IR 0WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1984, PAGE 3 Region ca shes Brookin letter of ecre dit in, n «i f.. 1 lit a Uve IUaUL Wa described as an effort to protect Uts best in- terests, Durham Regional Council has cashed the letters 0f credit it received two years ago from the developer of the now defunct Brooklin development scheme. According to Durham Regional . Chairman Gary Herrema, he or- dered finance com- rnissioner Jack Gartley to cash the letters .- valued at $2. 15 million - lf ter an im-camera eeting of the anagement commit- ee on Sept. 5. The action was prom- ted, Herrema said last ednesdayï, ýafter--h& scovered that some 00 of the 600 acres that ere to be developed ad been foreclosed pon and returned to heir original owners. he chairman said he rst found out about the oreclosures while cam- igning for the Liberal arty during the recent eral election. (However, he did not ke any'action. on. this, nowledge until- after e electionalthough he d ask- the ýregion'S'ý licitor Shan Jain to vestigate before- nd.) When regional council as informed of the move at its meeting Iast week, it came under vocal attack fromn a few Oshawa representatives who claimed that the management commit- tee had nio right to take the action without first consuiting council.' Leading the attack was Coun. John DeHart who said he "was amazed" to have discovered what the committee had done. "This is- absolutely nonsense, "- he said, "dIf management can do this, what do they need council for?"' Another Oshawa representative, Coun. Bruce McArthur took a similiar stand saying- that - .most.-,regional councillors "stili think they have a vote ...this seems to be a most inappropriate action of the management com- mnittee at this moment." He pointed out that the fued between the region and the developers has "Ialways been subject to or threatened with legal action. It's always been on the horizon."1 Brock Mayor Alan McPhail, vice-chairrnan 0f the management committee, defended the action saying that it was. in the best interest 0f the region. "A move was made to protect the region," he said, "Time was 0f the essence, we had to move quickly."1 "This action was taken to protect the region. It was a tactical thing," McPhail added. Under the terms 0f the agreement -signed bet-: ween the region and the developers, Durham would have the right to cash *.the letters of credit if work to extend trunk water and sanitary sewer pipes was begun within four years of the necessary officiaI plan amendments receiving fuil. approvai or if the developer dispoésed -of the land in any way -(i.'e. sold it or assigned it to, another company). According to chief administrative officer Don Evans, the foreclosure on the 300 acres of land in the development . envelope &"iconstituted a disposaI 0f property."1 "It was feared that if the region didn't act immediately then the region would have dif- riculty recovering the rnoney," he said. McPhâil added that now that the region hâs- fhe money, it will be able to deal with the developer from a position of strength either in new negotiations or in court. The regional solicitor r DR. DANIEL BOLSHIN ~ DENTAL SURGEON is pleased to announce the opening of his office for the practice of GENERAL DENTISTRY at 858 BROC K ST. N. WHITBY 668-3884 SEEOUR LARGE- SELECTION OF JUTE BACK CARPET As Low As sq. ydqy A WIDE VAffETY 0F 100% NYLON CARPET WITH ATTACHED UNDERPA $i9 Starting As Low As * sq. yd. OVER 40 ROILS 0F NO WAX Starting As Low As VINYL CUSHION FLOORING $4 sq d Instock Items Ony HOU RS: Mon.-Wed. 9-6 Thurs.-FrI. 9-9 Sat. 9-5 ††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††i iri YI I Iln 1711<11 I<IY~I(IrMf Gary Herrem a iSA 1305 Harwood Ave. N., Ajax 683-6126 JU8T t NfO F HWY. 40, 1