Whitby Free Press, 7 Nov 1984, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS Whitby Littie Theatre opens new season with 'hit' comedy Women". Director Paul Spencer and bis all-female cast of 35 are working hard to polish this 1930' look at the shenannigans of THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WH ITBY NOTIC.E0F INTENTIO 'N TO CHANGE THE NAME >OF ASTREET TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation 0f the Town of Whitby Intends to pass a by-iaw to change the name of Hanover Street to. Hanover Court., The change ln street. name MiI apply to Hanover Street, as shown below, being composed of- Part of Lot 29, Concession 2, Town of.Whitby. The proposed change ln street name refiects the Town's pollcy of referrlng to cul-de-sacs (dead- ended road ailowances) as courts as opposed to streets. I AND TAKE NOTICE that the Operations Commit- tee of Councl wiii, at the hour of 7:30 p.m., on the lgth day of November, 1984, ln Committee Room One of the Whltby Municipal Builing, 575 Rossiand Road East, Whitby, Ontario, hear any persona who diaim their lands wlii be adverseiy af- fected by the by-law and who apply to the Clerk to be heard. DATED at Whitby, Ontario, thîs 24th day of Oc- tober, A.D., 1984. Donald G. McKay Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whltby 575 Rossiand Road East Whitby, Ontario Li N 2M8 Phono: (416)068-58003 I By BERT HEAVER Whitby Littie Theatre opens it's current theatre season with Clare Booth Luce's cat- ty comedy, "The high society women, somewhat llke an earlier version of the now-familiar television soapa" Tickets for this production are now on sale at Middletons Stationery, Dundas St. W., Whltby or phone 668- 2492 during regular business hours. This production runs Nov. 8, 9 and 10, and Nov. 15, 16 and 17. Cur- tain timne is 8 p.m. The usual performance for senior citizens is Nov. 7 at 7:30 p.m. Admission is, free for seniors that evening. <On a trial basis, W.L.T. la offering a seat-sale of two for one, for openlng night, Thur- sday, Nov. 8 for any fuily-active member' of any . Little Theatre group. This offer is good only at theatre door on the night of the perfor- mance, upon proof of membersblp in a Little Theatre group. FIve dollars buys two tickets. The guest does not necessarlly have to be a Theatre Group mem- ber. This 15 part of a promotional drive by W.L.T. to, help increase openlngnlgbt audien- ces. Watch for audition notices ini early Novem- ber for, "Cat On a liot Tin Roof," scheduled i ypewrnr RENTALS' T also SALES&, SERVICE ;ub ini a scene from the Whitby Little Theatre's Free Preas Staff Photo for presentation ini mid- February. More detail wll be provided at a later date. EDITOR'S NOTE: Bert Heaver la the publiclty director off the Whltby Little Theatre. MEETING The Oshawa et Of the One F Familles Associai: Canada .meets uesda at 8 p.m. Andew'SUnited ch, 71 Simcoe Si Oshawa.. .Aul Meetings are to the public anc members ae, Wel For more inforin cail .579-733Ç8 or 579à. BAYMoAR EA (Government Licensed/ Government Approved) NURSERY SCHOOL For Chlldren 2 to 5 .Years OId NOW OPEN 6:3am 6pm Monday thru Friday ail year, except Canadian Statutory Holidays We provide a Full Day, Haif Day and ýHourly Program with an abunidance of safe new toys and equipment for fun and -earning. 4IBNHEY SUfR BAY-EARE EHNTRE, Also provides f ul1ly cqual ified staf f To Teach, Love and Guide your chlld.,through ta Grade 1. A HONEY BEAR DAY-CARE DAYý includes 3 Meals per day, prepared by a competent, nutritionally aware 000k. FOR MORE INFORMATION AND ENROLMENT ~ PLEASE CALL 668-6200 A FULLY GOVERNMENT APPROVED NURSERY SCHOOL FOR YOUR CHILD hapter Parent ion of every at St. Chur- The Church Speaks Sponsored by the -WHITBY MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION 3 1&..0. ýBy THE REV. STANLEY ISHERWOOD opew St. J<ohnl Anc < aChurch coe.In the comfort 0f rnyý T.V.- room, sgur-rounided'by n ation mY son's toys, I 58w yesterday.in ýa -period ,of 4043 perbaps twenty minutes two newsý reports;con- trasting dramaticaily wlth one another and wlthmy own way of 111e. ý11 First there was a report from -fatnine-struck Ethiopia which may not see:thé 'relief of rain for Yet another year. In a refugee camp we saw the'old and the Young succumbing to starvation - the con- demned many looking on as the fortunate, few, the best prospects for life, were granted just enough food to sustain them. Help had not been forthcomling from the West, the commentator ,said, because Ethiopia is seen as a country in the Russian sphere of influence.. What do those starving millions know of politics? Then we switched to East Germany, very much a Russian sattelite, where the citizens are avowediy socialiat, probably repressed, but under-privileged? - I doubt it. Here, the commentator told us, there is littie unemployment but also next to no freedom 0f job choice;. there are no video arcades but there la political control 0f the children's lives; only one in five familles have telephones but anyway, thmkt1nmg and speaking one's mind can be dangerous. Then I turn the T.V. off, walk past My new dish-ý washer, full fridge, telephone, upetairs in my com-' fortable bouse and wonder, ,What hma al this te do' with me?" Thank You, God, for ail the wonderful thlngs which I bave. Thank you, Canada, for the beauty and goods which are so accessible. Thank you, you who fought, for the relative freedom which I have., Yes, I muasay "thank you", for the good thinga I have. But wbhat about the bad things which seem to » come. with them, unemployment, pornography,- drug addiction? Don't I bave an equal responsibility to speak to themn? Perhaps there te some sort of equation which says that in proportion as 1 .njoy the godi thimgs of ife I should work to overcome thse bail. I beieve that everyone who reads these words would be surprised at the amount Of influence which, he or she bas available for the using. One person speaking his mmnd la more powerfui than fïfty keeping quiet. I don't believe that Our way of life la aIl good and that East Germanys s lil bad, but one thÀng we Canadians do bave gomng for us ia the freedom to speak out and be heard, to influence1 others. SThe vision of the starving millions in Africa returna and another equation suggests itself: ,in proportion as I enior thse good daings of ife 1Ishould sek tosare tisem wish osisers. it could be by sbaring of myself, by financial support of others, bypressuring gover- nments, but it should be. S As Christians we are called to pray'and work for the coning of the kingdom of God. To know wher and how we don't have te look very far - certainly no farther tlan our'...sets. Sylvia, played by Lana Rickard, reclines in ber batht production 0f 'Womeén'. .1 M% Free Press Staff Photo MM"" f zmmp uu a-

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