Whitby Free Press, 31 Oct 1984, p. 25

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WHITBY FREE PR Last week's A. Bro oklinWhitby hockey resuits Whitby's Most WideI-y Reac m d ~~7EDWANTED CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FR1., NOV. 2 6:0ô P.M. Three miles east of Little BrItain or 7 miles West of Lndsay on the Lin- dsay/Llttle Brîtain Rd. The estate of the late MARJORIE HENDER- SON of Coboconk plus others. Coidspot uprlght freezer fridge, apartment size dryer, pinbali machine, mantie dlocks, washstands, Iron bed - brass trlm, Blacksmith anvil, wicker carniage, quantity of postcards, quantity of coal oll lam- ps, parlour tables, Bachmann N Scaie eiec- tric train, 1/" drlili press, 225 Lincoin electric welder, quantity of mechanIcs tools, car- nival glass, handmade. qulîts. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE SAT., NOV. 10 Furnîture, horse harness equipment, ,farm lm- plements. The property of WALLY AND MARGE TOMKINS, 3 miles east of Claremnount 'fo side road, 6, south to,.farm., Color TV, Hammond organ, round oak table, bu ffet and 6 chairs, f ridge, freezer, washer, diryern complete househol'd furnlshIngs, McLaughlln ,cutter, plough, mower, Harrows, 1$70 1/ ton truck, assor- tmnent of tools, etc. Ter- ms cash. Sale at 11:00 a.m. NORM & PHIL FAULKNER <AUCTIONEER CORNEILS AUCTION BARN TUES., NOV. 6 6:30 P.M. Three miles east of Lttle Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lin- dsay/Littie Britain Rd. Property of MAS. B. CLARKE of Little Brtain. Washstands, 3 piece modern bedroom suite, pine drop-leaf table, air- tight stove, oak library table, bed chesterfleld, coffee and end tables, chesterfields, chrome kitchen suites. A good sale of modemn furniture and household Items. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 Sick Room Equipment Loan. Service 1Monthly program starts - you start when it's convenient for you. 2 Shorter program lengths - youll De on the job market sooner. I__Concentrated A No previous job * school hours - 4sklls necessary Iwork part-time or we specialize in *manage a family training you. whlle you study.5 Financial assistance I or Cli fo may be avallable Wr&*I Cal o FREE Information Y YES send meym wtochr, ONAJ Nome ________BUSINESS m. COLLEGE City "4A Cointre St. N Postal__Code OSHAWA ~ Poili Code576-9175 I *Phione__________ __I lu M M ---M -M - M -M -- -M M WORD PROCESSINO Speclal $185. Wth certiflcate and job placement. Longer courses avallable. 683-2226. WANTED BOYS AND GIRLS. Whltby, Ajax and Plckerlng ares. To work weekdays alter echool seellng confectlonarles for reglatered charlty. Phone 579- 0847, Mr. varalo. HELP WANTED from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Apply at 5ubmarlne Machine, 201 Dundaa St.. W., Whitby. MOLLY MAIO sa excepting Sp. plicationa for lght houseworjç in Whltby. call 668-9673. *ABYSrrER for two boys, ln my home, evenings only, Ken- dalwood Plaza area, mature per- son requlred. 728-9005. LOOKINO FOR A CAREER IN ADVERTISING?ý Downtown business requires that person who: *Possess good com- munication skills; *H-as ambition and self conf idence; 0 Is eager to learn; els capable of earning an above average in- come; *And is not afraid to work for it. If you possess these qualities drop in and see us. Experience not necessary. Start immediately. Come in to our office anytime Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 131 Brock St. N., Whitby. HELP FIGNT KIDNEY DISEASE, TEN DERS INVITATION TO TENDER SEALED TENDERS for the projects or services iisted below, addressed to the Chief, Contract Administration, Ontario Region, Public Works Canada, 4900 Yonge Street, (lOth Floor), Wiliowdale, Ontario M2N 6A6, wiii be received un- tii 1500 hours on the specified closing date. Ten- der Documents can be seen, or obtained on payment of the applicable deposit, through the of- fice of the Director General, Public Works Canada, Ontario Reg ion, Tendering Office, lOth Floor, 4900 Yonge Street, Wiliowdale, Ontario. PROJECTS No. 170347 - WHITIBY, Ontario 209 Dundas Street East, Cleanlng. CLOSING DATE: Thursday, November 22,1984 DEPOSIT FOR TENDER DOCUMENTS: NIL E N QUI1RI1ES: 416-224-4240 The lowest or any tender ted.s not necessarily accep- CLEANING CONTRACTORS Provide Window Cieaning Services at the Ontario Govt. Building, 33 King St. W., OSHAWA, Ont. Tender No. ORI-84- 160 Sealed Tenders wili be received until 2:00 p.m. local timne on TUESDAY, NOVEM- BER 13, 1984. Tender ,Documents may be obtained fromn the Ontario, Ministry of Governiment .Ser-, vices, Orlillia District Office, 24 James St. E., Box 790, Orillia, Ont. Note: For further in- formation regarding the tenders, please caîl the Tenders 0f- f ice at the above ad- dress, Telephone (705) 325-7403. The iowest or any Tender flot necessariiy accepted. O Ministry