PA&GE 30, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS Whitby's Most WideIy Readl _C LASSIFIFDADS i AucTI0ýNs' AUCTION Every SUN DAY at 1 P.M. at the AUCTION COMPANY 94'Bruce St., Oshawa (South of Athol off Ritson) Don't miss the fun and excitement. Your chance to. buy every, imaginable item, Clothing, stereos, lamps, furniture, household effects and tool ' s. All New. We also have vehicles and are now tâ'king consignments on Estates, contents, etc., or we will pay you cashon thespot. Call 433-8032 1SHERIFF'S SALE, One 1980 Chrysier LeBaron Automobile, dark blue; One Nikko 1200 Amplifier; One Toshiba SR355 Turntabie; Two RCA Victor Speakers; One Teac A3340S Reel to Reel Tape Deck; One Zenith Data System Video Monitor-Serial No. 4252534; One Commodre Vic 20-Model 689890; Commodore Data Set Model No. 1742210; Power Pak; One Taugs RB 8000 Amplifier Model RB8104 Serial No. 094001; 22 Photographe; Three Photo Albums - Group Photo (Beatles); One Hammond Organ and Berch -,VS100; One Ai.civar Etectric Guitar; Tune Up AMP Gultar - Loco Aria Model MX60 - Serial No. 0528; One Portable Toievision (Sharp- Linytron Plus); One Jerrold Star Com ilI Converter; One Jet Service Jack (2 ton); Six Floor stands; Six air hoses; One Saridblaster; One 50 amp. battery charger; One spray gun; One itydraullo Jack; One 5, gai. Dupont primer thinner; 100 shoot package sandpaper; Two Boxes miscellaneous nuts and boite; Twenty-Five roils masking tape; file board paper; Torch and Hoses (approx. 75 feet); Box of Flux Coating Bronze Baze Weiding Rods; Devil- Vlss 5 horsepower compressor, model 446 43; Guy Chart Practipuil Frame Machine with f ive wall boards and attachments; 12 Batteries No. 48-525; 1 Battery No. 49-6W0. TO BE SOLD, BY PUBLIC AUCTION on THURSDAV,OCTOBER 4th, 19ý84, at 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon at the Court House, 605 Roseland Road East, Whitby. TERMS. Cash or Certif led choque, deîivery only on payment in full. MORLEY BAIN SHERIFF, JUDICIAL DISTRICT 0F DURHAM 688-6808 D)urham Regional GPolice force (9POLICE AUCTION DURHAM REGIONAL 1POLICE FORCE 77 CENTRE STREET NORTH, OSHAWA, ONT. Saturday, September 29, 1984 SALE STARTS 10:00 A.M. BY PUBLIC AUCTION Whereas no0 daims have been made by the owner of the property In possession of the Durham Regional Police Force, by reason of having been stolen from lis owner, or by reason of having been found abandoned In a public place and the Force ls unable to ascertain Its rlghtfuî owner. Further that ttiese articles have been held more than the 3 months required. Articles for auction are as foîlows: bicycles; Hobard Mega ARC 400 welder, model R-400-S; Carolina tool & equipment power hacksaw and blades; other miscellaneous articles. Sale to be held at the rear of 30 William Street, Oshawa, Ontario. TERMS: Cash Jon. M. Jenkins Chief of Police à Wt-WEDTED AUCTION SALE SAT., SEPT. 29 11:00 A.M. Property of MRS. D.L. MAIRS ln Brougham at Brock Rd. and No. 7 Hwy. Sale of complete househoid contents, furniture, antiques, ap- pliances, including 9 piece walnut dining room suite, Evan's Bros. player piano with rolis, set of 5 pressback chairs, umbrella stand, pine bianket box, washstand, copper boiler, Tredie sewing machine, oak office desk, 26" Philco color T.V., 2 chesterfield suites, 3 piece walnut bedroom suite, 5 piece white oak bedroomn suite, rocklng chair, Philco 12 cu. ft. freezer (Ilke new), refridgerator, automatic washing , machiné, Hoover apartment size dryer, Hoover spin washer, air conditioner, propane stove, cups and saucers, blankets, linen, kitchen utensils, dump cart harness, steam engine reservoir pump, plus. large quantity of other articles. Owner giving Up housekeeping, terms cash, no reserve. JOHN ANNIS AUCTIONEER 655-4663 CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRI. SEPT. 28 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the L in- dsay/Little Britain Rd. The' Property of MRS. EDITH PLUMBTREE of JanetviIle plus others. 