WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10,) 1984, PAGE 15 YOUR DINING PLEASIJRE Catch-22 has corne mto its own as a restaurant with class By MICHAEL KNELL F Free Press Staff After years of uncer- tainty, it seems as though Catch-22 has finally found its feet and for local people, looking for a restaurant wîth Sclass, it's a really goecl FAccording, to general manager Peter Solyom, the restaurant's future la bright and'is fast Jbeeoming one of the bs family restaurants in Durham Region. "You know, we, have more high chairs than anyone else in the JRegion of Durham," lie says, «"This 18 formost a family restaurant, for Ffamily dinlng." i Perhaps the key to Catch-22's survival is its diversity. For example, from Monday to Friday tliey have luncheon specials for $350 which include a choice of soup or salad and a ful course meal. 1 tried the special lest Thursday, cream. of chicken gumbo soup and lamb shish-ka-bab 'and it was excellent. On Saturdays from 5 to 9 p.m. and Sundays from 12 to 9 p.m., one entire room of the -301 Byron St. S. restaurant la devoted to their Smorgasborg. For $9.95 (plus sales tax), the diner gets to choose from over 100 items in- cluding hot and cold meats, salads and J~' 1~P? lb ~ deserts. The cen- trepiece Of the smorgasbord 18 a 100- lbs. Ponderosa hp of beef whicli is sliced right before your eyes. Thursday tlirough Saturday evenings, the bar room offers live en- tertainment with dan- cing to the sounds '0f either 1"The -Brook- fields" or Paul George and Des Hilon. Tuesdays at Catch-22 is Ladies' Night when for $9.95 the ladies can eat a steak and lobster dinner and refresh themselves fromn the bar at happy hour prices. And because, Solyom believes in equity, Wed- nesday is the man's might out with a prime nib dinner being served for $9.95. I arn fast running out of space to inform you of ail Catch-22's activities but there are a couple more items I would like to mention. Catch-22 is home to many of Whitby's ser- vice clubs and on New Year's Eve will hold a gala celebration under the sponsorship of the Whitby Jaycees, the proceeds of whicli will be used to help fund their many community projects. This is also rapidly becoming Whitby's place to hold a banquet or reception. Solyom says that there are only a few days open bet- ween now and the end of the year in whicli to book your group's or company's party. Catch-22 also lias one of the finest menus (from the fane point of view) I have seen in local restaurants for some time. Here are just a couple Of examples: Chateaubriand for two for $39.95; steak nep- tune (filet mignon stuf- fed witli crab meat), $19.95;- Lamb Dijon;. naise, $11.95; and, Poached Salmon Aida, fresh salmon poached in white wine and served witli a wine and mushroom sauce, $13.95. Their wine Eist is also somnething else. In- Fast and frlendîy servIce and good food Is the order of the day at the £Fîreplace. SOur menu in- cl udes a wlde range:.. of popular Items In. cîudlng banquet burgers, Western sandwiches, steak 'on a kaiser, sub-L marine sandwiches, .- and chlcken fîngers. We are also open for breakfast. We peel Sthe potatoes Our- Sselves -to gîve you ~ Sthe best homemade , 'frles. SAnd the coffee Is always freshly ground and brewed. Joîn us for lunch or gîve Mom a break for supper. - Opon 7ays a week. 308.Thickson Rd. SA V /h ...it ... .. .. . Try Our Fabulous SUNDAV-BRUNCH 0'Tooles Brunch has aIl the tasty, crowd-pleasing Items you would expect PLUS theso delîclous dishes *Fresh Poached B.C. Salmon *Hot Roast Beef *Chlcken Cacciatore *Swodish Meatballs We have a total of .27 mouth-watering Items that you'l love agaîn and agaîi Ali yours for only... 795 3 cwm -LhuhjaitLL..o.. Iyri. & Ufder 33 Taunton Rd. W. (at Simcoei OSHAWA cluded- is Chantovent ($18.75) and Bourgogne LaForet ($25.95). The list also includes many other less expensive but truly fine wrnes, botli FISK à SDouble NCHP HALIBUT AT ITS B EST! c0 WE'RE SERVING "TWO" PIECES 0F FISH WITH EACH ORDER. Mon.-Sat. 6 a.m.-9 p.m. Sun. a a.m.-9 p.m. 102 Lupin Dr., Blair Pur* Plaza Whltby668-8672 GOLDE'N GATE 107 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY 668-8321 This popular Chinese Restaurant is in- troduclng the SZECHUAN CUISINE for ail of you gourmets who like splcy hot dîshes. The Golden Gate also of fers a wlde selectlon of Canadian dîshes from roast beef to veal cutieti and pork chops. The Bo-Bo platter and the delîclous chioken fîngers are two dîshes worth trylngl1I Perfect for lunch or dînnerl WE DELI VER LARGE VARIETY 0F CANTONESE DISHES The great food and the fine wine is accom- panied by friendly ser- vice. and relaxing at- mosphere. For gracious 'dimng SINCE 1874. 11111FINE DINING LOUNGE EXPRESSi I LUNCHEON SPECIAL IIi~ Monday thru Friday 0 liii. Soup or side salad I III &a full course meal at MI fil $50 3 3 per person Mi I~ Don't forget to book for our Sat. & Sun. SMORGASBORG - ONLY 19.95 JjJIP301 BYRON ST. SOUTH W HITBY 66e43070 ~efRecpe fo Campbell's Kitchens Neyer be discouraged by turkey leftovers. By adding a few new and interesting ingredients such as diced tomato, cashews and raisins, you can create an entirely new and delicious meal. Golden Glow Potage* Turkey.and Rice Skillet* Hot Rolis 'Apple, Turnovers Golden Glow Potage 4 cups (1 L) thinly sliced carrots 1/4 cup (50 mL) chopped onion 1/4 cup (50 mL) butter or margarine 2 cans (10 ounces/284 mL each) Campbell's Condensed .Cream of Chicken Soup. 2-1/2 soup cans water 1/2 teaspoon (2 mL) grated lemon rind 1/2 cup (125 mL) sour creamn 1/4 teaspoon (1 mL) ground nutmeg In covered saucepan, cook carrots and onion in butter 25 minutes or until tender; add soup and water. Inîi bender, blend 1/2 soup mixture at a time until smooth. Return to saucepan. Add lemon rind. Heat; sûir occasionally. Meanwhile, combine sour cream and nutmeg. Serve as a garnish with soup. Makes 4 servings. Turkey and Rice Skillet 1/2 cup (125 mL) chopped celery 1/2 cup (125 mL) chopped green pepper 2 tablespoons (25 mL) butter or margarine 1/2 teaspoon (2 mL) marjoram leaves, crushed 2 cans (10 ounce/284 mL each) FrancorAmerican Mushroomi Gravy 2 cups (500 mL) cooked rice 1-1/2 cups (375 mL) cubed cooked turkey 1 cup (250 mL) diced tomato 1/2 cup (125 mL) cashews 1/4 cup (50 mL) golden raisins In frypan, cook celery and green pepper in butter with marjoram until tender. Add remaining ingredients. Heat; stir occasionaîlly. Makes 4 servings. r- - i i - ï- Air ,0-% VIV 1;-Pil fTJI vý [YI, j Fi V V ý5' f - Ir v 1 g A-C CCo.c , - 'ýl.ttLe