Whitby Free Press, 31 Oct 1984, p. 24

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PAGE 24. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31,1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS Whltby's Most WIdeIy Read CLASSIFVFD AL sû SERRAGESERVIESEHOaALOS ARTICLES ,,ARTICE SiJ M '. GOOSDS GOO jjFOR SALE 'FR SALE 'a A BLE A NTEN NA SERVICE la~~u O N S O K f e h s i on s m s s c i n i , i s ~ a GFEEUOPEAN TV.,$29995.513 Perry si.,Whit ,SI .D OAK rM, mînnows N warms eto rc.e.agesection Me ehn t CARD AND PALM READER by 668901. 36 1 88 Fumiture. 524 Smco tS W e'li ask you no questions, yet read' syou 75-18..e.i.S. like a book. Manv have Rnuunht hter ad1 EM LéI Tr.& I IJDOLCel. Ivice on ail problerns of lfe. One readlng Iwili convince you of her great Iknowîedge. Readings are private and Iconfidential. Seven days a week. IFor appolntment, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. ( 741-6019 MAINTENANCE-INDOOR AND OUTDOOR Painting and Decoratlng Work Guaranteed DURHAM D IVORCE SERVICE I $195. plus court costs.I 723-1616 I 3rd Year of Service CARD READINOS done by Merlan. For appointment caîl 666- 1584. LEAVE YOUR LEAVES to ual We do yard cieanlng, tree pruning and maintenance for reasonabie rates. Cl 725-6732. LIVE-IN HOUSEKEEPER. Ex- perienced. Love chlidren. 426- 0877. MATURE RELIABLE LADY wili do generai house work, experience over 15 years, own tranapor- tation. Cali Barbera et 725-9154. WANTEDI Items on conslgniment for auctîon to be held l IBowmanvllle Oct. 20 to 27. g Cal 623-3903 ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING SERVICE *Etc. eReasonable Rates Builder Inqurles Welcome 728-1157I RELiABLE house cleaning. COLOUR ANALYSIS Reasonabie rates. Cail 661564 Dîscover the colours or 666&3680. &shades that Com- pliment your akîn THEGENERAL tone & enhance your CONTRACTORS bèst feattures. ýSpecIaiizing ln asphaît OnIy $30 pr onulaton ing and repair, concrets Ol$3 C slation repah-, landsc:ping, I:wn -2770 ur upa. No job to smail we do it .2770ail. Fre Estimate. Cail 579- 454, anytime. FREI EiATIONAL SERVICES FRE- Drop Int the DIckson gs Prlnting & Office Supply store ln 'GRAMMAR for People who hate the Ajax Plaza and pick Up a free grammar" la the Ideal pocket copy of their 1984 Matrie Calen- reference book for business dar. Prlnted In two colours. fi People. $3.95 per copy andi avaiu- makes for handy reference. 683. able et Dickson Prlnting & Office 19M. Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Dealer enquiries Invited 683-19U. .FORjENj. NNNEMENITS 1YPEWRIT ER rentai, many makes> CONGRATULATIONS. on your and models, by the weekend, forthcoml.ng marriage. Please week or month. ,plscounis aval - vlew our sampies of engraved able. Dlckson Printlng & Office wedding Invitations et your lei- Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Caii sure In our Ajax Plaza store. Dick- us for business machine repairs son Printing & office supplies 683-19w. 683-1968. LAMUles CAL*Il 1 AI Please check your advertisement for e.-rors on the f irst day of publication. The Whîtby Free Press wili flot be hiable for falure to pubîîsh an ad, or for typographic errors in publica- tion beyond'the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the flrst insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or reject al advertise- ments. Ads must appear in the oaper one day before they can be changed or canceîled. CLASSIFIED RATES: $350 for 20 words; 1 le each addition- aI word if pre-paid. You may charge your Cîassifîed Ad to LOST Sheriden Malil arna. Smail grey fernale poodie, rod coliar, needo medicetion. Reward. 925- 7813. ~FLORIDIA i0 VACATION16 iceS.. Clearwater.- Three bedroom BUY/RENTI moiehms etdpools,- tniclose to beaches and aj etaclncle n WANTED antique old furnIture, mj20uj china and glass. Phone 655-3526. weekiy fIss than motel orm) 683-5503 OUALITY HANDMADE crafîs -anted on connlnnmnnsfr g k country style gift shop. Muet be completely handmade and of good quallty. Christmas decorations welcome. Cai 723- 8438, between 10 arn. - 6 p,. IUSEDI APPLIANCESI (Wrigor Not> ROOM FOR RENT. Room and board, $80. Room and kitchen facilities, $50. Abatainer, tomaIs to share with other. Phone 668- 0115. WHITBY- reliabie' person to shars 3 bedroom townhouse, $250 monthiy. Ses anytime et 943 Burns St. W., No. 13. VILLAGE HOME 10 miles north of Whitby, close to skling and golf, $210 monthly, non-smoker pis.. 655-4035. MODMATION GnWANTED URGENTLY REOIJIRED. One bedroomn apartment, Whitby area. Phone 668-7101 before il arn. or after 9 p.m. FOR SLEIRENTý MUST SELL Ajax, Westney Helghts, 17 Stockbridge Cree. Minutes from GO Train, 2 storey brick, 3 bedroom, beautifuliy decormted, finish roc room, 19k yemrs old, assumnabie mortgmge Of 356,000 et 10% due 1986. Asking $82,900. Moving, must ssii. Cmli enytime. Malce mn offer. 