WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1984,> PAGE il Batten denounces acts of vandalismm Brooklin Parents sbould make their children - aware that vandalism produces a financlal burden on ail taxpayers Coun. Ross Batten says. Itappalis me," Bat- tenItold the Free Press last Friday, 'II could neyer understand why some people have to go o ut and destroy somebody else's proper- The forth ward coun- cilrsaid that Brooklin hs been particularly hard bit by vandalism of late. Batten said that the town, had been co- operating with Meadowcrest Public Sehool in the develop- ment of a basebali dlamond. Much of the work being done to prepare the ground for the diamond wil now have to be done over because of vandals. "Some idiot decided to drive over it with a four-wheel drive truck and do spins in the mid- dle of the field," Batten saidi. Vandals, he con- tinued, have attacked the BrookllnKiGnsmen Park where thousands of dollars have been spent erecting an exer- cise trial and installing pienie tables and ot her recreational facilities.' Batten, said that thoughtless vandals have burned many -of the picnic tables and done damage to the exercise tables. Many youths, he ad- ded, go to the park to drink and do other things "which aren't prmntable in the newspaper." They often' leave scores of broken beer botties lying around. d'This sort of behaviour just irritates mne," Batten said. "I Pos ties' big day Last Thursday was a big day at the Whitby Post Office. Not only did they celebrate 25 years of letter carrier service in Whitby but one of their own was honored for bis community service work. In the photo above, Mark Sheriff reéceives the Award for Outstanding Acievement from John Bodrug, general manager of the York Division of the Canada Post Corporation. Sheriff, who bas been 'a Witby letter carrier for 10 years, was honored for bis efforts on behaîf of the local March of Dimes, the Oshawa Folk Arts Council, the CHOO-Chili Cook-off, and'the Whitby Santa Claus Parade and other local organizations. His co-workers have, speculated that with ail bis other interests the 33- year old Oshawa just barely has the time to deliver the mail." In the photo below, four of the original seven letter carriers cut the cake to celebrate the 25th aâniversary of home servi ce in Wbitby. Bil Skitteral, Keith Laundry, Harold Colins and Gordie Wild ail star- ted in' 1959 wben home.service was introduced. 0f the other three original letter carriers Bll Vaughn is now the local superintendant of retail delivery and collection; Gerald Parsons is a placement officer with Canada Post in Markham; and, Ken Brown is no longer with the post of- fice. Free Press Staff Photos think we should make an appeal to the tax- payers. Parents should make their eilidren aware that they end up paying for vandalism through their property taxes." While he admits that "owe're neyer going to get rid of vandalism" making parents and their children more aware of the costs of vandalism should help keep it down. Ilkfo*e 6la Chcken G1VEYOURCHHIDANADVENTCAIENDARONLY25C. The Advent Calendar is part child for just 25e~ with an yplur- of the Christmas tradition. chase of Kentucky Fried Chicken Every day from December 1 until at Scott's Chicken Villa. That's Christmas, your child gets to a $2350 value. peek b ehindanother window Watch your-child's face.ight to find a surprise picture. up as he peeks behind eachi While supplies lasy ou can wmndow Ifs only a pennye buy an Advenit Calenda or your a pek-. *BUSINESS FORMS *LEGAL CERTIFICATES *WEDDING INVITATIONS *NCR FORMS *CARDS e FOLDERS * LETTERHEADS & ENVELOPES * CATALOGUES "Te. 63-96 le e e - ý-