3 piece modern bedroom suite, chesterfield and chair, Quazar 26" color TV, oak sideboard, f lat 2- Wall cupboard, washstands, dry sink, antique dressers, pine blanket box, 6 mnatching pressback chairs, organ stool, mapie table and chairs, odd pressback chairs, pine chest-of- drawers, post cards, quantity of coins and bills dating 1918 to 1937, doils and children's china sets, large quan- tity of old Star Weeklys, quantity 0f china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE SAT., SEPT. 29 6:00 P. M. At Pearce Auction Cen- tre on Shirley Rd. 4 miles south 0f Port Perry. 1980 Ford LTD., Suzuki 250 motorbike, plus smaii estate with round oak table and leaves, set of 6 pressback -chairs, secretary desk, bar f ridge, furniture, ap- pliances, 12 string guitar, wood laths, new tools and much 'more. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 985-7492 AUCTION SALE TUES., OCT. 2 7:00 P.M. Estate of JESSIE MARIE BLAKE of 239 Dearbour- ne St., Oshawa. Many an- tiques, oak dressers, hi- boy dresser, pressback chairs, Crown sealers, old English china, war- drobe, vacuum cleaner, hall runners, rugs, smaIl Arborite drop-leaf table and chairs, 6 ft. step lad- der, garden tools ALSO turn of the century chesterfield, 'hi-fi, an- tique oak drop-leaf table (double pedestal with brass feet), solid pine coffee table, bed chesterfield, Acorn f ireplace, Johnny Pole desk, modemn triple dresser, buffet hutch, iamps, and much more. Snack bar. THE AUCTION WAREHOUSE ai 184 BOND ST. W. OSHAWA 434-6333 CORNEILS AUCTION BARN TUES., OCT. 2 6:30 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the, Lin- dsay/Little Britain Rd. Modemn dressers and chest-of-drawers, con- sole color TV's, coffee and end tables,' large quantity of household items, furniture, elec- trical appliances, tools, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 A UCTIONS FUN lFOR TH-E WHOLE FAMILY SPORTS INTEREST? Sharo your sports onihuslasm with young people as a volunteer ln aur Whltby Gym Program. The East- vlew Boys and Girls Club requires volunteers two hours a weok from Octobor ta Aprîl. Ex- collent experience for those on- torlng peopleoriented careers. No experience necessary. Training provided. Must be 17 years and up. By sharlng your en- thuslasm the Club can provîde an enrichlng experlen ce for youths. Oeil the Extension Program Co- ordinator, 728-5125. WANTED RELIABLE part-lime help ta worl n Pickering ares for Mandays anly. Must be able ta Ilft furnIture. For Information phono 418-985-8161. NEW DAY CARE CENTRE needa E.c.E. teachers, assistants, and coaks. cali 868-8200. ATTENTION STUDENTS Austin Topper chlmnoy Sweeps roquIre enthuslaaîîc, personable people ta cail and romlnd aur previaus cust* 1 orasaf tho nood ta have their cýlmnoy awept agaln. (This la ý0a, tcôi calling) Haurs Monday ta Thureday, 5:30 ta 9:15 p.m. Pleasant warklng conditions. Generous wagos. Oelil Miss Dick, "860226. DABYSITTER, REOUIR ED In my home for 4 year aid boy. Manday ta Frlday, noan ta 4 p.m. 688- 9234. NOW RECRUITINO Prestige Manufacturer seeks 10 Indepen- dent dealers. We affer challenge ..Independence.. earnings patentilof $450 per week... Incentives and benef ils.. management appartunily. Oell 723-3411. COOK AND WAITRESSES/ WAITERS WANTED Explorer Restaurant 668-031 E.C.E. WANTED for new Braakiin Day Care. Experience wiih Infan- ts and Speciai Needs Chiidren an asset. Resumes ta Box 344, Brooklin. ATTEND ONE THIS WEEKEND ADVERTISING SALESPERSON - mature with transportation. _____________________ Commission. No overnight travel, ~H E Pl P. Box 1156, Peterborough, Q.WANEDJ ~~ Iinerlaen H gei OPPORTUNUTY AND YOU Build a future with LINENWARE. We now have openings for LINENWARE Agents and management opportunities in the Area of Whitby. " BE SUCCESSFUL ... IT'S FUN ..