff Hughes also had three bits a piece. Whitby last the second game 8 to 5 with Dale Johnsan on reord' as the losing pitcher. Scott Burnettwent three for five with two RBI's and Dave Imeson chipped in with. two bits and two, RBI's in a losing cause. The. third and >deciding gamre* saw Whitby faîl behind 5 tao0 before caming back and trauncing Oshawa 12 ta 5. Rab Lightle pitched six excellent innings or relief after taking over for Dave Imeson. Imeson provided much of the offence at the plate with two bits and four RBI's and Dale Johnson knocked in the winning mun with a bases loaded single in the eigbtb inning. The midgets then en- tered a two*out of three series with Streetsville and won handily 3-0 and 13-2. Dale Johnson pit- ched the first game which was shortened ta six innings due ta ramn. Doug McCorkéll, Rick Macapagal. and Scott Tutton pravided the RBI's. Dave Imeson was the winning pitcher in the second game as the Whitby bats came ta lîfe. 'Catcher Scott Tut- ton went four for five and knacked in five runs. Chris Reier had two hits and had twa RBI's. Other hitters were Scott Burnett, Steve Darmer, Jeff Hughes, Brian Yorke, Dave Imeson and Doug MeCorkell. The team then went to Guelph for the AIl On- tario finals and played the hometown Rayais in the first game. Dale Hallmark of a Bowes & Cocks Limuted salesper. son. You may rest assured that your conjfidence wiil not be mispiaced when you consuit Aima for your reai estate needs by cailing 576-2421 or OUa Dunedin suffers only shut-out hifinals Le docteur David W. Garant DENTISTE annonce avec enthousiasme le demenagement de son bureau dentaire a 203 Byrôn Street South Whitby 668u5822 Johnson pitched 'a strong game allawing anly one earned run as Whitby lost 3 taO. The Dunedin crew could not get the key bits as they stranded 10 baserunners.ý The final game pitted Whitby against ,Bboor- dale, a team tbey had defeated earlier- in the year. The game was a pitcher's duel until the fourtb inning witb Dave Imeson throwing for Whitby. The Toronto team scored three runs in the fourth and once again Whitby's bats went cold as they could push no runners across the plate. The final score was 8-0. As luck would have it the midgets had not been.shut-out ail season up until their last tWo' games. The Dunedin team would like to thank their sponsor "Dunedin Construction," and Whitby Minor Basebal for their support during a season which saw them win 32 games while losing only 13. Team members are: Scott Burnett, Rod Nichais, Daug Mc- Corkell, Dale Johnson, Rab Lightle, Rich Macapagal, Scott Tilt- ton, Jeff Hughes, Dave Imeson, Jr. Steve Dar- mer, Jady Woodward, Noel Bacque, 'Brian Yorke and Chris Reier. The coaching staff was made up of Dave Imesan, Bill Hughes, Jack McCorkell and Ed Lightle. LETS SEEYOU DO IT... OLJEDOORS! mm@mmmmý 1128 CLOVERDALE ST., OSHAWA Nlce dlean three bedroom backsplit, large brlght kitchen, finished recreation room with bar & stools, big fenced yard, detached. Only $68,900.00. Caîl Gall Walmsley 723-6291.