of Government Services Ontario INDOOR PLANT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTORS Provide Indoor Plant Maintenance for a two year period at the Ontario Govt. Building, OSHAWA, Ont. Tender No. ORi-84- 123 Sealed Tenders wil be received until 2:00 p.m. local time on - TUESDAY, NOVEM- BER 20, 1984. Tender DQcuments may be obtained f rom the Ontario Ministry of Government Ser- vices, Orillia District Office, 24 James St. E., Box 790, Orillia, Ont. Note: For further In- formation regarding the tenders, please cali the Tenders Of- fice at the above ad- dress, Telephone (705) 325-7403. The iowest or any Tender fo necessariiy accepted. Ministry of WiGovernment Services Ontario PHOTOCOPYI NG 666111 OR LESS M,,B.M. PUBLISHING OUT OF A JOB? Not Anymore! I1 Corne and Join our telephone sales team In Ajax. Homemakers most welcome. Not experienced? We wiii train. We offer an attractive salary plus commission, pgrt-time only. Choose the shift you p.m. So, what'are you wating for? After ail, when the going gets tough, the tough get going. Calil686-3052 Vanderlinde scored the W] markers for Dom's. Nt Lasco Steel walked Mi over T.?. Sportswear 5- Se ïhitby Maîl Video and lei] Yetman (2), David itchell (2) a nd'Shawn elby for Double N. RESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER3 1, 1984, PAGE 25 TENDERS The following are the resuits from the Brooklin-Whitby Minor Hockey Association Iweekend games. The Novice Hideaways lost to Pickering by a score of 2-1. The Whitby goal was .scored by Wayne Primeau. However, Whitby Novice beat Markham by a score of 3-0. Goalg were by Wayne Primeau, Jim Brown and Tim Chai. The minor atom Checker Variety (Whit- by) beat Pickering by a score of 5-4. Whitby goals were by Jamie Pogson, Adam Mcleod, Cameron Poland, Brett Rayne and Brodie Richards. The Peewee No. 2 County Bowl out-scored Central Sports Blackhawks in the. LNHL by a score of 3-1. Jarred Stevens, Jamie Breausseau and Mark Woitzik made the points for Whitby. The County Bowl Peewees lost to Ajax 6-1. The Whitby marker was by Jarred Stevens. The Whitby Peewee No. 2 tied the LNHL Bruins 1-ail. A good ef- fort by Vineze Seleto -made the tie possible. Finally in the minor bantams Peacock Spor- ts and Crouch Collars hammered Kingston Township by a score of 12-1. Goals were scored by Gret Rermue (1),' Brian Munro- (2), Adam Foot (1), Chris Guilbert (1), Todd Wilson (3), Brian Mueggler' (1), Sean Hoit (1) and Keith Primeau (2). In the major bantams, Whitby Optimist loat to Richmond Hill 3-2. Whitby markers were by Troy McKay and Jim Moore. In bouse league action Whitby Dominion Har- dware took Pizza Delight to task, beating them 5-3. Pizza Delight goals. were scored by Dave Gallager (2) and -Glen Boties (1). Scorers for Dominion Hardware were unavailable. Also in league action Scott's, Chicken Villa à beat Gus Brown Pontiac 1 Buick by a score of 2-1. Jodi Deucet and John Phillips were the goal scorers fro Scott's and 1 Ray Ryan~ for Gus 1 Brown. J In the midget house 1 1.- Lasco Steel's' efforts were by Peter Clayton (2), Dale Babiy, Wade Clarke, and 'Bull O'Meara. Rick Dyment scored the only T.P. Sportswear goal. Lasco Steel also took on Sungold, destroying them. 7-0 Peter Clayton- and BiR O'Meara scored 2 goals each and the rest going to Brad Horner, Steve Dorimer, Glenn Mizen and Allen Bickle. In the bantam league, UAW 222 beat Danforth Typewriter 5-1. UAW's goals were scored by Andrew Vanderlinde (2) and Scott Fairbrother, Steven Short and Bian Duff. Danforth's goal was scored by'Brian Tompson. The outcome between Roy's Enterprise and Brooklin Concrete went to Roy's 3-2. Roy's goals were by Brad Moore (2) and Mark O'Dell. Jay Moore and Jay Sum- mers scored for Brooklin. Continwing in bantam, Whiterose Nursery tied with Brock Video. Mike Neugebaur scored for Whiterose and Dwight Claxton, scored for Brock Video. The final action in the bantam house league was Dom's Auto Parts 5 and the Smiling Drillers 6. Kevin Washer scored three for Dom's with the other two goals going to James Hibbert and Jeff Perog. Peter Defina led the scoring for the Drillers with four goals, followed Up by Mark Ainsworth and Jim Fawcett, each with one. In the atom, division Exclusive, Hair Design was trampled on by Tot- tem Sims. Michael Lawrence scored for Exclusive Hair Design. For' Totten Sims, Sandy Cohen >(2)9, .Mike Croucher (1), Chris Powell (2), Bob Publow (2) and Blair White (1), scored. Victoria and Grey Trust tied with Duff's Towing 2-ail. Goals for Victoria and Grey were by Mike Rowlands and Shawn MacDonald. Wayne Stephenson scored both goals for Duff 's. Brooklin Esso was embarassed by ITT Cannon by a score of 9-1. ITT Canon goals were by Jeffrey Thorne (2), )wane Torrens (2), Tom Macinnon (1),

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