îT'S EASY " DETERMINE VOUR OWN GOALS. " SET VOUR OWN HOURS. *PART TIMEOR FULL TIME. *NEW CONCEPT IN HOME PARTIES. *LINENWARE GUARANTEES $60 A PARTY For more information on becoming'a LINENWARE Agent in your area phone: SHIRLEY HAGERMAN SALES CO-ORDINATOR. PLACE The Holiday Inn, Oshawa TIME Wed., Sept. 26th - 10 a.m. tô 8 pm. Thurs., Sept. 27th -9:30Oa.m to1 p.m. PHONE NO. 576-5101 TENDERSI Durham RegÃonal. *PPolice Force DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE FORCE TENDER DRP 2185 POLICE FORCE VEHICLES Seaied Tenders wiiI1 be received at the of fice of the Chief of Police, 77 Centre Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, Up until 1000 hours, Wednesday, October 17, 1984, for the suppiy and delivery of Police For- ce Vehicles. Tender forms may be picked up or requested through the off ice 0fSuperintendent R. H. Bodley, between 0800 and 1700 hours, Monday through Friday. Telephone 579-1520, extension'236. Lowest or any Tender quotation not necessarlîy accepted. Jon M. Jenkins, Chief of Police. A D,0 1URH1A1MREGIONAL HOUSING AUTHORITY AN AGENT FOR THE MINISTRY 0F MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AND HOUSING INVITES SEALED TENDERS FOR: FIRE ALARM AND EMERGENCy POWER SYSTEM UPGRADING PICKERING OH.2 REFERENCE: DUR -T.S.-10/84 tenders will 'be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. on THURSDAY, OC.- TOBER 18, 1984, by the Durham Regional Housing Authority, 50 Centre Street South, 4th Floor, Rundle Tower, City Hall, Oshawa, Ontario, LI H 3Z7, c/o the Housing Manager, from whom details and specific- ations may be ob- tained, or telephone 725-3552, quoting Reference Number as above. The lowest or any tender not necess 1arily accepted. AUSTIN' TOPPER chimnoy Sweepa. Stoady chimnoy sweeping -empiaymenî wiih a busy weii esiabiished f irm. Ap- plicants must be f it, bondabie, iiconsed drivers in goad standing and nat afraid of heights. <Residenliai cleaninge) Applican- la must hayo Van or Pick-up with cab. Company wlii train and sup- piy ail equipment. $350 ta $400 a week la start, plus truck and gas aIiowances. Goad future with gaad people. 686-0226. 110A00 ~'DURHAM REGIONAL NOUSINO AUTNORITY AN AGENT FOR THE MINISTRY 0F MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AND HOUSING INVITES SEALED TENDERS, FOR: FIRE ALARM AND EMERGENCY <POWER SYSTEM UPGRADING, WHITBY OH-2 REFERENCE: DUR - T.S.-09184 Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. on THURSDAY, Oc- TOBER 18, 1984, by the Durham Regional Housing Authority, 50 Centre Street South,- 4th Floor, Rundie Tower,' City Hall, Oshawa, Ontario, L1H 3Z7, c/o the Housing *Manager, from whom details and specifications may be obtained, or telephone 725-3552, quoting Reference Number as above. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. WORD PROCESSING & Micro Computer Inlroductory courses. Three weok speciai. $95. Langer courses availabie with certificate and assistance in lob placement. 6832226. FOR OI~. e ,,~,, & . SIMPLE!1 The simple solution to cleaning storage probIemns in the attic and garage is a Classified Ad. WHITBY FREE PP.ESS............... 6686111