686-4911. Open House Sturclay and Sundmy, 10 m.m. to 8 p.m. .7FFRRE REENT WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for rent on professional floor. Would b. sultable for iawyer, accountant, etc. Rent Includes ait utilîties and ls negotieble for mn appropriate caîl 686372 betweon 930e.m. and 5 p.m. Mondey to Fridey. W i2 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE BOATS &1978 DODGE 2 door, 6 cylinder, SUPPLIES good condition, good tires, 39000 miles. Phonoe66-948 IWE BUY, SELLI REONITON GARDENIN MAINTENANCE Residential,, Commercial. Pruning, tree removai, sidewalks, patios, fencing, lawns seeded, sodded, fer- tilized, 30 years. Durham Reglon. 623-3299 AUVOTIVE U REPAAPARIPARTS, DON'T LISTEN to nyone else, we pmy top dollar for scrap cars and trucks. 668-9712. CAR REPAIRS bodywork, tune- ups, paint job, etc. Reasonable rates. 668-7620 anytime. PROP à SKEG REPAIRS (5 day service). Expert boat repeirs - do- It-yourseif fibregless "supplies. Oshawa Glss Fibre - Raypiex, 341 Durham St., 579-1433. 1 1978 DODGE 2 door, excetlent condition, pse., p.b., 33,100. Phone 666-3449. TRAILER?1 FOR SALE 38' HOUSE TRAILER on scenic batn, iriage, stove, etc. Master bedroom and 2 bunks, 10x24' dock andi gardon shed. Locaed on Scugog Iland. Asking $6,500. Cal 1655-4069.ur tu VISIT our usea turniture ware- house by appolntment. Big savings on desk, chair, fllng cabinets, etc. Cal Dikon Print- ng & Office Supplies to arrange an appontment to view. 683- 1968. BARRElLS - WIskO, $25. Rum, $30. Guranteed, wet, f ree delivery. 686&145 Or 686-257. DISiIWASHER green, Inglis, por- table, cmn b. converted tô bulît-, FURNITURE STIPPING Refinishing & Custom Upholgtery ANTIQUES BOUGHT&SOLD FIREWOOD FOR SALE ALL SEASON HARDWOOD 576-8340 or 723-2021 CHECK OUR LOW EVERYDAY PRICES On new chesterfields, bedroom sets, colonial dining rooms, and kitchen suites, beds, etc. ELMER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor St E. (At RIteon) Oshawa Charlie has decided flot ta makle his own paper from pulp but ta rather order it from Diclison Printing & Office Supplies'where the prices open your eyes. GEOTYPE press-on tettering now n stock at Dickson Printing & 0f- f ice Supplies ln the Ajax Shop- ping Plaza. Large selection of stylos and sizea. Why pay more for a smeiler sheet of iettering? 6n'.1968. ~Now Ope~' H HNDMADE SMEMORIESe + Quality handcrafled ' G FTS A PERSONAL TOUCHI 1~A~34 4U SALE 'SALE SA LE Electrolux machines as low as .$299.50, whlle supplies last. Cali now and try one in your home. 723-4163 no obligation. WASHER & DRYER workîng order, white, G.E., $500 Negotîable. Evenlngs or Weekends 427-6922 VITAMINSI VITAMINSI Importent Notice to &Il our vitemin customners. Now an extra 5% discount mnd mn mdditionai 5% for seniors. Cmli Mr. Aiton for your Jammeson Mail order Price Lisi, 728-4894, 725-5310. WATKINS products elso avaliabie. ýTTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTUSERS your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa Card ready when caîîing. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the firsi 100 words; 12c each additionaî word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the f irst 50 words; 12o each additionaî word. AUCTION SALES - 34o per Uine. (No word ads aîlowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additional charge of $2.00. The Whltby Free Press wiII make every en- Become a carrir-today. Learn* to be a business person with. responslblllty'W*hlie .earnlng money. Become the Outtand. Ing carrier f the month mnd' become a winneri Talk to our Circu.lation Manager. CaOU 86111 Todmyi WHITBY FREE PRESS ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE AND MORE... M-f deavour to forward repliesto box numDers, however, we ac. cept no iability regardlng loss or damage aîleged to arise through failure or deîay in forwarding such replies. We wilI not be responsible 'for box number replies not called for' withîn 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to Insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to Insert or cancel Emporlum Ads. CALL 668-6111 J. -i -2

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